
  • 网络supply
  1. 这将导致房地产供给增加有限。

    This will lead to increase the supply is limited .

  2. 抵押贷款机制在扩大住房消费的同时,增加了对房地产供给的现实需求。

    The system of residential mortgage loans enlarged the consumption of residences and increased real estate need of supply .

  3. 它们在传导过程中会影响房地产供给和需求双方力量,进而影响到房价。

    Through these two channels in the role of the real estate market supply and demand sides of the power of influence prices .

  4. 房屋销售价格的加速上升会导致房地产供给的增加以及投机需求的增加,进而产生商业银行信贷需求的增加。

    The acceleration of home sales price increases will lead to real estate supply increase and speculative demand increases , commercial bank credit can cause increased demand .

  5. 通过建立房地产供给需求联立方程,分析国际短期资金如何通过影响房地产供求平衡从而拉动房价上升的。

    By building the simultaneous equations of real estate supply and demand , this article analyzes how the floating funds effect on the supply and demand and then pull the house price rising .

  6. 房地产供给大幅提高,不同类别的产品大量面市,而房地产企业在营销过程中手段单一、同质化程度过高使项目运作的风险性提高,可控性降低。

    Substantially increase the supply of real estate , a large number of different types of products available , while real estate companies in the marketing process means a single , homogeneous high degree of risk of the project to improve the operation , reduced controllability .

  7. 然后从理论和实证两个方面分析了房地产供给和需求关系、开发成本、商业贷款利率和家庭年收入四个主要影响因素对房地产价格的影响;

    And then on both theoretical side and empirical side , the affection that four chief dynamical factors including supply and demand relation of real estate , exploitation cost , business loan rate and family 's annual income affecting real estate price is analyzed in this paper .

  8. 其次,本文针对厦门市的实际情况,分析了厦门经济社会环境和房地产在供给、需求、金融和参与者方面的现状和存在的问题;

    Then it analyzes the current demand for and supply of houses in Xiamen .

  9. 高房价是在房地产市场供给层面和需求层面上,各相关主体相互博弈中逐渐形成的。

    The supply game and demand game of the real estate market cause the high price .

  10. 但房地产的供给受到土地供给的限制。

    But the supply of land supply is limited , it influence the supply of the real estate .

  11. 同时,重点对成都市房地产市场供给与需求状况,从不同角度、多层次、多方面进行了比较分析。

    Besides , this paper put emphasis on supply and demand state of real estate by comparative analysis from different angles , multi-level and many aspects .

  12. 首先,分析了武汉市城镇居民收入和住房消费的水平、房地产市场供给需求的现状和存在的问题。

    First of all , it discusses the income and the housing consumption of urban residents in Wuhan and the current situation of housing market in Wuhan .

  13. 随后,从嘉兴市房地产行业供给角度分别分析供给因素和需求因素对嘉兴市住宅房地产价格的影响。

    Subsequently , from the point of real estate industry supply view in JiaXing city to analyze supply factors and demand factors impact on residential real estate price .

  14. 一方面,通过金融机构的间接融资,房地产的供给和需求各因素的相互作用可以获得相应的货币供给的支持,从而对房地产价格产生影响。

    On one hand , by the indirect financing , the supply and demand factors of real estate , which affect the real estate price , can obtain relevant money supply support .

  15. 而房地产的供给则具有高壁垒性、易形成供给方结盟、对银行融资的依赖性与风险转嫁等特征;

    But the real estate supplies have the high barrier , easy to form the supplies side alliance , passes the burden and so on the characteristics to the bank financing dependence and the risk ;

  16. 很多市场人士仍认为,中国房地产市场因供给过剩存在巨大风险。

    There are plenty who still see huge risks in the Chinese property sector due to overcapacity .

  17. 但是,我国房地产市场资金供给渠道单一,存在较大的系统性风险,开发多元化融资渠道,发展多种风险冲抵工具是房地产行业的内在需求。

    However , there are some serious system risks in the real estate market in China , so real estate industry need various vehicles for resisting risks .

  18. 由于房地产市场的供给和需求总量总是处于不均衡状态,引起供需缺口的存在,如果供求缺口较大,将导致房价的过度波动。

    Because of the real estate market supply and demand in the total amount is not always equilibrium , the gap of supply and demand cause house price fluctuations .

  19. 笔者认为房地产需求、供给、房地产投资、房地产利润率是决定房地产周期的关键内生因素,在此基础上笔者首次提出核心传导链的观点,对内部传导机制理论进行了积极创新。

    I think the demand and supply and investment and the profit rate of the real estate industry are the critical internal factors of the cycle of the real estate industry .

  20. 尽管近几年建筑项目有所复苏,但他们的经济实力却回不到经济衰退前的水平了,有人称房地产市场的供给与需求尤其处在危险当中。

    Although construction projects have resumed in recent years and the city 's excesses are nothing like their pre-crash levels , some say the supply and demand of the real estate market in particular is very risky .

  21. 本文利用可变参数模型对我国房地产市场需求、供给进行了动态的定量分析。

    This paper makes a quantitative dynamic analysis on demand and supply in our real estate market by using time varying parameter model .

  22. 但是,由于国家的整体经济水平比较落后,加之市场发育较晚且不健全,近年来我国房地产市场一直存在供给过量和有效需求不足的矛盾。

    However , the contradiction between over supply and insufficient effective demand has been existing all the time in the Chinese real - estate market because of relatively low economic level and imperfect growth of the market .

  23. 房地产使用权的供给与需求构成房地产租赁市场,房地产所有权的供给与需求构成房地产买卖市场或房地产产权市场。

    The supply and demand of real estate form the real estate lease market . The supply and demand of real estate proprietary rights form the real estate buying and selling market or real estate rights market .

  24. 首先,通过定性分析我国1998年至今房地产政策对房地产供给和需求的影响。

    Firstly , the paper analyzed how the real estate policies have impacted on commercial housing supply and demand since 1998 by qualitatively analysis .

  25. 另一方面大量房地产投机使得房地产有效供给和有效需求失衡。

    On the other hand the massive real estate speculators caused the effective supplies and the effective demand unbalanced .

  26. 从房地产经济基本概念出发,对房地产市场供给理论、需求理论和供需平衡理论以及供需预测理论等将进行系统的总结和研究。

    Starting from the basic concepts of real estate economy , this part systematically summarized the real estate market theory , demand and supply and demand balance theory and so on .

  27. 房地产投资基金直接面向房地产市场的资金供给,以拥有房地产权益和进行房地产抵押贷款为主要投资形式,致力于长期投资,追求稳定的收益和资产保值增值。

    REITs , investing in the form of real property equity and mortgage asset , provide the real estate market with capital offering and are dedicated to long-term investment to purse steady returns and to insure capital increments .

  28. 所谓房地产存量市场是指已开发的现存房地产供给与需求;

    The real estate stock market is the demand and supply of existing real estate .

  29. 而流量房地产市场是指对正在开发或预期开发的房地产供给与需求。

    The real estate flow market is the demand and supply of real estate that under building or expecting to build .

  30. 对于利率与房地产价格的关系,本文分别从房地产需求方与供给方的角度进行了研究。

    For the relationship between interest rates and real estate prices , this article studies from the perspective of the demand-side and the supply-side separately .