
hóng cǎi
  • iridescence;irisation;colors of rainbow
虹彩 [hóng cǎi]
  • [iridescence;colors of rainbow] 虹的光彩

虹彩[hóng cǎi]
  1. 第四章中,我们研究了鸽子颈部绿色和紫色羽毛的虹彩现象。

    In the fourth chapter , we studied the iridescence phenomena of the green and purple feathers on the neck of pigeon .

  2. 海水养殖鱼类中虹彩病毒无症状感染的套式PCR分析

    Analysis of asymptomatic iridovirus infection in marine fishes by nested-PCR method

  3. 大黄鱼虹彩病毒PCR快速检测试剂盒的研制

    Development of a PCR-based Kit for Detection of Large Yellow Croaker Iridovirus

  4. 影响Li2O-PbO-ZnO系统釉料虹彩现象因素的研究

    A study on Influence Factors of iridescent phenomenon of glaze in li_2o-pbo-zno system

  5. 大黄鱼虹彩病毒腺苷三磷酸酶(ATPase)基因的克隆与表达

    Cloning and Expression of the Large Yellow Croaker Iridovirus ATPase Gene

  6. 实验结果证实了V离子在构成虹彩薄膜的金红石晶体中不固溶。

    The experimentai results confirm that V ~ ( 5 + ) ion does not form solid solution with rutile crystals which form the iridescent film .

  7. 综合XPS与钢化虹彩实验结果可知,XPS分析可以有效而精确地提供浮法玻璃中锡的价态以及含量信息。

    According to the results of the XPS and the bloom phenomenon , the XPS method is an efficient and accurate method to obtain information of the value and content of tin ions in float glass .

  8. 蛙虹彩病毒(RGV)的复制与宿主细胞骨架及超微组织变化

    Replication of Frog Iridovirus ( RGV ) and the Changes of Cytoskeleton , Ultrastructural Organelles in the Host Cells

  9. MnO-PbO-ZnO系统虹彩釉工艺过程的探讨

    An approach to the processing of MnO-PbO-ZnO system luster glaze

  10. 依据TRBIV的形状、大小、在感染细胞内的位置以及靶组织类型等判断,该病毒不同于已报道的大菱醉虹彩病毒,是一种新的感染我国大菱虾的虹彩病毒。

    According to the shape , size and target tissues of the virus , we recognized that TRBIV is different from the documented turbot iridovirus and it may be a new piscine iridovirus for cultured turbot .

  11. 一种虹彩病毒感染大菱鲆的病理学研究

    Pathological study on the infection of Scophthalmus maximus by an iridovirus

  12. 弹状病毒与虹彩病毒是危害鱼类的两大类重要病毒病原。

    Iridoviruses and rhabdoviruses are two significant viral pathogens in aquaculture .

  13. 尔后,天穹高挂虹彩。

    Later , there is a rainbow on the sky .

  14. 而相反地,虹彩紫色小羽枝的颜色由紫色变为了绿色。

    Oppositely , purple barbules change their colors from purple to green .

  15. 从患红脖子病甲鱼体分离到虹彩病毒

    An Iridovirus Isolated from Sick Soft shelled Turtle with Red Neck Disease

  16. 求你使我看见我的眼泪是筑成虹彩的材料。

    Show me that my tears have made my rainbows .

  17. 如果我将把一片虹彩铺盖在他们那夕阳西沉似的恶运上;

    if I shall spread a rainbow over his disastrous set of sun ;

  18. 虹彩病毒在海水鱼类间感染的研究

    Study on infection of irido virus among marine fishes

  19. 搪瓷表面虹彩膜的研究

    Study on Luster Film of Porcelain Enamel Surface

  20. 虹彩型云母钛珠光颜料的制备与表征

    Preparation and Characterization of Rainbow Titania-Mica Pearlescent Pigment

  21. 并未发现有虹彩炎、眼睑下垂或眼球活动受限这现象。

    No signs of iritis , ptosis , or ocular movement limits were found .

  22. 叙述了以金属氧化物为着色剂的虹彩釉的制作过程。

    Process of making lustre glaze by metal oxide as colouring agent was narrated .

  23. 布满天空的虹彩光芒。

    The nacreous glow that filled the heavens .

  24. 大菱鲆红体病虹彩病毒主要衣壳蛋白基因在毕赤酵母中的重组分泌表达

    Expression of major capsid protein gene of turbot reddish body iridovirus in Pichia pastoris

  25. 本文研究了虹彩型云母钛珠光颜料的制备方法。

    In this paper , the preparation method of rainbow titania-mica pearlescent pigment is discussed .

  26. 虹彩玻璃的衍射分析

    Diffraction Analysis of the Rainbow Colors Glass

  27. 水生动物虹彩病毒的分子生物学

    Molecular biology of IRIDOVIRUSES from aquatic animals

  28. 高温虹彩艺术釉的研究

    A Study on Hi-temp Art Colored Glaze

  29. 通过解剖发现腹腔器官病灶,确认为蛙虹彩病毒感染。

    We found abdominal organs by the anatomical lesions to confirm the frog iridescent virus infection .

  30. 但是,关闭当然,我们可以使这个更为复杂的交叉的不同虹彩类型。

    But off course we can make this even more complicated by intercrossing the different iridescent types .