
  • 网络house property surveying
  1. 《房产测量规范》的制定和实施有利于房地产业的健康发展。

    The establishment and the actualization of " Specification of House Property Surveying " are propitious to health development of real estate enterprise .

  2. 房产测量外业数据采集及面积计算是影响房产测量精度的重要因素,就实际工作中在这两个方面容易出现的问题提出了相应的解决方法。

    To the problems that influence the precision in digital house property surveying and mapping data collection and area measurement , the paper offers corresponding methods to resolve them .

  3. 建筑物3D模型在城市规划、房产测量、通信设施建设、虚拟旅游、文化遗产保护、灾害监测以及军事侦察和武器精确打击等方面具有非常广泛的应用。

    The 3D models of buildings have a wide range of application , such as city planning , building survey , communication construction , virtual travelling , heritage protection , disaster monitoring and reconnaissance , precision strikes in military .

  4. 对房产测量坐标系统选择的探讨&以益阳市为例

    Building Survey Coordinates System Choice : Take Yiyang City as the Example

  5. 利用数码像机进行房产测量与建筑物的精细三维重建

    Real Estate Measuring and 3D Building Fine Reconstruction Based on Digital Camera

  6. 房产测量及房产信息系统的实现

    House Property Survey and Implementation of House Property Information System

  7. 在创新中发展重庆房产测量

    The innovating development of Chongqing surveying for real estate

  8. 利用数码相机进行房产测量初探

    Study on Real Estate Measuring Based on Digital Camera

  9. 关联规则挖掘及其在房产测量中的应用

    Association Rules Mining and Its Application to Property Surveying

  10. 房产测量若干问题的解决方案

    Solutions to Some Problems in Digital House Property Survey

  11. 数字房产测量编码标准化研究

    Research on codes standard in digital estate surveying

  12. 房产测量中的若干问题

    On some problems in real property survey

  13. 城市房产测量数据处理模型

    Data Processing Model in City Realty Surveying

  14. 房地产测量是房产测量和地籍测量的总称。

    The real estate surveying is a general name that includes the measurement of the house property and cadastraion .

  15. 地籍测量与房产测量分开测绘,不利于同一区域房地产的统一管理。

    To conduct the cadastral surveying and housing surveying separately will be unavailable for unified management of real estate at the same region .

  16. 结合作业实践,对现行《房产测量规范》的不足之处提出了几点改进建议。

    Combining working practice , this paper puts forward ameliorations in allusion to the disadvantage of current " House Property Survey Specification " .

  17. 对照房产测量规范及权属登记管理办法,分析了测量房屋建筑面积的要素和房屋面积的种类。

    The measuring factors and the sorts of architecture area were discussed according to regulation of building estate measurement and register supervising regulation of property rights .

  18. 浅谈房产测量方法&以保定市1∶500房产数字化图测量工程为例

    Superficial view on the surveying method of real estate & taking a surveying project of 1 ∶ 500 digitized map of real estate in Baoding City as an example

  19. 文章着重论述规划竣工测量成果在动态更新城市基础地形图、日照分析、房产测量和房地产估价方面的应用途径及存在的问题和解决的办法。

    By analysis of the difference between real estate survey and topographic survey , and annotation of real estate knowledge , this paper sums up the characteristics of real estate survey .

  20. 本文对房产测量中房屋面积测算过程经常遇到的问题进行了探讨,并提出了一些解决的建议。

    This text measure to the house property to measured to calculate the problem that process usually meet to carry on the study in the house area , and put forward some suggestion for resolves .

  21. 阐述了地籍和房产测量中界址点的标定及其意义,介绍了界址点的两种测量方法,即直接法和间接法。

    This paper expounds the settlement and the meaning of the boundary point in the measure of land record , house property , and introduces two ways of measure , namely direct way and indirect way .

  22. 房产项目测量中AutoCAD的应用

    Application of AutoCAD in House Property Survey

  23. EDMI测距房产面积测量精度估算方法的研究

    Study on the Method for Area Precision of House Property Surveying with EDM

  24. 地籍与房产合并测量的技术方法探讨

    Discussion on Technical Method of Combined Cadastral and Housing Surveying

  25. 房产面积测量环节多、要求高、政策性强。

    House property area surveying and calculate is more links , demand too much and strong of policy .

  26. 以郑州高新区房地产数字化测图工程为例,介绍了房产调查与测量的基本方法、步骤和经验,以及面积分摊计算的原则和方法。

    This article introduces , taking Zhengzhou Hi-tech industrial zone as example , the basic methods , steps and experience of real estate investigating and surveying . It also illustrates the principle of counting and sharing the common area .

  27. 房产面积识别技术是房产测量的关键技术之一。

    The recognition technology on the house property area is one of the key issues of house property measure .

  28. 因此,在房产管理方面引入GIS技术对房产测量数据进行管理是非常必要的。

    So , it is necessary to guide in GIS technique to manage house survey data .

  29. 借助判别模式,对房产面积测绘的一些典型案例或问题进行研究,验证了房产面积测量理论与方法的科学性和实用性。

    At the same time , by means of discrimination model , some typical cases have been study , to have verified scientificity and practicability for theory and method on measurement of the house property area .