
  • 网络real estate;The Real Estate Enterprises;Property Enterprise
  1. 福州市X房地产企业发展战略研究

    The Research on Development Strategy of X Real Estate Company in FuZhou

  2. H公司作为发展中的房地产企业,正面临日益激烈的市场竞争,机遇与挑战并存。

    H company as a developing real estate company is facing challenges and opportunities .

  3. 实行住宅产业现代化建设的理论思考&中国加入WTO房地产企业的对策和建议

    Theoretical Thinking of Modernizing Housing Industry & Countermeasures and Proposals to Real Estate Enterprises upon China 's WTO Entrance

  4. 房地产企业CRM的系统模型

    The CRM System Model of Real Estate Enterprises

  5. CRM在房地产企业的应用研究

    Study on CRM Application in Real Estate Enterprises

  6. 电子商务时代的到来赋予房地产企业以客户为中心管理新的内涵&客户关系管理CRM。

    The age of e-business has endowed customer-center management with a new connotation , which is called customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  7. 房地产企业成都LW公司杠杆收购方案设计

    The Design on Leverage Buy - Out for a Realestate Enterprise

  8. 房地产企业融资方式很多,BT模式项目融资有其特有的运作模式和优势。

    The real estate company has many ways of financing . Project financing of BT mode has its unique mode of operation and advantages .

  9. 在此基础上,提出了房地产企业CIS系统的个性化与同一化及其辩证关系,并对房地产企业CIS的基本内容作了进一步的探讨与说明。

    On the basis of this , it raises the dialectical relationship between the identification and the individualization of CIS system of real estate corporation .

  10. 最后建立房地产企业竞争力评价指标体系,运用AHP评价方法对我国四家房地产上市公司的竞争力进行实证研究分析。

    Finally a real estate enterprise competitiveness evaluation indicator system is established , using AHP to methods of evaluation of the competitiveness of listed companies for real estate empirical research and analysis .

  11. 中国加入WTO后,经济全球化、一体化的趋势对中国的房地产企业的影响日益凸显。一些资金雄厚,规模较大的国外房地产企业将进入中国,市场竞争的范围更为广泛。

    Along with china became a member of WTO , the tendency of economic globalization and integration will influent Chinese real estate corporation increasingly , some international real estate giants will enter Chinese market , competition scope expanded .

  12. 我国加入WTO以后,面对竞争日益激烈、运行更趋规范的市场经济,我国房地产企业如何提升竞争力,推动企业健康有序的发展,重视并加强战略管理具有重要的现实意义。

    After entering into WTO , facing with more fury market , how to improve the power of real estate enterprise 's competition , and promote the enterprises development , it has very important significance to study strategy management .

  13. 本文正是在此基础上,提出了房地产企业客户关系管理(CRM)设计模型,并探讨了实施客户关系管理(CRM)后如何进行投资回报(ROI)评价。

    So , in this paper , a CRM model is proposed , and more important , how to do the Return On Investment ( ROI ) estimate after the implementation is discussed .

  14. REITs的引进不仅能够为我国房地产企业开拓融资渠道,也能为社会闲散资金提供全新的投资方式,使中小投资者分享房地产业发展所带来的收益。

    The introduction of REITs will not only be able to provide a real-estate financing channel for enterprises but also provide new ways to invest for social idle capital .

  15. 首先,本文阐述了对客户关系管理(CRM)的认识,介绍CRM的理论基础、含义、国内外发展现状及在中国房地产企业中实施遇到的问题。

    First of all , this text has explained the understanding that customer 's relation management ( CRM ), introduced the theoretical foundation , meaning , domestic and international current situation of the development and question meting in Chinese real estate enterprises .

  16. 房地产企业品牌竞争力的构建与提升

    How to Build and Strengthen Brand Competence of Real Estate Enterprises

  17. 这是我国房地产企业共同面对的挑战,现代房地产企业必须适应这种挑战。

    All Chinese estate companies must adapt to the same challenge .

  18. 房地产企业信托融资研究

    Research on Real Estate Trusts Used by Real Estate Enterprises

  19. 整合营销:我国房地产企业的必要选择

    Integrated Marketing : The Necessary Choice for Real Estate Companies in China

  20. 重振房地产企业的辉煌,永远保持房地产企业的青春和活力。

    Revive the estate enterprise brilliant keep youth and vitality for ever .

  21. REITs&中国房地产企业直接融资的新渠道

    REITs & the New Way of Real Estate Enterprises ' Financing Directly

  22. 管理创新组合及房地产企业管理创新研究

    Study on Management Innovation Mixture and Management Innovation of Real Estate Enterprise

  23. 中国房地产企业资金链平衡研究

    A Study on Capital Chain Balance for Real Estate Companies in China

  24. 湖南本土房地产企业核心竞争力的培育路径

    Cultivating Path of Core Competence of Hunan Real Estate Enterprises

  25. 房地产企业项目管理体系的研究与应用

    Theoretical and Empirical Studies on the Project Management System for Real Estate Enterprises

  26. 规模经济&房地产企业发展的必由之路

    Economy of Scale & Inevitable Way for the Development of Real Estate Businesses

  27. 中小房地产企业既有自身独特的优势,又存在明显劣势;

    The middle and small real estate company has its strengths and weakness .

  28. 论房地产企业的名牌战略

    Discuss on the Brand Strategy of Real Estate Company

  29. 房地产企业核心能力研究

    The Study of Core Competence about Real Estate Enterprise

  30. 房地产企业税收筹划必要性和可行性研究

    Research on Necessity and Feasibility of Taxation Scheme of the Real Estate Companies