
  1. 房地产市场的畸形发展,导致房价泡沫。

    Abnormal development of the real estate market led to the housing bubble .

  2. 不同的变量冲击对房价泡沫的影响的方向、程度大小不同。

    The size and positive or negative effects of the housing bubble from different variables impulse different .

  3. 但在史上最大的房价泡沫面前,理论并不能提供多少指导。

    But when it comes to the biggest house-price bubble in history , theory does not get you very far .

  4. 本次衰退有两个触发因素美国房价泡沫的破裂和信用泡沫的破裂。

    There are two triggers - a bursting of the US house price bubble and a bursting of the credit bubble .

  5. 这意味着在一个平稳的宏观经济环境中,这种正反馈作用可能会引发经济过热和房价泡沫。

    This means that such positive feedback mechanism will bring about economic overheating and house price bubbles in a stable macro-economy environment .

  6. 发展中世界的银行业危机同样往往发生于房地产兴旺发展的巅峰期,或紧随房价泡沫破灭之后。

    Banking crises in the developing world have also tended to happen at the peak of housing booms or just after a bust in prices .

  7. 美国和其它高收入国家的金融危机以及与此密切相关的几个大型房价泡沫的破裂,也会产生同样的效果。

    So , too , will the financial crises in the US and other high-income countries and the closely related collapse of several huge house-price bubbles .

  8. 陈星言的父母在上海附近建立了一家盈利不错的房地产企业,但在政府担心房价泡沫化的情况下,地产属于被遏制的行业。

    Karen Chen 's parents built a profitable property business around Shanghai , but with the government trying to rein in real-estate prices , the business is struggling to grow .

  9. 第二部分为泡沫和房价泡沫的理论基础,介绍了泡沫的定义、分类、检验方法,以及房价泡沫的相关文献。

    The second part is the theory basic of bubble and housing bubble , we introduced the froth definition , the classification , the inspection procedure , and the house price froth related literature .

  10. 在经济一片大好时,他警告读者注意互联网狂热和房价泡沫,并通过一些关于婴儿保姆关系网、淘金潮或者热狗制造商的寓言故事,让读者了解经济。

    His readers were warned in good time to beware of the dot-com craze and the housing bubble , learning about the economy through parables about a baby - sitting circle , a gold rush or a hot-dog manufacturer .

  11. 全球房价,泡沫即将破裂?

    Fracture Global Housing Price , Bubble Is Leaky ?

  12. 4月份,中国消费者价格指数同比增长超过5%,中国官员再次承认中国大城市房价存在泡沫。

    In April , consumer prices in China rose more than 5 % , and Chinese officials have repeatedly acknowledged a housing bubble in major cities .

  13. 实证模型分别用北京(2006-2010)数据和美国(1991-2006年)数据做对比分析,之后又利用偏相关系数构造了房价投机泡沫度指标。

    The model uses Beijing 2006-2010 year data and American 1991-2006 year data makes a contrastive analysis separately , afterward we using the partial correlation coefficient constructed the house price index .

  14. 但国际货币基金组织指出,各大主要城市的房价依然存在泡沫。

    But the IMF points out that property prices in major cities still look " bubbly " .

  15. 说实话,房价和信用泡沫破灭后引发的一系列经济活动都是真实的。

    In truth , the economic processes unleashed by the bursting of the housing and credit bubbles are real .

  16. 现在该地区的房价是房地产泡沫破裂前的47%。

    The prices there remain 47 % below what it were before the housing bubble burst .

  17. 不计通胀,美国房价已几乎跌至泡沫时期前的水平(见图表)。

    House prices have lost nearly all the real gains they notched up in the bubble period ( see chart ) .

  18. 急速上涨的土地成本是否推动房价上涨?如此高涨的房价是否存在泡沫?若存在泡沫,如何衡量?这些都是亟需解答的问题。

    Does the rapidly rising land cost drive the housing price up ? Is there a bubble when the housing price is so high ? If there is a bubble , how to measure it ? These are the questions needed to be answered .