
  • 网络Buddhist Philosophy;Buddhism
  1. 现代性困境与佛教哲学的诊疗价值

    The Therapeutic Value of Buddhist Philosophy to the Predicament of Modernity

  2. 论佛教哲学与孟郊的诗歌

    On the Connection between the Buddhist Philosophy and Meng Jiao 's Poems

  3. 佛性问题是佛教哲学的重要问题之一。

    Buddha-nature is one of important conceptions of Buddhism philosophy .

  4. 在大般若涅磐经中引用了一些佛教哲学的概念。

    In the Mahaparinibbana Sutra there are references to some Buddhist philosophical concepts .

  5. 中国佛教哲学的现代价值

    The Modern Value of Chinese Philosophy of Buddhism

  6. 因此,佛教哲学与西方哲学为根本不同的哲学。

    Therefore , Buddhist philosophy and western philosophy are two basically different kinds of philosophy .

  7. 欧阳竟无及其佛教哲学思想

    Ouyang Jingwu and His Buddhist Philosophy

  8. 佛教哲学与现代物理学

    Buddhist philosophy and modern physics

  9. 略论佛教哲学观

    Brief Discussion in Buddhism Philosophy

  10. 除了用唯识宗的哲学建立起一套理论体系之外,梁漱溟还将佛教哲学与西方哲学从性质上做了根本的区别。

    Apart from that , Liang Shuming made an essential distinction in nature between Buddhist philosophy and western philosophy .

  11. 本文企图对佛教哲学与现代物理学的一些基本观念作一比较。

    In this article , the author attempts to make a comparison between some concepts of Buddhist philosophy and modern physics .

  12. 其中最为代表性的是中国儒、道哲学和佛教哲学中的生态伦理思想。

    Among the theories , the ecological ethics in the philosophy of Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism are the most representative .

  13. 然而,僧肇佛教哲学理论也有其局限性,不仅运用了玄学的词句,思想上也与玄学划不清界限。

    However , Sengzhao Buddhist philosophy also had its limitations in that it borrowed words from metaphysics and there was no clear distinction between the two .

  14. 宋明新儒学通过对董仲舒的哲学化神学和佛教哲学的辩证扬弃,在新的高度向先秦的原初人道主义和人文精神复归,建立了古典新人学理论。

    Neo-Confucianism developed the useful and discarded the useless of the theology and Buddhism philosophy , constituted new classic humanism theory , reverting to original humanitarianism in new height .

  15. 由于译经的数量有限,译经质量的不高和缺乏佛教哲学的指导,汉地佛教一直不能得到快速的发展。

    Due to the limited number of translation quality , and the lack of the guidance of Buddhist philosophy , Chinese Buddhism has been unable to get a rapid development .

  16. 他们的这一工作在三个层面展开,一是现代新儒家的佛教哲学史研究,这种整理工作是他们得以在更高层次上运用和消化传统佛学资源的基本前提。

    The study of Contemporary Neo-Confucianists begins from 3 aspects . First , they study the history of Buddhism , which construct the base for them to use and digest Buddhism in high level .

  17. 聂云台《保富法》成书于新中国解放前夕,是中国佛教哲学史上一部重要学术著作。

    " Law of Retaining Wealth " was written by Yun-tai Nie on the eve of the liberation of New China , which is an important academic works in the history of Chinese Buddhism philosophy .

  18. 佛教哲学虽讲彼岸世界,但它同时又认为彼岸世界不是一个上帝式的绝对实体,它就在心灵之中,是作为此岸的心灵能够实现的。

    Buddhism advocates the other shore , but yet it thinks that the world on the other shore is not an absolute entity as God , but something could be reached in the soul which is on this shore .

  19. 佛教使哲学和宗教思想发生了根本转变。

    Buddhism had revolutionized philosophical and religious thought .

  20. 为此,我得出些想法和技巧,从道教和禅宗佛教的哲学思想中。

    To this end I draw on some ideas and techniques from Daoist and Zen Buddhism philosophy .

  21. 在众多学说当中,佛教生死哲学是其中比较特殊的一种。

    Among the many theories , Buddhist philosophy of life and death is one of the rather special kind .

  22. 西方人可从佛教等哲学中汲取很多东西,那么东方人也需要大举学习别人的文化吗?

    So while the west had much to learn from philosophies such as Buddhism , there was a lot of learning to do in the east too ?

  23. 萨氏把蒙古哲学推进到佛教化哲学阶段,由此决定了他在蒙古哲学史上占有重要的地位。

    That Sa Gang Che Chen carried Mongolian philosophy to the stage of Buddhistic philosophy has decided on his important position in the history of Mongolian philosophy .

  24. 尽管米拉热巴承认他从来没有研究过学问,他在佛教的宇宙哲学和教义的高深领域中显示了完备的知识,特别是《中观论》和《大手印》。

    Though Milarepa admitted he had never worked toward scholarship , he demonstrated a thorough knowledge in depth of Buddhist metaphysics and doctrines , especially Madhyamika and Mahamudra .

  25. 今天,当谈及佛教或佛教哲学时,我们经常看到佛陀或祂的教法,被局限成为某一组人所追随的某一流派的宗教。

    While talking about Buddhism or Buddhist philosophy today , we often see that Buddha or his teachings have been confined to a sectarian religion followed by certain group of people only .

  26. 佛教非宗教非哲学。

    Buddhism is not religion or philosophy .

  27. 缘起论是佛教生态观的哲学基础,整体论和无我论是佛教生态观的基本特征。

    The theory of genesis serves as the foundation of the Buddhist ecological outlook , and holism and suppression of self are its basic features .

  28. 宗密禅师是唐中后期最著名的僧人之一,在中国佛教史和中国哲学史上都产生过重要影响。

    Zen master Zong Mi , as one of the most famous monks in the late Tang Dynasty , has influenced the history of Chinese Buddhism and the history of Chinese philosophy .

  29. 文章用实证的方法说明了日本新兴宗教与佛教对稻盛和夫经营哲学的影响,并且指出,在佛教的诸多流派中,对稻盛哲学影响最大的是禅宗。

    This dissertation also illustrates the influence of new Japanese religions and Buddhism on Kazuo Inamori 's management philosophy and indicates that Zen is the most influential genre on his management philosophy .

  30. 宋四六与类书目前大陆对此书的关注,主要集中在其百科全书、佛教类书性质以及哲学层面上,相关问题亦不深入,文献方面的研究尤其缺乏。

    At present , the research ofFa Yuan Chu Linin the mainland mainly concentrates on an encyclopedia , the Buddhist book and the philosophical level . The related research is not deep , especially in the literature sphere .