
  • 网络wyoming;Jackson Hole;State of Wyoming;Wyoming State
  1. 在怀俄明州,消防员还在为扑灭这两场大火而奋战。

    In Wyoming , firefighters are still battling the two blazes .

  2. 今天早上大约6:20,TracyAllenProvince在怀俄明州的Meeteetse被美国元帅逮捕。

    This morning , at 6:20 this morning , Tracy Allen Province was arrested by U.S. Marshals in the Meeteetse , Wyoming .

  3. 美联储在怀俄明州的JacksonHole召开了中央银行家和其他国际宾客年度会议。期间伯南克发表了讲话。

    He spoke in Jackson Hole , Wyoming , where the Fed holds a yearly conference for central bankers and other international guests .

  4. 美国联邦储备委员会主席贝南克(BenBernanke)上周五在怀俄明州杰克逊霍尔(JacksonHole)的讲话从某种意义上说拉开了市场“新赛季”的帷幕。

    A speech Friday by U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke at Jackson Hole , Wyo. , in some ways kicked off the new season .

  5. 亚特兰大——上周,珍妮弗·慕茅(JenniferMumaugh)和A·J·麦克丹尼尔(A.J.McDaniel)成为第一对在怀俄明州结婚的同性情侣。

    ATLANTA - LAST week Jennifer Mumaugh and A. J. McDaniel became the first same-sex couple to marry in Wyoming .

  6. 1925年1月5日,内莉T.罗斯接替她的已故的丈夫担任怀俄明州州长,成为美国史上第一位女州长。

    On Jan. 5 , 1925 , Nellie T. Ross succeeded her late husband as governor of Wyoming , becoming the first female governor in U.S. History .

  7. 首席财务官和主要股东之一马克布朗(markbrown)表示,股价动荡是因为自由流通股不多,而该公司致力于开发其在美国怀俄明州的矿已有10年。

    Mark brown , chief financial officer and a leading shareholder , said the volatility was explained by the equity being tightly held , and the company had been working on developing its Wyoming mine for a decade .

  8. 直到一月十五号死于心脏病,他一直工作在怀俄明州的BigPiney,终年84岁。

    He was still working in Big Piney , Wyoming , when he died of a heart attack on January fifteenth . He was eighty-four years old .

  9. 现年32岁的女演员在距离怀俄明州一步之遥的杰克逊小镇上和电视明星麦克盖拉迪斯喜结连理,周一她把这条消息分享在ins上。

    The 32-year-old actress tied the knot with her fellow TV star Michael Gladis a stone 's throw from Jackson Hole , Wyoming , she shared on her Instagram page Monday .

  10. 贝宝(PayPal)创始人、亿万富翁皮特•泰尔(PeterThiel)曾邀请威尔森前往位于怀俄明州的一处私人寓所,两人就比特币的未来进行了探讨。

    PayPal founder Peter Thiel , a billionaire libertarian , invited Mr. Wilson to a private Wyoming retreat , where the two men discussed the future of bitcoin .

  11. 在怀俄明州的JackonHole举行的中央银行家年度研讨会中,BenBernanke再向联邦储备银行承诺,如果美国经济持续恶化,他们会采取进一步的措施。

    At an annual symposium of central bankers in Jackson Hole , Wyoming , Ben Bernanke again committed the Federal Reserve to taking further action if the American economy deteriorated .

  12. 其他分销点存在于怀俄明州的Riverton,和亚利桑那州拉古纳印第安人保留地。

    Other distribution points exist at Riverton , Wyoming and on the Laguna Indian Reservation in Arizona .

  13. 上周美联储(FederalReserve)主席本•伯南克在怀俄明州的杰克森霍尔发表了一个演讲,承认市场之所以疲弱不振,其根本症结并不是靠央行的力量就能解决。

    With Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke acknowledging in his speech in Jackson Hole , Wyo. , last week that the problems plaguing the marketplace are beyond the powers of the central bank , it becomes all the more important for Washington lawmakers to help reboot the economy .

  14. 他强调,大城市和农村地区可以有不同的枪支法案,认为“在芝加哥适用的不一定在夏延【Cheyenne,美国怀俄明州的首府】适用”。

    He stresses that big cities and rural areas can have different gun laws , saying that " what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne " .

  15. 园环塔形山脉倒影,西风山脉,美国怀俄明州

    Cirque of the Towers Reflection in Wind River Range , Wyoming

  16. 塔圈谷(冰塔谷),风河山脉,怀俄明州。

    Cirque of the Towers , Wind Rivers Range , Wyoming .

  17. 怀俄明州的牛仔在日出时驱赶马群,怀俄明州的杰克逊霍尔

    Wyoming cowboys corralling horses at sunrise , Jackson Hole , Wyoming

  18. 美国怀俄明州中东部一城市,位于北普拉特河沿岸。

    A city of east central Wyoming on the North Platte river .

  19. 早餐后,前往黄石公园途经著名的牛仔州&怀俄明州。

    After breakfast , heading toward Wyoming , a famous cowboy state .

  20. 军队有怀俄明州的地理勘测地图。

    The army has a geodetic survey map of wyoming .

  21. 西弗吉尼亚州的产煤量仅次于怀俄明州。

    West Virginia produces more coal than any other state except Wyoming .

  22. 强烈的冬季风暴席卷了南达科他州的一部分和怀俄明州。

    A strong winter storm slammed parts of South Dakota and Wyoming .

  23. 怀俄明州是一个天然的放牧区,那里的牧草是吃不完的。

    Wyoming is a natural grazing country and cannot be eaten out .

  24. 周六其推土机切断了地处怀俄明州的一条天然气输送管道。

    His machine cut a natural gas pipeline in Wyoming on Saturday .

  25. 黄石公园的大部分坐落在怀俄明州的西北部。

    The best part of Yellowstone lies in the northwest of Wyoming .

  26. 欢迎来到怀俄明州,我是魏警长

    Welcome to Wyoming . I 'm U. S. Marshal Clay Wheeler .

  27. 不是,这是怀俄明州雷镇西蒙医生办公室

    No , this is the Dr. Simmons in Ray , Wyoming .

  28. 钱尼正在怀俄明州家乡度假。

    Cheney was vacationing at his home in wyoming .

  29. 怀俄明州约翰逊县凯西地区铀矿地质概况

    Introduction to uranium geology of the Kaycee area in Johnson County , Wyoming

  30. 选择正确的合作伙伴和策略,帮助荒地经营人保护怀俄明州的栖息地。

    Choosing the right partners and tactics help wildland managers protect Wyoming habitat .