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  • Florence;Fiorentina;Firenze;FLR
  1. 我们在佛罗伦萨庆祝结婚25周年。

    We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence .

  2. 每位游学旅行者都必得造访佛罗伦萨。

    Every traveller on the Grand Tour had to visit Florence .

  3. 他辗转于佛罗伦萨、罗马和博洛尼亚三地之间。

    He spends his time flitting between Florence , Rome and Bologna .

  4. 佛罗伦萨的女人在耳垂上涂胭脂。

    Florentine women rouged their earlobes

  5. 他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。

    He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school .

  6. 佛罗伦萨美术馆非常著名。

    The art galleries of Florence are very famous .

  7. 从十六世纪晩期开始,年轻的贵族们盛行游历巴黎、威尼斯、佛罗伦萨,尤其会将罗马作为他们古典教育的终点。

    Beginning in the late sixteenth century , it became fashionable for young aristocrats to visit Paris , Venice , Florence , and above all , Rome , as the culmination of their classical education .

  8. 意大利佛罗伦萨--斯维特兰娜·科约赫鲁感觉受到了伤害。

    FLORENCE , Italy — Svetlana Cojochru feels hurt .

  9. 但是佛罗伦萨能够继续接受教育。

    But Florence was able to continue her education .

  10. 在佛罗伦萨附近的工业中心塞斯托佛罗伦萨,一只狼偷偷溜出了公园。

    A wolf slinks out of a park in Sesto Fiorentino , an industrial centre near Florence .

  11. 在意大利佛罗伦萨的教堂和公共建筑附近吃喝会被罚款2018年,佛罗伦萨市立法禁止人们在历史中心停下来站着吃东西或坐在人行道、马路上及商店和房屋的门前台阶上吃东西。

    You Could Be Fined If Caught Eating And Drinking Near Churches And Public Buildings In Florence In 2018 , the city of Florence banned people from pausing in the historic center to eat food standing10 or sitting on sidewalks , roadways , and on the doorsteps of shops and houses .

  12. 据西汉姆的技术总监纳尼透露,佛罗伦萨和AC米兰是最新表示对永贝里感兴趣的两家俱乐部。

    According to West Ham 's technical director Gianluca Nani , Fiorentina and AC Milan are the latest clubs interested in Ljungberg .

  13. 他认为要想解开这个谜题,唯一的办法就是挖掘出达芬奇在佛罗伦萨的亲戚的遗憾,并进行DNA提取。

    Mr Paratico said he believes the only way to solve the mystery is to exhume some of Da Vinci 's relations in Florence and extract someDNA .

  14. 欧洲16世纪末、17世纪初,在佛罗伦萨诞生了划时代的新的音乐表演形式&早期的歌剧(抒情音乐剧MusicDrama)。

    Europe , late 16th century , early 17th century , Florence was born in an epoch-making new music performances & early opera ( lyric musical Music Drama ) .

  15. AC米兰的胜利将提出在一个同城对手国际米兰,谁是在佛罗伦萨举行2-2战平他们昨晚一点。

    An AC Milan victory would have put them within a point of city rivals Inter Milan , who were held to a2-2 draw at Fiorentina last night .

  16. 他们的地位越来越逼近14世纪开始统治佛罗伦萨的美第奇家族(houseofmedici)。

    They are increasingly the equivalent of the house of Medici , the family that came to dominate Florence from the 14th century .

  17. 在佛罗伦萨的CAC和在莫斯科的另外一个CAC是在欧洲运营的两个CAC。

    The CAC in Florence and the other in Moscow are the two CACs operating in Europe .

  18. 在二十世纪七十年代初的国际民事诉讼法佛罗伦萨研讨会上,与会学者提出了著名的接近正义(AccesstoJustice)的口号。它成为国际社会民事诉讼改革的指导方针。

    At the Florida Seminar of the International Civil Action in 1970 , the famous slogan " access to justice " was put forward , which has become the guiding of the international civil action .

  19. 试图将神权,Savonarola,attempted,to,impose,加入佛罗伦萨的政体,当中包含一种基督美德的共和。

    Savonarola a kind of theocracy in Florence , a sort of Christian republic of virtue .

  20. 所以送他进了Bard的大佛罗伦萨银行机构的一个分部。

    So he sent him to a branch of the great Florentine banking house of the Bard .

  21. 他所探索的城市包括一些显而易见的候选者——拥有苏格拉底(Socrates)和柏拉图(Plato)的古雅典、达芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)所在的佛罗伦萨以及今天的硅谷。

    His quest includes some obvious candidates - the ancient Athens of Socrates and Plato , Leonardo da Vinci 's Florence and today 's Silicon Valley .

  22. 这幅画现保存在佛罗伦萨Uffizi美术馆。

    The painting is held in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence .

  23. 首先,到达比萨斜塔本就不易,要从罗马(Rome)坐三个多小时的火车到佛罗伦萨(Florence),然后再坐一个小时才能到达目的地。

    First , there is the inconvenient fact of getting to Pisa , which is a three-hour-plus train ride from Rome and nearly an hour train ride from Florence .

  24. 歌剧(Opera),是音乐与戏剧的最高综合形式,十七世纪初诞生于意大利佛罗伦萨,距今已四百多年。

    Opera ( Opera ), which is the highest integrated unite form by music and drama , was born at the beginning of the seventeenth century , 400 years ago in the Florence of Italy .

  25. 在佛罗伦萨的许多集市里,曾经很容易找到特别划算的商品,比如占地面积庞大的圣洛伦索(SanLorenzo),那里一座又一座的小摊上,摆满了不同产地不同品质的皮革制品。

    Truly great deals were once easy to find in Florence 's markets , like sprawling San Lorenzo where stall after stall is filled with leather goods of varying provenance and quality .

  26. 从米兰到佛罗伦萨乘高速列车用了不到3小时,之后再换当地普通列车到达了SanGiovanniValdarno。

    A high-speed one got him from Milan to Florence in under three hours , and a local one covered the remaining distance to San Giovanni Valdarno .

  27. 当时他是要到SanGiovanniValdarno去,这是位于佛罗伦萨以南半小时路程的一座小城。今年60岁的乔休计划在那里呆两周时间学习意大利语。

    He needed to get to San Giovanni Valdarno , a little town a half-hour south of Florence , where he planned to spend two weeks studying Italian .

  28. 佛罗伦萨的乌菲齐美术馆(Uffizi)今年上半年的参观人数比去年增长了差不多5%。

    Attendance at the Uffizi in Florence for the first half of the year is up almost 5 percent over last year .

  29. 佛罗伦萨附近的普拉托市(Prato)已成为欧洲的一个服装生产中心,在中世纪的城墙外面,就坐落着唐人街。

    In Prato , a city near Florence that has become a European hub for mass garment production , the Chinese quarter lies outside the medieval walls .

  30. 劳多米亚现任该品牌的形象总监及副董事长。她记得1966年阿诺河(ArnoRiver)那场毁灭性的洪灾,100多人不幸遇难,无数佛罗伦萨的艺术、建筑和文学作品被毁。

    Laudomia , now the brand 's image director and deputy chairman , remembers the devastating flood of the Arno River in 1966 , which killed more than a hundred people and destroyed countless works of Florentine art , architecture and literature .