
  • 网络developmentalism
  1. 人类中心主义、唯发展主义和科技至上观是生态危机的主要思想根源。

    Anthropocentrism , developmentalism and scientism are three tough roots going deep into human thinking .

  2. “二战”以后,发展主义或开发主义逐渐演化为发展中国家主导的意识形态。

    Since the Second World War , developmentalism or exploitablism has been becoming the guiding ideology of developing counties .

  3. 第三部分对新发展主义的理论成就和主要缺陷进行了评析。

    The third part carries out the evaluation and analysis to the theoretical achievement and major flaw of the new developmentalism .

  4. 新发展主义在批判以往各种发展学说的基础上,形成了自己独有的理论范式。

    The new developmentalism has formed the unique theoretical paradigm which is based on the critique of former kinds of development theories .

  5. 然而,基于人类中心伦理观下的传统发展主义依旧在当今社会占据主导地位,生态环境状况不容乐观。

    However , the traditional anthropocentric idea of development is still predominant . Consequently , the situation of the ecological environment is far from optimistic .

  6. 作为西方传统发展主义理论和实践的反动,新发展主义就是在这种背景下登场的。

    As the reaction to the Western traditional developmental theory and practice , in that case the new developmentalism has entered into our visual field .

  7. 在全球化与国内社会双重转型的背景下,中国公共管理正在历经路径转变,即从“发展主义”转向“以人为本”。

    As the development of globalization and double transition , China 's public management is experiencing the path transformation , that is , from developmentalism to human-orientationism .

  8. 第三章通过分析文中政府和企业的行为,揭发其对公众的欺骗,从而对唯发展主义进行批判,并最终提出了新的发展观:反抗-妥协-平衡。

    Chapter three focuses on the critique of the Developmentalism by revealing the deceptions made by the government and corporations to the Public and proposes the new mode of development : Opposition-Compromise-Balance .

  9. 与西方发达国家不同,我国政府与企业的关系更为密切,因为我国的发展主义决定了发展型政府主导经济发展模式。

    Different with the western developed countries , the relationship between our government and enterprises is more closely , because our " developmentalism " determines the development of government leading mode of economic development .

  10. 当现代化和发展主义遭遇到环境污染、贫富加剧、资源枯竭、分配不公、矛盾突出等社会难题时,对它们的反思和批判也就同时出现了。

    When the modernization and developmentalism are confronted with some social issues , such as the environmental pollution , the serious polarization between the rich and poor , the exhaustion of resources , the unequal allocation and the acute imbalance etc , the reflection and critique appeared simultaneously .

  11. 马克思分工理论:发展马克思主义经济学的一种范式

    Marxist Work Division Theory : Another Paradigm to Develop Marxist Economics

  12. 什么是马克思主义,怎样坚持和发展马克思主义?

    What 's Marxism ? How to develop and insist on Marxism ?

  13. 必须不断实现理论的创新,发展马克思主义。

    Marxism will continuously to achieve theoretical innovation and the continuous development .

  14. 拉兹洛系统哲学对发展马克思主义哲学的贡献

    The Contribution of Laszlo 's Systems Philosophy to Marxist Philosophy

  15. 着眼于进行理论创新,丰富和发展马克思主义。

    Focus of innovating theory , enrich and develop Marxism .

  16. 实现马克思主义与生态学的结合,是发展马克思主义的理论基点之一。

    One of the theoretical bases is the combination of Marxism and ecological studies .

  17. 在新的形势下深入发展马克思主义经济学

    On Developing the Marxist Economics in new Situation

  18. 研究马克思主义整体性的目的是为了坚持马克思主义整体性,从而更好的应用和发展马克思主义理论,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Insisting the integrity of Marxism has the important theory and the practical significance .

  19. 三个代表重要思想是坚持和发展马克思主义的典范

    Great Idea of " Three Represent " Model in Sticking to and Developing Marxism

  20. 坚持和发展马克思主义灌输原理

    Insisting and Developing the Inculcation Principle of Marxism

  21. 我们必须在新的历史条件下坚持和发展马克思主义。

    Therefore , we should adhere to and develop Marxism in this new historical stage .

  22. 而这个理论基础对于坚持发展马克思主义哲学来说意义相当重大。

    And this theoretical foundation is of great significance for insisting on developing Marxist philosophy .

  23. 坚持马克思主义必须发展马克思主义。

    Adhering to Marxism must develop Marxism .

  24. 应用辩证法发展马克思主义哲学

    Apply Dialecticism to Develop Marxist Philosophy

  25. 马克思劳动价值论是开放的科学体系,我们必须结合新时期的伟大实践,丰富和发展马克思主义经济学理论。

    We should combine the great practice of the new period to richen and develop Marxism .

  26. 科学地认识和发展马克思主义

    Scientific Understanding and Development of Marxism

  27. 坚持马克思主义民族观,把坚持马克思主义民族理论和发展马克思主义民族理论结合起来。

    Stick to Marxist viewpoints and combine the persistence of Marxist national theory with the development of it .

  28. 以创新精神发展马克思主义

    Develop the Marxism Creatively

  29. 对于未来,它又包含了明确的价值指向。本文揭示了这一概念的三个历史向度,论证了它对继承和发展马克思主义社会发展理论的贡献。

    It can be concluded that this concept is an inheritance and further development of Marxist theory of social development .

  30. 掌握、运用和发展马克思主义,需要正确区别马克思主义基本原理和非基本原理。

    To master , apply and develop Marxism requires a clear demarcation between Marxist basic principles and its non-basic ones .