
  • 网络university of wyoming;Univ. of Wyoming
  1. 为了解决这个争议,美国怀俄明大学的考古学家ToddSurovell及其同事对以上两种假说进行了检验。

    To help resolve the debate , archaeologist Todd Surovell of the University of Wyoming , Laramie , and colleagues tested two assumptions .

  2. 怀俄明大学(UniversityofWyoming)水文学博士研究生布兰登·奥弗斯特里特(BrandonOverstreet)在这片冰面上小心翼翼,将他的安全带系到冰层中的一个锚上,朝着一条向下流入巨大深坑的河流的边缘徐徐前进。

    Brandon Overstreet , a doctoral candidate in hydrology at the University of Wyoming , picked his way across the frozen landscape , clipped his climbing harness to an anchor in the ice and crept toward the edge of a river that rushed downstream toward an enormous sinkhole .

  3. 这是怀俄明大学动物学和生理学系的网站。

    This is the website for Department of Zoology and Physiology , University of Wyoming .

  4. 一年半前她刚到怀俄明大学时,她就被指派到217房间。

    When Kim first came to UW a year and a half before , she was assigned to room 217 .

  5. 事情发生在1993年的春季学期,当时我正在怀俄明大学读书。

    The incident itself happened to me the spring semester of1993 while I was a student at the University of Wyoming .

  6. 在研究人员开始搭建帐篷的同时,怀俄明大学水文学博士研究生奥弗斯特里特向着这条静静地穿过冰层的河流前行。

    As the researchers began to set up camp , Overstreet , the University of Wyoming doctoral student , headed toward the river , silent as it sliced through the ice .