- Invention Patent;patent for invention;patent of invention

Fee for substantial examination of an application for a patent for invention and re-examination fee ;
Any rejection , withdrawal and deemed withdrawal of an application for a patent for invention after its publication ;
Peter also develops documentation automation solutions and two of his inventions are patented .
The patent named Low Expansion and Low Gas Evolution-Silica Sand and Its Production Method can change the original properties of silica sand .
And a TD , SECOND two security with our own brands and intellectual property rights of a national invention patent .
However , for a long time before the case of State Street Bank in 1998 , the nonobviousness examination standard of computer software patent was not paid attention to .
This film structure applied in PTC metallization is of the first time and a national patent has been applied on it . 4 .
The invention patent named SF6 recovery and refilling set was recommended , as well as the auxiliary recovery device and the auxiliary refilling device .
On this basis the bottom blcok division method of cylinder offshore oil platform is proposed in this paper , which has been successfully applied for a PCT international invention patent .
The city has solved a large number of key technical problems , promoted more than 50 commercial properties of IPv6 applicable in internet devices , formulated a series of technical standards and acquired a number of invention patents .
An encryption / decryption system using DSP to process IPSec security protocol has been applied for one of national invention patent . It can provide a promising software and hardware solution for the resource sharing and information security of network manufacture .
The establishment of USPTO 's nonobviousness examination standard for the software inventions experience a tortuous process . The primary standard was vague .
In its initial ruling on the case , the International Trade Commission ( ITC ) found in HTC 's favor on two patents and in Apple 's favor on two patents .
The patents of BNT based lead free piezoelectric ceramics in the past twenty years were outlined and reviewed . The future researches of BNT based lead free piezoelectric ceramics were suggested .
Based on the analysis , a novel kind of adaptive active resonator absorber ( AARA ) is proposed and a patent is applied for AARA based on magneto-rheological elastomer .
' Glazed hollow bead insulation concrete ' in this paper has been authorized to obtain the invention patent ( ZL200610012726.2 ) from State Intellectual Property Office .
Continuous Wave Time Division Multiplex ( CWTDM ) is an invention patent of ours . It can solve the problem of reliably transmitting multiple continuous signals in a continuous channel by means of time division multiplexing .
Until the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ) endorse a great deal of business method related software patents , criticisms for the nonobviousness examination standard of software patent of America was put forward by the domestic and international theoretical circle .
The concrete job are as follows : 1 . A patented gasification and fulmination equipment was used to prepare the extracts of Spina Gleditsiae , whose diameter is from 50 nm to 100 nm .
When this new technique was applied , the theoretical plate number of the extractive distillation tower can be reduced to less than 20.The technique has been granted a patent of China ( CN1120828C ) and has been applied in 1000 t / a device .
Patent ; Innovation patent ; Duty innovation ; Technological innovation .
An Analysis on Invention Patents and Leading Industrial Development of Chengdu
The Duration of Patent Right for Pesticide Invention to be Prolonged
Advance in Patented Technologies of Coatings for Steel Structures in China
He is an incorrigible tinkerer who holds four elevator patents .
The duration of protection is about 15 years or so .
Restudy on the Ownership of the Patent Right in Service Invention
Edison patented over one thousand separate inventions during his life .
Thus all the world has been concerning its patent policy .
China now has its own intellectual property invention patents six .