
  • 网络University of Florida;Florida State
  1. 盖恩斯维尔佛罗里达大学社会态度研究者凯特·拉特利夫认为,就像一个领域的两个阵营,一方关心开放科学,另一方不关心开放科学。

    Kate Ratliff , who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida , Gainesville , says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field-those who care about open science and those who don 't.

  2. 位于盖思斯维尔的佛罗里达大学菜文法学院的法律技能教授斯泰西·斯坦伯格说:“作为儿童权利的倡导者,我们认为,如果可能的话,儿童应该对于哪些与其有关的信息可以进行分享拥有发言权。”

    " As advocates of children 's rights , we believe that children should have a voice about what information is shared about them if possible , " says Stacey Steinberg , a legal skills professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville .

  3. 我父亲毕业于佛罗里达大学。

    My father is an alumnus of UF .

  4. 因此,佛罗里达大学的JosephPfaller怀疑,更复杂的事情正在发生。

    Joseph Pfaller of the University of Florida therefore suspects that something more complicated is going on .

  5. 然而今年夏天美国佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)爆出的丑闻则显示,即便一些商学院也必须自我检点。

    But a scandal this summer at the University of Florida revealed that even some B-Schools still have to clean up their act .

  6. 18岁那年,科尔已经成熟到可以成为猫头鹰餐厅的服务员,她当时就读于北佛罗里达大学(UniversityofNorthFlorida)的工程技术专业。

    At 18 , Cole was old enough to become a Hooters waitress and was studying at the University of North Florida as an engineering major .

  7. 佛罗里达大学的GeraldMurray是海地问题专家。

    Gerald Murray at the University of Florida is an expert on Haiti .

  8. 正如佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)的杰伊?里特(JayRitter)及其他经济学家所指出的,GDP与股市表现之间并不存在一种稳定的关系。

    As Jay Ritter of the University of Florida and other economists have documented , there is no stable relationship between GDP and stock performance .

  9. 正如佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)的杰伊•里特(JayRitter)很久以前所指出的那样,IPO的好时光往往是糟糕的投资时机。

    As Jay Ritter of the University of Florida pointed out long ago , good times for IPOs tend to be a bad time to invest .

  10. 佛罗里达大学助理教授AndrewTatem领导了这项研究。

    Andrew Tatem , an assistant professor at the University of Florida , led the study .

  11. 该诊断结果能“排除三个主要并发症的主要原因:冠心病,肺栓赛和主动脉壁夹层形成”来自Jacksonville佛罗里达大学的Dr。

    The protocol can " rule out the three major causes of complications : coronary artery disease , pulmonary embolism and aortic dissection ," said Dr.

  12. 其他的作者包括一名佛罗里达大学的麻醉学家,RichardMelker还有DongKyooPark,佛罗里达大学的生物医学工程学的博士。

    The other authors are Richard Melker , a UF professor of anesthesiology , and Dong Kyoo Park , a UF biomedical engineering doctoral student .

  13. 20世纪90年代末,一位前警犬训导员JosePeruyero为了提高狗狗们嗅臭虫的能力,他开始与佛罗里达大学的昆虫学家合作。

    In the late 1990s , Jose Peruyero , a former police dog handler , began collaborating with entomologists at the University of Florida to improve training for bug-detecting dogs .

  14. 佛罗里达大学教授杰伊里特(jayritter)分析了16个国家100年间的数据。

    Professor Jay Ritter of the University of Florida is the author of one study that has analysed 100 years of data from 16 countries .

  15. 然而,据佛罗里达大学金融学教授杰伊•里特(JayRitter)称,联合健康集团的案例突出表明,一种不同的现象正在显现。

    But the case of UnitedHealth highlights a different phenomenon at work , according to Jay Ritter , a professor of finance at the University of Florida .

  16. 这项研究由明尼苏达大学(UniversityofMinnesota)和佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)等机构的研究人员进行。研究对一组上班族跟踪了15天,记录下他们的血压以及反映出来的压力症状,比如疲劳、难以集中注意力和头痛等。

    The study , conducted by researchers at the University of Minnesota , University of Florida and others , tracked a group of workers over 15 days , logging their blood pressure and reported stress symptoms , such as fatigue , difficulty concentrating and headaches .

  17. 今天,NF-RUG的会议每月在北佛罗里达大学召开,除了七月和八月。

    Today , the NF-RUG meets monthly except for July and August at the University of North Florida .

  18. 南佛罗里达大学的心理学家JonathanRottenberg说,他们想要在日常生活中研究哭泣,而非实验室里。

    Psychologist Jonathan Rottenberg at the University of South Florida says they wanted to study crying as it happens in everyday life , not in a laboratory .

  19. GabrielBitton一名佛罗里达大学的环境工程学的教授,说道,基本说来,我们发现的是我们可以把大多数细菌在两分钟内击晕。

    " Basically what we find is that we could knock out most bacteria in two minutes ," said Gabriel Bitton , a UF professor of environmental engineering .

  20. 研究人员——包括麻省理工学院的戴维·奥特(DavidAutor)和梅兰妮·瓦瑟曼(MelanieWasserman)、美国西北大学的克日什托夫·卡波夫尼克(KrzysztofKarbownik)和佛罗里达大学的杰弗里·罗斯(JeffreyRoth)——检查了各种会导致男孩落后的原因。

    The researchers - who also included David Autor and Melanie Wasserman of MIT , Krzysztof Karbownik of Northwestern and Jeffrey Roth of the University of Florida - examined various reasons boys could be falling behind .

  21. 北佛罗里达大学(UniversityofNorthFlorida)心理学教授丽贝卡·A·马尔孔(RebeccaA.Marcon)对343名参加学前教育的儿童进行了研究,其中有的学前班“以学业为导向”,有的鼓励“儿童自发”学习,或者介于两者之间。

    Rebecca A. Marcon , a psychology professor at the University of North Florida , studied 343 children who had attended a preschool class that was " academically oriented , " one that encouraged " child initiated " learning , or one in between .

  22. 研究摩梭人的专家、佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)人类学教授施传刚(Chuan-KangShih)表示,这套体系的基础在于一种基本信条,即女性在心智乃至身体上都强于男性。

    According to Chuan-Kang Shih , an expert on the Mosuo and an anthropology professor at the University of Florida , the system is underpinned by a fundamental belief that women are more capable than men , mentally and even physically .

  23. 美国国防部五角大楼的研究机构国防先进研究计划局(DARPA)出资进行相关的研究计划,其中佛罗里达大学的琳达与雷·荷默-瓦奎斯夫妇找到了一种能够达成这个目标的方法。

    In a project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ), the Pentagon 's research arm , Linda and Ray Hermer-Vazquez of the University of Florida worked out a way to achieve this .

  24. 来自中佛罗里达大学(UCF)的科学家已经创造了一个超级电容电池的原型,即使充电3万次后仍然能够工作。

    Scientists from the University of Central Florida ( UCF ) have created a supercapacitor battery prototype that works like new even after being recharged 30000 times .

  25. 本研究在《个性与心理学》杂志上发表,在研究中,根据佛罗里达大学研究员KateRatliff的报道“一些证据表明,男性会将自己伴侣的成功很自然的归结为自己的失败。”

    Study author Kate Ratliff of the University of Florida explained " there is some evidence that men automatically interpret a partner 's success as their own failure , " in a report published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology .

  26. 这项研究的主要作者莎拉·A·约翰逊(SarahA.Johnson)是佛罗里达大学的博士后研究员。她认为人们没必要彻底改变饮食习惯,但是如果他们没有在吃蓝莓,可以尝试一下。

    The lead author , Sarah A. Johnson , a postdoctoral researcher at Florida State University , said she saw no reason for people to radically change their diet , but that if they are not eating blueberries , they might want to try them .

  27. 美国佛罗里达大学体育旅游课程之研究

    A Research on the Course of Sports Tourism at Florida University

  28. 佛罗里达大学儿童中心指出:第一个复活节兔子的传说记载于16世纪。

    The first Easter bunny legends were documented in the1500s .

  29. 今天早上,佛罗里达大学有两件事值得夸耀。

    The University of Florida has two things to brag about this morning .

  30. 佛罗里达大学兽医治疗了母熊的伤爪。

    Veterinarians at the University of Florida treated burns on the bear 's paws .