
  • 网络Florida Peninsula
  1. 热带飓风“弗朗西斯”在越过佛罗里达半岛以及墨西哥湾沿海地区后,袭击了佛罗里达州北部的一个狭长地带。

    After crossing the Florida peninsula and coastal portions of the Gulf of Mexico , Tropical Storm Frances struck the Florida panhandle .

  2. 我的这一选择是整个研究生涯之落脚点,我小时候在佛罗里达半岛的阿拉巴马湾度过。

    My choice is the culmination of a lifetime commitment that began with growing up on the Gulf Coast of Alabama , on the Florida peninsula .

  3. 从佛罗里达半岛往东几百英里,大洋的那一小部分水域被称为马尾藻海。

    Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea .

  4. 亚当斯继承了国父一代的扩张思想,通过主持美西谈判、与西班牙政府签署《横贯大陆条约》,使美国领土向南延伸到整个佛罗里达半岛,向西推移到太平洋沿岸。

    Adams inherited the expansion guidelines of the Founding Fathers , presided negotiations with Spain , and signed " Transcontinental Treaty " with Spanish government , thus expanding America territory southward to the whole Florida Peninsula and westward to the coast of Pacific .

  5. 百慕大三角是指由一条从佛罗里达(半岛)到百慕大群岛、再到波多黎各、之后回到佛罗里达的线所围成的一片位于大西洋海域的三角形海域。

    The Bermuda Triangle is a stretch of the Atlantic Ocean bordered by a line from Florida to the islands of Bermuda , to Puerto Rico and then back to Florida .