
  • 网络Geological exploration;geological survey;geologic prospecting
  1. 手持GPS在矿区地质勘查工作中的应用及误差分析

    Application on the handheld GPS in the geological survey and its error analysis

  2. 三维地震勘探在矿井地质勘查中的应用

    The Application of Three - dimensional Seismic Exploration in Geological Survey

  3. 地下声波法CT探测技术在工程地质勘查中的应用

    Application of Subsurface Sonic Exploring Technique to Engineering Geological Exploring

  4. GoogleEarth在地质勘查初期中的应用

    The application of Google Earth at the geological exploration early stage

  5. 基于三维GIS技术为主的数字地质勘查

    The digital geologic prospect based on the three-dimensional GIS technology

  6. 介绍了一种新型便携式高灵敏度X射线荧光仪的研制及其在地质勘查中的初步应用。

    A high sensitive portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer and the application of FPXRF in geological prospecting are introduced .

  7. 本文把GIS的应用引向了地质学领域,以伊朗地质勘查为例主要讲述了国内外基于GIS的面向对象的地质信息系统技术在地质勘查工作中的应用及其发展趋势。

    This research applies GIS to geology 's fields , main to express the development and recent trend of the geological information system technology based on GIS in geological exploration works .

  8. RTK技术可以替代常规测量为地质勘查工作快速提供可靠、高精度的测量成果。

    RTK technology can provide reliable and high precision survey production for geological exploration substitute for general survey method rapidly .

  9. 从具体行业的分析得出,金融业利用外商直接投资对GDP的影响最大,而科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业对GDP的影响最小。

    According to industrial analysis , the financial has the largest effect on GDP by using FDI , but scientific research , technology service and geological prospecting effect are the least .

  10. 该带的金矿地质勘查工作已进行了40余年,-400m标高以上提交的黄金储量超过400t。

    Geological exploration work have been done more than 40 years and proved reserves of gold more than 400t above - 400m level .

  11. 本文对在工程地质勘查中常遇到的一些地质模型进行了VSP正演模拟,根据正演模拟结果,讨论了在工程VSP勘查中应注意的问题,并对工程VSP的应用问题进行了讨论。

    This paper describes VSP forward modelling to some geological models often met in engineering geological investigation . Some problems in engineering VSP investigation are indicated according to the modelling results . Finally , application problems about engineering VSP investigation are discussed .

  12. 分别从地质勘查、地球物理勘探和油藏工程等角度简要介绍了2003年EAGE技术年会有关风险评价方面的技术概况。

    This paper described briefly the risk assessment technologies in the view of geological investigation , geophysical exploration , and reservoir engineering , based on a review of the articles presented to the 65 th EAGE annual meeting .

  13. 山东黄金资源与地质勘查若干问题的思考

    Problems on gold resources and geological prospecting in Shan Dong province

  14. 开辟多种资金渠道增加地质勘查的投入

    Raise funds from multiple sources and increase input in geological exploration

  15. 福建省煤炭资源地质勘查方法探讨

    On the Geological Exploration Method of Coal Resources in Fujian Province

  16. 招标投标在地质勘查成果转让中的运用实践

    The application of bidding in the transfer of geologic prospecting achievements

  17. 地质勘查费用投入及其效果分析

    An Analysis of the Geological Prospecting Expense Input and Its Effect

  18. 旁压试验在苏通大桥工程地质勘查中的应用

    Application of Pressuremeter Test to Geological Investigation for Su Tong Bridge

  19. 矿产地质勘查程度数据库系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Database System for Mineral Geological Exploration Intensity

  20. 关于地质勘查投资可行性研究若干问题的思考

    View to some issues in feasibility study on geological prospecting investment

  21. 这些特点和规律,对地质勘查具有指导意义。

    All these characteristics have the guiding significance for geologic prospecting .

  22. 论提高金矿地质勘查效益的思考与对策

    Thinking about the problems and countermeasure improving gold geological prospecting benefits

  23. 地质勘查工作体制现状存在哪些积弊?

    What drawbacks exist now in the geological exploratory work system ?

  24. 浅谈地质勘查工作战略结构调整及对策选择

    Strategic Structural Adjustment of Geological Prospecting Work and Selection of Measures

  25. 我国煤炭地质勘查标准化体系建设及展望

    Construction and Expectation of Coal Geological Exploration Standardization System in China

  26. 离子吸附型稀土矿床地质勘查工作中几个问题的讨论

    Discussion on several questions concerning exploration of ION-ADSORBED type REE DEPOSITS

  27. 国外风险地质勘查&解决我国铜原料稳定供给的重要途径

    Overseas risky geoexploration : available solution to copper supply of China

  28. 铀矿地质勘查:新思维、新理论和新技术

    Uranium exploration : new thinkings , new theories and new technologies

  29. 地质勘查经济社会效益及其指标体系

    On Geologic Exploration Economic & social Benefit and Target System

  30. 甘肃省加大地质勘查投入迫在眉睫

    Urgency of increasing the investment on geological survey in Gansu