
  • 网络geomagnetic map;magnetic charts;map of the geomagnetic;IGRF
  1. 地磁图匹配算法作为地磁辅助惯性导航系统的重要组成部分,是影响系统定位精度的一个重要因素。

    As one of the important components of the GAN , the geomagnetic map matching method ( GMMM ) is an important factor to effect the precision of the system positioning .

  2. 进一步地,对比了不同匹配区内最优航迹的匹配定位精度和抗干扰性能,验证了地磁图适配性分析方法的正确性。

    By further , the thesis compared the positioning accuracy and anti-jamming performance of the optimal tracks in different matching areas and verified the correctness of the analysis of the matching suitability of geomagnetic map . ( 4 ) The thesis used the inertial / geomagnetic integrated navigation system .

  3. 本文中研究了采用基于地磁图的ICP算法实现地磁匹配定位的方法,并在生成的地磁图上对算法进行了仿真,取得了较好的仿真结果。

    Geomagnetic matching is realized by using the ICP algorithm which is based on geomagnetic map . Then the geomagnetic matching algorithm is simulated on the geomagnetic map . Approving results appear .

  4. 一种利用磁偏角地磁图自动计算磁偏角的方法

    A method of automatically computing magnetic declination via the geomagnetic declination map

  5. 基于克里金插值的局部地磁图的构建

    Local geomagnetic field mapping based on kriging interpolation method

  6. 详细论述了磁偏角自动计算的原理,并提出了一种利用地磁图自动计算图幅磁偏角的新方法。

    This paper describes the principle of computing map magnetic declinations , a new method of computing MMD is presented .

  7. 因此,文中提出了一种利用磁偏角地磁图基于二维拉格朗日插值多项式的磁偏角自动计算方法,并详细论述了其原理。

    So , a method of automatically computing magnetic declination based on 2D Lagrange interpolation via the geomagnetic declination map is presented .

  8. 经多年预报实践表明,中国地磁图中的等变线变化图象与我国的构造活动、强震活动,在时间、空间上都有一定联系。

    Practice of prediction for years shows that magnetic isoporic line map of China is related to the tectonic and macroseismic activity in space-time variation .

  9. 基于BP网络的地磁基准图制备及其精度评价

    BP neural network based preparation method of geomagnetic reference map and its accuracy evaluation

  10. 地磁记录图的数字化识别结果与人工量图结果对比分析

    Analysis on relationship between the digital and manual measured results on the geomagnetic charts

  11. 因此地磁特征图必须作为整个组合导航系统的重要部分予以精心准备,而其中的主要工作是地磁特征图适配性研究。

    Therefore , the geomagnetic map must be carefully prepared as the important part of the integrated system .

  12. 1980年代中国地磁正常场图及其数学模式

    The geomagnetic field chart of China in 1980.0 and the mathematical model

  13. 区域地磁场建模主要方法及其在地磁导航基准图构建中的应用

    Regional Geomagnetic Field Modeling Methods and Their Applications in Constructions of Reference Maps for Geomagnetic Navigation

  14. 看图说话:金融投资保险业招聘现状和趋势根据分析结果,绘出了日面地磁扰动等值图。

    The results of correlation and regression analysis are drawn on the heliographic chart as isolines of geomagnetic disturbance .

  15. 本文介绍了1980.0年中国地磁正常场图的编绘和地磁正常场数学模式的建立使用不同年代观测的地磁三要素资料2000余个,经过通化改正,统统改正到1980.0这个特定年代。

    In this paper a mathematical model was given for drawing geomagnetic field chart of China in 1980.0 . More than 2000 three-element data of different years have been used to draw the geomagnetic field chart of China in 1980.0 by using Taylor polynomial and least square method .

  16. 在PC-1500计算机上建立的古地磁数据处理成图小系统

    A small data processing and plotting system of paleomagnetism for PC-1500 Computer

  17. 中国地磁等变线图与我国强震活动

    The analysis of chart geomagnetic isoporic line and MACROSEISMIC activity in China

  18. 地磁匹配制导基准图精度评价方法及其仿真实现

    A Method for Accuracy Evaluation of Reference Map in Geomagnetic Matching Guidance and Simulation

  19. 中国地球物理学会地磁测量、编图及应用学术交流会在厦门举行

    First Symposium on geomagnetic survey , charting and its applications at xiamen , Chinese Geophysical Society

  20. 几种插值方法在地磁匹配导航基准图构建中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Several Interpolation Algorithms in Reference Maps Building for Geomagnetic Matching Navigation

  21. 可利用中国地磁等变线图来推测十年尺度我国强震活动的趋势。

    Geomagnetic isoporic line map of China can be used to deduce the tendency of macroseismic activity in ten year scale .

  22. 本文简单介绍了地磁场的特点,地磁要素和地磁图以及地磁埸成因的几种假说。

    In this Paper , the speciality of geomagnetic field , geomagnetic factors , geomagnetic map and hypothesis of formation cause of geomagnetic field have been simply introduced .

  23. 根据特定时刻地面各点各地磁要素的数值,可画出各个地磁要素在地面上的分布图一地磁图。

    According to the value of magnetic elements of specific parts and moment of the ground , the various magnetic elements can be drawn a map of the ground-geomagnetic map .

  24. 在分析了水下地磁导航特殊性的基础上,面向地磁图适配性分析,给出了基于最大平行航迹差异度的航迹规划方法。

    Based on the analysis of the particularity of underwater geomagnetic navigation , the thesis proposed the route planning method based on the maximum degree of differences between parallel tracks .

  25. 本文介绍了中国附近海域地磁偏角模式的建立和“中国邻近海区地磁偏角图”的编绘以及质量分析。

    This article presents the creation of a geomagnetic declination model and the compilation and charting ( 1990.0 ) as well as the quality analysis of the neighbouring seas of China .

  26. 惯性/地磁组合导航需要以高精度、高分辨率的地磁特征图为基础,而利用测量手段绘制适用于组合导航的地磁特征图是一项复杂而且费时的工作。

    Inertial / geomagnetic integrated navigation need to base on the high precision and high resolution geomagnetic feature map . But , this is a complex and time-consuming task that drawing the geomagnetic map being adapted to the inertial / geomagnetic integrated navigation system by the geomagnetic measurement technology .

  27. 地磁导航关键技术主要包括三个部分:新型微磁传感器的设计;地磁模型的描述和地磁图的建立;地磁导航匹配算法的研究。

    The key technology of Geomagnetism Navigation includes three parts : the design of micro-magnetic field sensor , the describing of geomagnetic model and the establishing of geomagnetic map , the study of geomagnetic matching algorithm .

  28. 根据1936.0年426个地磁测点和28个IGRF计算的地磁数据,计算地磁场和地磁异常场各个分量的曲面Spline模型,并绘制相应的地磁图和地磁异常图。

    Based on geomagnetic data of 426 geomagnetic sites and calculated from IGRF at 28 sites for 1936.0 , surface Spline models for various components of the geomagnetic field and geomagnetic anomaly field are calculated , and the corresponding geomagnetic field charts and geomagnetic anomaly charts are drawn .