
  • 网络demand
  1. 保守党(Conservatives)借着提振房地产需求的承诺执掌了权力,比如遗产税优惠和一个令人难以接受的想法——出售公屋。

    The Conservatives sailed into power on a wave of promises that would boost the demand for property , such as inheritance tax breaks and an ill-received idea for selling off social housing .

  2. 当然,降低按揭利率也会增加房地产需求。

    Of course , lower mortgage rate increases property demand .

  3. SVM在房地产需求量预测中的应用

    Application of Support Vector Machine in the Forecast of Real Estate Demands

  4. 其次,利用归纳总结法和分析法找出了广州市住宅需求的主要影响因素,并利用SPSS软件对广州市房地产需求的影响因素进行了相关性分析。

    Secondly , we use inductive summary method and analysis method to identify the main factors of the Guangzhou City housing demand , and correlation analysis using SPSS software to detect the influencing factors of the demand for real estate in Guangzhou City .

  5. 我国房地产需求的地区差异分析

    The Analysis of Regional Difference of Demands for Real Estate in China

  6. 房地产需求模型研究

    Study on the Demand Model of Real Estate

  7. 房地产需求的分析与预测

    Analysis and Forecasting of Real Estate Demand

  8. 消费者对未来的心理预期会对房地产需求产生直接影响。

    Consumer psychology for the future real estate demand is expected to have a direct impact would be .

  9. 中印房地产需求猛增的一大推动力是人口增长。

    A big driver of the surge in demand for real estate in India and China is population growth .

  10. 然而,人们在家里可以真正发生在不久的将来,如此多的房地产需求吗?

    However , the people at home can really broke out in the near future so much real estate needs ?

  11. 长期以来,受住房体制改革、城市化进程加快等因素的影响,我国房地产需求旺盛。

    Along with housing reform and Urbanization speeding up and other factors , the exuberant demand for real estate has been drawn .

  12. 基于灰色理论的房地产需求分析&以安徽淮南市房地产市场为例

    Analysis on the Real Estate Market Demand Based on Gray Theory & Taking the Real Estate Market of Huainan City as an Example

  13. 例如,当希腊经济崩溃时,伦敦希腊裔居民比例较高的地区房地产需求明显增加。

    When the Greek economy imploded , for example , areas of London with a higher proportion of Greek residents saw a measurable pick-up in demand .

  14. 从光明的一面看,一些分析师强调了一些似乎表明持续一年的中国房地产需求低迷可能即将结束的数据。

    On the bright side , some analysts highlighted data suggesting the year-long slump in demand for Chinese real estate could be coming to an end .

  15. 地方政府预算(尤其是在中小城市)依赖土地销售收入,从而需要房地产需求和价格保持强劲。

    Local government budgets , especially in smaller cities , rely on land sales , which in turn are dependent on strong property demand and prices .

  16. 官方政策旨在到2020年吸引逾1.5亿农民到城市就业,预期该项政策将在未来数十年期间推动房地产需求。

    Official policies aim to coax more than 150m peasants into urban jobs by 2020 , a push expected to drive demand for real estate for decades .

  17. 笔者认为房地产需求、供给、房地产投资、房地产利润率是决定房地产周期的关键内生因素,在此基础上笔者首次提出核心传导链的观点,对内部传导机制理论进行了积极创新。

    I think the demand and supply and investment and the profit rate of the real estate industry are the critical internal factors of the cycle of the real estate industry .

  18. 经济的发展,如结构的调整和投资的转移,会产生人口进入效应和土地供应效应,会影响房地产需求的增加或下降。

    The development of economy should produce the function of population entry and land supply with the configuration changing and investment transferred . So it will affect demand of real estate .

  19. 借助灰色理论模型对城市住宅新增需求量、零售商业房地产需求量、建设用地需求量进行预测。

    Commonly the theory is used in the time series prediction . This article establishes a new model for forecasting demand of urban residential and retail commercial real estate and demand of construction land .

  20. 城市化过程中我国人口变化的趋势对城市房地产需求总量和结构产生重要影响,为房地产市场带来机遇和挑战。

    During the course of urbanization , the trend of population change exerts an important influence on the demand and structure of the real estate in urban areas , which has brought challenges and opportunities to the real estate market .

  21. 追踪中国富有人群的研究机构胡润研究院(HurunResearchInstitute)的数据显示,中国目前有约30400名富豪居住在辽宁省(大连是辽宁省的一个主要城市),这也是推动大连高端房地产市场需求的一项因素。

    Also driving demand for high-end properties is the fact that about 30400 of China 's millionaires live in Liaoning province , in which Dalian is a major city , according to the Hurun Research Institute , which tracks China 's wealthy individuals .

  22. 上海房地产投资需求发展与金融创新思考

    Consideration on Investment Demand Development and Financial Recreation of Shanghai Real Estate

  23. 影响房地产市场需求因素的灰色关联度分析

    Grey Correlative Degree Analysis of Factors Affecting Demands in the Real Estate Market

  24. 房地产宏观需求预测

    Macroscopic Need Prediction of The Real - estate

  25. 本文首先分析了我国房地产融资需求中的法律论证需求。

    This paper firstly presents the legal approval requirement for the financing demand in China real estate market .

  26. 房地产市场需求旺盛,投资此项目前景光明。

    The current real estate market demand is great , it is promising to make investment to this project .

  27. 目前中国内地经济和股市的繁荣,提升了对高端房地产的需求,甚至超过危机前水平。

    Each , as the buoyant economy and stock markets on the Chinese mainland lift demand for exclusive properties beyond pre-crisis levels .

  28. 而可支配收入对价格的影响并不显著,因此应加强对不合理的房地产投机需求的调控。

    Moreover , the disposable incomes do not noticeably affect the prices , so the control on unreasonable speculative demand should be strengthened .

  29. 本文利用可变参数模型对我国房地产市场需求、供给进行了动态的定量分析。

    This paper makes a quantitative dynamic analysis on demand and supply in our real estate market by using time varying parameter model .

  30. 从长远看,中国房地产市场需求潜力巨大,房地产业的发展前景十分广阔。

    In the long run , the potential demand about the real estate in China is tremendous , and its prospect development is broad .