- brood amount

The spawn season is in June , and the brood amount is positive to carapace .
Fecundity was 43 on average and the peak of oviposition occurred within 12 hours after mating .
The mean value of fecundity is 2451 individuals .
The longevity and pregnant eggs of females were recorded by feeding different kind of foods .
The absolute fecundity , the diameter of egg increased with advancing age before aging . 4 .
Content of amid of host tree has obvious relationship with thickness of raw lac , mortality and fecundity of Kerria lacca .
Mature individuals may spawn 4-5 oocysts during the whole life and the amount of eggs of each oocyst vary from dozens to hundreds .
Artificial catching was a matured technology to control adults currently , and most females caught at early and peak stages had a large amount of eggs .
The results show that adult fecundity increased with the increased in the number of days , and increased to a peak , with the number of days decreases .
Two Hundred and ten wild mud eels in March-May of 2004 were measured on age , length , weight , sex , gonad development and amount of ovum cherished .
Sweet resources such as honey , sucrose , and glucose , especially honey , could prolong the longevity of adults , increase the fecundity and parasitism of females effectively .
The countable and measurable properties , the fatness , the mature coefficient , relative fecundity , as well as the fertilized and the hatching ratio of each group were measured .
The average amount of ovum for each female adult was 71 . During oviposition of female adults , many male adults were acting around or waiting to mate with them .
The number of eggs in coelom was closely related with the body mass and snout-urostyle length , which meant that the female frogs might increase reproductive outputs with increasing body size .
Spawning season for the end of April to the beginning of November , frequently occurs in July and September . The absolute fecundity is 1951 . 8 and the relative fecundity is 32 . 7 , the mature coefficient is 23 . 0 % .
( mean number , 15 ) The individual relative fecundity r / W varies from , 4 to 25 . ( mean number , 9 ) 2.The number of eggs and individual absolute fecundity is a positive linear function of body length , net body weight and nidamental gland .