
  • 网络real estate consultation
  1. 房地产咨询网网站建设

    The real estate consultation web site construction

  2. 房地产咨询公司的JamesThomas说在伦敦中部最昂贵的新房产国外购买者中,大陆的中国人是增长最快的群体。

    The mainland Chinese are the fastest-growing group among foreign buyers of the dearest new property in central London , says James Thomas of Jones Lang LaSalle , a property consultancy .

  3. 2012年3月,校方聘请了房地产咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)在建设现场开展一系列工作。

    The real estate consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle was hired in March 2012 to perform a variety of functions on the building site .

  4. 但上海一位房地产咨询师高思品(SamCrispin)表示,通过开发此类购物中心,能够获得最佳零售地点。

    But Sam Crispin , a property consultant in Shanghai , says developing such malls is the way to get the best retail sites .

  5. 房地产咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)表示,按照保守估计,中国保险公司对商业地产的潜在投资达到340亿美元。

    Conservative estimates put the amount of potential investment by Chinese insurers in commercial property at $ 34bn , according to real estate consultancy Jones Lang Lasalle .

  6. 根据伦敦房地产咨询机构莱坊(KnightFrank)的一项最新报告,在未来十年,亚洲城市将会日益成为那些世界上最富有的人们最想要居住、工作和娱乐的地方。

    Asian cities in the next 10 years increasingly will be where the world 's wealthiest people want to live , work and play , according to a new report by London-based property consultancy Knight Frank .

  7. 房地产咨询机构莱坊(KnightFrank)说,伦敦很久以来就受到伺机买房者的追捧,而亚洲的楼市降温举措帮助推升了人们对伦敦市场的兴趣。

    Battersea Power Station Development Company Market-cooling measures in Asia have helped fuel interest in London 's real estate market -- long a popular destination for property buyers on the prowl , says property consultancy Knight Frank .

  8. 汤臣集团的代表、房地产咨询公司高力国际(ColliersInternational)驻上海的董事总经理LinaWong说,她不知道其他地方涉及这么高楼层的整层交易。

    Lina Wong , a managing director of Colliers International in Shanghai , who acted on behalf of Tomson , says she isn 't aware of strata title deals anywhere involving office floors at such heights .

  9. 另外,据房地产咨询公司莱坊(KnightFrank)称,政府还宣布计划未来3-4年供应65000套新的住宅单位,每年供应约20000套。

    The government has also announced plans for 65,000 new housing units to come onto the market over the next three to four years , at a pace of about 20,000 apartments per year , according to property consulting firm Knight Frank .

  10. 相反,国际房地产咨询结构第一太平戴维斯(savills)的主管卢西安库克(luciancook)则更多地倚重房地产市场自身的供求基本面,但他同样持悲观态度。

    By contrast , Lucian cook , director at Savills , the international estate agency , looks more to fundamentals of supply and demand for property itself . But he is also gloomy .

  11. 北京房地产咨询公司搜房(soufun)估计,在截至1月20日的10天时间内,海南房价平均上涨了18%。

    SouFun , the Beijing-based real estate consultancy , estimates that in the 10 days to January 20 , the average property price rose 18 per cent .

  12. 房地产咨询公司第一太平戴维斯(Savills)表示,自房地产市场18个月前见顶以来,对普通国内买家而言,房价已下跌15%左右。

    House prices have fallen by about 15 per cent for the average domestic buyer since the market reached its peak 18 months ago , according to Savills , the property consultancy .

  13. 根据房地产咨询公司仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)的这份报告,在2010年,北京、上海和香港三地的商业地产资本价值将增长7%到12%,而东京、首尔和孟买则会下跌。

    Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong should post increases of between 7 per cent and 12 per cent in 2010 while capital values of office buildings in Tokyo , Seoul and Mumbai are expected to fall , said Jones Lang LaSalle , the property consultants .

  14. 即使西班牙房价自2007年高峰以来下跌了38.9%(房地产咨询机构Tinsa提供的数据),待售新房仍有约75万套。

    Even with a 38.9 % drop in home prices since a 2007 peak , according to real estate consultancy tinsa , there are still about 750,000 unsold new housing units in Spain .

  15. 根据房地产咨询公司世邦魏理仕(CBRE)不久前的一份报告,中国占去年全球购物中心完工总面积的44%,在建购物中心面积最大的十个城市有九个在中国。

    According to a recent report by CBRE , the real estate consultancy , 44 per cent of all global shopping market completions last year were in China , and nine out of the top 10 top cities for mall space under construction were in China too .

  16. 人们如果想做房地产咨询

    Do people want their real estate advice ...

  17. 房地产咨询师已经宣布了越来越多来自中国企业的咨询,都是关于办公场所的。

    Property consultants already report rising numbers of inquiries from Chinese companies about office space .

  18. 过去10年中,跨国房地产咨询公司在中国迅速扩张,帮助中国企业进行地产管理。

    Multinational real estate consultancies have expanded quickly in the country in the past decade to help Chinese companies manage property .

  19. 新华社报道,房地产咨询公司世邦魏理仕的一项调查发现,香港、新加坡、东京和北京位列全球奢侈品牌零售店落地最受欢迎的十大城市。

    Hong Kong , Singapore , Tokyo and Beijing are among the top ten destination cities worldwide for luxury retailers , a latest survey by real estate consultancy CB Richard Ellis has found , Xinhua reported .

  20. 一个房地产咨询师说,其他的主权财富基金可能讨论一个三到五年的游戏,但中投不会告诉你他们的时间表,如果他们确实那么做了,那答案将会是他们将永远持有。

    Other sovereign-wealth funds might talk about a three-to-five-year play , says a property consultant , but " CIC wouldn 't tell you [ their timetable ] and if they did , the answer would be that they 'll hold it for ever . "

  21. 房地产咨询顾问表示,这些交易只是目前趋势的冰山一角,美欧房地产基金转向新兴市场寻求更高回报也推动了这一趋势。这些交易都已公开,因为交易涉及上市公司。

    Real Estate consultants said such deals , which are made public because they involve listed companies , are the tip of the iceberg for a trend that is also driven by property funds from US and Europe turning to emerging markets for higher returns .

  22. 剖析了加入WTO对我国房地产中介咨询业的影响,并对照服务贸易相关政策与条款,提出了我国房地产中介咨询业应采取的宏观对策

    At the same time , according to the related policies and terms of service business , the writer pur forward the macro countermeasures that our real estate agency industry on consultation should take . WTO Consultancy

  23. 房地产服务咨询公司世邦魏理仕(CBRE)的一项研究显示,受英国经济复苏以及重获活力的金融服务公司对办公空间的需求驱动,伦敦西区高端写字楼的价格水平在过去一年中上涨了近15%。

    The cost of high-end office space in the West End has risen nearly 15 per cent over the past year , driven by the UK economic recovery and demand from resurgent financial services companies , according to the study by real estate services group CBRE .

  24. 房地产投资咨询预计将是2012年的增长领域之一。

    Advice on investment in property is one of the growth areas predicted for 2012 .

  25. 我们将会在今后为业主提供更好更专业的房地产的咨询与服务,使您对自己房屋的投资更有信心。

    We will be work hard to provide more profession real estate consultation and service for the owners from now on , and you will be more confidence on your house investment .

  26. 同时经营房地产商品信息咨询服务,房地产商品交易居间,代理的综合性企业。

    Meanwhile it operates the real estate merchandise information consulting service , real estate commodity exchange mediacy , act for , ect .

  27. 建议到本地房地产治理部门咨询相关手续,一定不要私下购买合同房。

    The proposal seeks advice from relevant formalities to management department of this locality estate , scarcely should buy contract house under the counter .

  28. 9月,我在5天之内访问了美国9个城市,包括纽约、波士顿、迈阿密,在那里会见客户并就如何投资新兴市场房地产行业提供咨询。

    In five days in September I visited nine US cities , including New York , Boston , Miami - meeting clients and advising on how to invest in emerging market real estate .

  29. 这些城市新增人口不仅仅是那些农民转变成的建筑工人,每天清晨向最近建筑工地跋涉;他们之中还有在房地产、商业咨询和软件业等发展迅速的行业中工作的白领。

    The newcomers are not only former farm workers turned hard-hats , trudging in the early hours towards the nearest construction site ; they are white-collar workers engaged in fast-growing sectors such as real estate , business consultancy and software .

  30. 办理信托、投资、抵押、租赁、房地产开发、信息咨询等业务。

    Handle trust , investment , mortgage , leasing , real estate development and information consultancy .