
  • 网络Earthquake Cloud
  1. 与地震密切相关的一些自然现象如干旱、台风、暴雨、热异常以及地震中的喷水冒沙、地震云等现象,都可以由此得到统一的解释。

    The natural phenomena such as drought , typhoon , rainstorm , abnormal heat , water-gushing and sand-emitting during earthquakes and earthquake cloud all could be uniformly explained .

  2. 概述了地震云预测地震的历史;

    The history of forecasting earthquakes by earthquake clouds is summarized briefly .

  3. 地震云是指那些可以作为显示地震即将来临的信号的云彩。

    Earthquake clouds are clouds claimed to be signs of imminent earthquakes .

  4. 地震云预测地震续探

    Continue Exploration on Forecasting Earthquakes by Seismic Clouds

  5. 留心地震云,虽然最近已被看到但目前还没有发生地震。

    Watch for the earthquake clouds , although these have been seen recently and as yet there have been no quakes .

  6. 通过分析地震云来进行地震预报,也是地震预报的一种形式,但这种方式通常不被地震学家和其他科学家所接受。

    The analyses of earthquake clouds as a form of earthquake prediction are generally not accepted by seismologists and other scientists .

  7. 耶和华阿,你从西珥出来,由以东地行走。那时地震天漏,云也落雨。

    O LORD , when you went out from Seir , when you marched from the land of Edom , the earth shook , the heavens poured , the clouds poured down water .

  8. 简介了国内外主要地震工作者关于地震云的识别标志、时空动态与地震三要素关系的论述及其实际预测效果;

    It introduces the recognition marks of earthquake clouds , the relation between time - spatial dynamic of earthquake clouds and the three elements of earthquake , and forecast result by earthquake clouds ;