
hónɡ zūn
  • rainbow trout
  1. 根据片段常数法估算有机化合物对虹鳟的LC(50)值

    Estimation of LC_ ( 50 ) of Chemicals to Rainbow Trout by Fragment Constant Method

  2. 本文报道了19871988年所进行的国产伏碘(pvpⅠ)对虹鳟鱼卵毒性的研究结果。观察了伏碘毒性与pH、硬度的关系。

    This paper reports the results of tests on the toxicity of home made Betadine ( PVP I ) to rainbow trout eggs in 1987 1988 , The relation of its incidence in pH and water hardness were observed .

  3. 虹鳟脑型肌酸激酶基因cDNA全长的克隆与序列分析

    The cloning and analysis of CKB full length cDNA derived from Oncorhynchus mykiss

  4. 温度和类固醇激素对虹鳟免疫球蛋白M(IgM)的影响

    Effects of Temperature and Steroid Hormones on Immunoglobulin M ( IgM ) in Immature Rainbow Trout , Oncorhynchus mykiss

  5. 缺血缺氧性脑病患儿肾上腺髓质素、神经元特异性烯醇化酶及脑型肌酸激酶同工酶的关系虹鳟脑型肌酸激酶基因cDNA全长的克隆与序列分析

    Relations of Adrenomedullin , Neuron Specific Enolase and Creatine Kinaes BB Isozyme in Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy The cloning and analysis of CKB full length cDNA derived from Oncorhynchus mykiss

  6. 虹鳟(Salmogairdneri)传染性胰脏坏死病的研究

    A study on infectious pancreatic necrosis disease of rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri

  7. 对相同饲养条件下经产虹鳟和初产金鳟亲鱼自然成熟产卵群体生物学特性及其成熟鱼卵中四种不饱和脂肪酸(亚油酸、亚麻酸、EPA、DHA)组成含量进行分析比较。

    The biology characteristic of female mature fish Salmo gairdneri Richardson 、 Oncorhynchus mykiss and content of four polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA ) in its spawn were analysed and studied .

  8. AFB1导致虹鳟鱼胚胎的记忆性B细胞减少,使其外周血液免疫球蛋白的分泌和淋巴细胞增殖功能受到明显的抑制。

    Embryonic exposure of rainbow trout to AFB1 results in reduced B-cell memory . A dramatic suppression of immunoglobulin production and lymphocyte proliferation was marked when rainbow trout peripheral blood leucocytes were exposed to AFB1 .

  9. 用虹鳟脾细胞系RTS已分离出鱼病毒。用血清中和法已确认此病毒为鱼传染性胰脏坏死病毒(IPNV-VR299)。

    The pathogenic virus was isolated with rainbow trout spleen cell line ( RTS ) and was identified to be the Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus ( IPNV ) by serum neutralization test .

  10. 以虹鳟二倍体的伪雄鱼为父本(遗传型为xx),探讨了采用热休克方法阻止第二极体排放诱导全雌虹鳟三倍体的适宜条件。

    Sex reversed diploid rainbow trout whose genotype was XX was as father , heat shock was used to restrain the second meiosis of the fertilized eggs of rainbow trout to induced all female rainbow trout triploid .

  11. 虹鳟传染性胰脏坏死病病毒(IPNV)的初步研究

    Isolation and identification of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus ( ipnv ) from imported rainbow trout ( salmon gairdneri ) in P. R. China

  12. 虹鳟鱼在双层浮球式生物滤器封闭循环水系统中的养殖试验

    Application Of Floating Bead Biofilter In Recirculating Rainbow Trout Culture System

  13. 激素、人工雌核发育在虹鳟养殖中的应用

    Application of hormone and artificial gynogenesis growth in rainbow trout culture

  14. 14.多倍体虹鳟血液中有一定比例的红细胞核呈哑铃型或双核型。

    Some of red cell nucleus looks like dumbbell or dikaryon .

  15. 爸爸我钓到一条虹鳟鱼有9英寸长呢!

    Daddy , I caught a rainbow trout . Nine inches !

  16. 虹鳟网箱养殖试验报告

    Test of rearing rainbow trout in cages in the running water

  17. 虹鳟鱼肌肉营养成分的分析

    An Analysis of the Nutritive Compositions in the Muscle of Rainbow Trout

  18. 饥饿和再投喂对虹鳟生理参数的影响

    Effcets of starving and refeeding the rainbow trout upon their physiological parameters

  19. 利用紫外线辐射遗传失活精子诱导虹鳟雌核发育

    The Induction of Rainbow Trout Gynogenesis Using Ultraviolet Radiation to Inactivating Sperm

  20. 热休克诱导虹鳟四倍体

    Tetraploid of rainbow trout ( salmo gairdneri richardson ) induced by heat shocks

  21. 两种颜色虹鳟卵氨基酸、脂肪酸含量的比较

    Amino acid and fatty acid levels in rainbow trout eggs with different colors

  22. 水库浮式钢槽流水养殖虹鳟试验

    Rainbow Trout Culture in a Floating Steel-trough with Flowing Water in a Reservoir

  23. 三倍体虹鳟性转换及性腺发育的研究(英文)

    Sex reversal and gonadal development of triploid rainbow trout ( oncorhynchus mykiss )

  24. 虹鳟鱼卵形态观察初步研究

    Preliminary studies on the morphology of Rainbow trout eggs

  25. 用热休克法诱导虹鳟雌核发育二倍体的研究

    Diploid gynogenesis induced by heat shock in rainbow trout

  26. 虹鳟鱼金属硫蛋白启动子的体外扩增、克隆及其序列分析

    Amplification , cloning and sequence of Metallothionein promoter for rainbow trout by PCR

  27. 虹鳟鱼的养殖技术特点和前景展望

    Technical features and its prospects in rainbow trout farming

  28. 臭氧配合复合光合细菌对虹鳟鱼病的防治研究

    Research on Prevention of Rainbow Trout Disease by Ozone Cooperating Composite Photosynthetic Bacteria

  29. 应用不同模型估计虹鳟生长性状的遗传参数

    Estimation of genetic parameters for growth trait in rainbow trout with different model

  30. 虹鳟鱼病害防治技术

    The Prevention and Cure of Rainbow Trout Diseases