
  • 网络House maintenance;regular maintenance of buildings and structures
  1. 按契约规定,房客负责房屋维修。

    Under the provisions of the lease , the tenant is responsible for repairs .

  2. 我不得不支付房屋维修费用。

    I have had to pay for repairs to the house .

  3. 上海市房屋维修资金管理中心(shanghaimunicipalhousingmaintenancefundmanagement),已成为至少3家上市公司的主要股东,尽管相关规定禁止其涉足此类风险性投资。

    The Shanghai government agency responsible for clearing drains and repairing lifts in apartment buildings has emerged as a leading shareholder in at least three listed companies , in spite of being barred from such risky investments .

  4. 在深圳证券交易所(shenzhenstockexchange)交易的3家公司中,上海市房屋维修资金管理中心位列10大股东之列,这些公司分属航空、电子和能源类公司。

    The agency whose full name is the Shanghai Municipal Housing maintenance fund management appears on lists of the top 10 shareholders of Companies in the aerospace , electronics and energy sectors traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange .

  5. 他受雇从事房屋维修工作。

    Keys : 1 . He 's employed on house repairs .

  6. 基于数据仓库的房屋维修基金管理分析系统研究

    Research on Housing Maintenance Fund Management Analysis System Based on Data Warehouse

  7. 美国劳动力成本高,房屋维修和清洁,是一笔较大的开支。

    U.S.labor costs are high , housing maintenance and cleaning , is a large expenditure .

  8. 房屋维修:72%的女性希望男人会将业余时间用在房子周围的维修上面。

    Home Repairs : 72 % of women want a guy who will spend his free time doing jobs around the house .

  9. 奥特威现在心情愉快,无需再为花园、房屋维修以及每天步行一英里去取报纸操心。

    Otway is happy he no longer needs to worry about the garden , house maintenance or hiking a mile to retrieve a daily newspaper .

  10. 土地使用税,房屋维修费,租赁综合税,物业管理费原由甲方支付的费用,仍由甲方缴纳。

    The ground rent , house maintenance fee and comprehensive rental tax , management fee that were originally payable by Party A still shall be paid by Party A.

  11. 开发房屋维修基金管理系统,并从系统数据中分析出有价值的知识用以指导政府决策也是理所当然的期望。

    Hence , it is taken for granted to expect to exploit housing maintenance fund management system and analyze the valuable knowledge through the systematic data to guide the governmental decisions .

  12. 如果你的现金实在短缺,你可以尝试着与老师做一些服务交易,例如你可以为老师做房屋维修或者其他的互惠服务以换取课程。

    If cash is in short supply , you can try to work out a trade for services arrangement with the teacher in which you do home maintenance or some other mutually agreed upon service in return for lessons .

  13. 房东付了房屋的维修费。

    The landlord pays for the upkeep of the house .

  14. 房屋公共维修基金是为了保证房屋建筑保修期满后的正常使用而由业主缴纳的专项基金。

    The public housing maintenance fund which is special money put together by housing owners aims at ensuring normal using of mutual construction function .

  15. 建筑物拆建费用以及拆迁对正常生活秩序和环境的影响,资源的再生利用和可持续等问题,使人们日益关注已有房屋的维修和现代化的改造上来。

    And with the cost of rebuilding the severe influence to the normal life order and environment and sustainable development , all these problems make most people concern the maintenance and modern rebuilding of the old buildings .

  16. 这笔钱用在房屋建筑的维修上是足够了。

    This amount was enough to maintain the fabric of the house .

  17. 屋面渗漏维修一直困扰着房屋管理人员和维修人员。

    The Roof Leaking worried the building manager and the maintenance man at all times .

  18. 进一步规范市场化的住宅制度,完善公租房和廉租房制度,早日实现二者并轨,减少和停止经济适用房的建设和出售,通过完善房屋质量保证制度和房屋维修制度等途径进一步加强住宅保护。

    Housing quality guarantying and housing maintenance system should be further strengthened . It should further improve public rental housing and low-rent housing system , to realize merge of them , to reduce and stop the construction and selling of affordable housing .