
hónɡ mó zhān lián
  • synechia
  1. 手术分离虹膜粘连、清除晶状体再生皮质并切除后发性白内障,可有效复位IOL。

    The intraocular lens could be reposited through iris synechia separation , regenerated lens cortex cleaning and secondary cataract extraction .

  2. 结论一定强度闪光可用于青光眼患者和虹膜粘连患者的ERG测定。

    Conclusion ERG testing by a fairly high level flash intensity can be used for patients with glaucoma and synechia iridis .

  3. 方法用粘弹剂的软器械作用分开广泛虹膜粘连,充分利用残存的机化膜作人工晶体支架,直接植入或单襻缝线固定晶体。

    Methods Viscoelastic materials were used to finish synechialysis and the remaining membrane may be utilized as a support to lens .

  4. 结果显示:术中并发症为后囊混浊、虹膜粘连、玻璃体脱出、后弹力层脱离;

    The result show that the intraoperative complications are post-capsule opacity , inis posterior synechiae , prolapse of vitreous and Descemet 's layer detachment ;

  5. 将滤道阻滞分为三类:1、内部阻滞型&房角入口虹膜粘连阻塞。

    The filtering pathway block were classified into three types : ① internal blocking , the anterior chamber angel was closed by adherent iris tissue ;

  6. 术后虹膜前粘连:A组12眼,B组12眼;

    Post operative anterior sgnechias : A group 12 eyes , B group 2 eyes , etc ;

  7. 方法YAG激光单脉冲先切除前膜与虹膜的粘连,再将人工晶状体表面前膜粉碎性切除。

    Methods A single pulse YAG laser was used to relieve the iris synechia and blow up the membrane on anterior surface of IOL .

  8. 术后8只眼虹膜前粘连与IOL襻有关。

    There were 8 eyes with anterior synechiae of iris , which were related to the haptics of intraocular lens .

  9. 对虹膜广泛粘连、机化的小瞳孔,术中撕囊、挽核困难病例,分离粘连后瞳孔仍然不能散大,则行瞳孔缘放射状剪开,植入IOL。

    To eyes with smaller pupil and extensive adhesion of iris , after cutting the pupillary edges radically with scissors , IOL was implanted .

  10. 目的探讨减少严重虹膜后粘连的并发性白内障囊外摘出(ECCE)人工晶状体(IOL)植入术后的并发症。

    Objective To decrease the complications after extracapsular cataract extraction ( ECCE ) and intraocular lens ( IOL ) implantation for complicated cataract with serious posterior synechiae of iris .

  11. 术后主要并发症人工晶状体表面色素沉着、虹膜后粘连及黄斑囊样水肿发生率,PHACO组明显低于ECCE组。

    The incidence of postoperative complications such as pigmentation on the IOL , iris posterior synechia , cystoid macular edema in the PHACO group was inferior to that of the ECCE group .

  12. 术后主要并发症是前葡萄膜炎和虹膜后粘连。

    The main postoperative complications were anterior uveitis and posterior synechia of the iris .

  13. 结论激光虹膜后粘连松解术是一种安全有效的解除虹膜后粘连方法。

    Conclusion laser lysis is a safe and effective method to resolve posterior synechia .

  14. 切口缝合预防儿童白内障术后虹膜前粘连效果的观察

    Observe of the efficiency of preventing iris anterior adhesion by incision suture in postoperative pediatric cataract

  15. 仅有2眼因虹膜后粘连及人工晶状体瞳孔夹持,视力恢复不理想(0.2)。

    Visual acuity increased to 0.2-1.2 from 0.1-0.5 and 2 eyes remained 0.2 because of posterior synechia .

  16. 并发症有小梁-后弹力膜穿孔、术区虹膜前粘连及小梁-后弹力膜纤维增生增厚。术后视力与术前相比均有不同程度改善。

    Complications included perforation of trabecular-Descemets membrane , peripheral iris anterior synechia and fibrosis of trabecular-Descemets membrane .

  17. 结果:长期用缩瞳剂造成虹膜后粘连的发生率为46.7%;

    Results : The rate of posterior synechia because of long term use of miotic is 46.7 % .

  18. 目的评价超声乳化人工晶状体植入治疗伴有小瞳孔缩小及虹膜后粘连的并发白内障的临床疗效。

    Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect of phacoemulsification and IOL implantation on cataract with small pupil resulted from uveitis .

  19. 术中慎重处理小瞳孔和虹膜后粘连,尽量避免刺激虹膜。

    Results postoperatively , there was little inflammatory reaction on2 eyes , all the pupils were recovered to normal size .

  20. 结果29例病人术后瞳孔基本恢复圆形,无术后切口渗漏、术后低眼压,无虹膜炎症粘连反应,无术后青光眼,眼内感染等并发症。

    Results The pupil was recovered in round without exudation , low pressure , iris adhesion , infection and glaucoma .

  21. 结果患者年龄13~72岁,双眼受累者76例,均无睫状充血、虹膜后粘连和虹膜异色;

    Results The age of the patients ranged from 13 to 72 years , and binocular involvement was noted in 76 patients .

  22. Ⅱ组患者术后前房反应较大,17例患者发生虹膜后粘连,8例患者发生一过性高眼压。

    Postoperative reaction in anterior chamber was distinctive in group ⅱ, iris posterior synechia in 17 eyes and temporary intraocular hypertension in 8 eyes .

  23. 9只眼周边虹膜前粘连,前房角闭塞,未见小梁网。4只眼前房角未闭。

    In 9 of the eyes , the trabecular meshwork disappeared and peripheral anterior synechiae of the iris with obstructed anterior chamber angles was found .

  24. 结果高频超声显示虹膜后粘连12只眼,前粘连10只眼,虹膜挫伤5只眼(包括3例虹膜根部离断)。

    Results High frequency ultrasound showed 12 cases with posterior synechia , 10 cases with anterior synechia , 5 cases with iris concussion including 3 cases of iridic interruption .

  25. 结论激光虹膜后粘连松解术是一种安全有效的解除虹膜后粘连方法切口缝合预防儿童白内障术后虹膜前粘连效果的观察

    Conclusion Laser lysis is a safe and effective method to resolve posterior synechia . Observe of the efficiency of preventing iris anterior adhesion by incision suture in postoperative pediatric cataract

  26. 结果全部患者均发生较严重的葡萄膜炎性反应及其所致的虹膜后粘连和瞳孔膜闭或闭锁,以及不同程度的后发性白内障。

    Results Different extent of secondary cataract , posterior iris synechia caused by severe postoperative uveal tract reaction were existed in all 30 cases , corecleisis was occurred in some severe cases .

  27. 方法对63例角膜穿孔伤修补术中使用黏弹剂形成前房,维持眼压,分离虹膜前粘连,保护眼内组织。

    Methods In 63 cases of corneal penetrating injuries , the viscoelastics solution were used to maintain anterior chamber and intraocular pressure , also protect tissues in eyes and dissect the anterior synechia .

  28. 其中急性闭角型青光眼58眼、慢性闭角型青光眼2眼、继发性青光眼3眼与虹膜后粘连3眼。

    Among them 58 eyes were acute angle closure glaucoma , 2 eyes were chronic angle closure glaucoma , 3 eyes were secondary glaucoma , 3 eyes were posterior synechia of the iris .

  29. 结果平均随访12个月(范围6~18),所有患者植片透明,未发现层间积液,前房深度正常,无虹膜前粘连和继发青光眼。

    Results The average follow up time was 12 ( from 6 to 18 ) months . All the grafts are clear and the intraocular pressure are normal , no double chamber and iris synechia .

  30. 术后并发症中后囊浑浊4眼(19%),玻璃体浑浊3眼(143%),虹膜后粘连2眼(95%),人工晶状体偏位2眼(95%)。

    Postoperative complications included after cataract in 4 patients ( 14.3 % ), posterior synechia of the iris in 2 patient ( 9.5 % ) and luxation of IOL in 2 patients ( 9 5 % ) .