
  1. 在甜柿建园中,通过ABT生根粉,SAP高效抗旱保水剂和地膜覆盖技术的应用,可显著提高造林成活率和苗木生长量;

    By applied with ABT rootage powder , high efficiently anti-drought protectors and covered with plastic film in setting up Sweet Persimmon orchard , surviving rate and growth yield of forestation increase remarkably .

  2. 春播建植草坪时采用地膜覆盖技术,能提高地温,减少土壤水分蒸发,加快草坪出苗速度,草坪出苗可提前2~5d。

    The adoption of plastic-film mulching at sowing in spring for establishing lawn was effective in increasing soil temperature , keeping soil moisture and speeding up seedling emergence by 2 ~ 5 days .

  3. 旱区地膜覆盖技术的研究进展及发展前景

    Research advances and prospects of film mulching in arid and semi-arid areas

  4. 旱地花生地膜覆盖技术措施经济效益的评价

    Economic Evaluation of Dryland Peanut Growing with Perforated Plastic Mulching

  5. 攀西地区桑园地膜覆盖技术应用研究

    An Initial Report on Film-mulching Techniques in Mulberry Fields in Pan-xi Area

  6. 地膜覆盖技术在草坪建植中的应用及效果

    Application of plastic - Film Mulching in lawn establishment

  7. 机械化地膜覆盖技术在种植业中的效益分析

    The benefit analysis of mechanical mulching in farming

  8. 到目前为止两种措施,防风林和地膜覆盖技术,被广泛应用。

    So far two measures , shelterbelts and plastic mulch , are widely used .

  9. 风沙半干旱区地膜覆盖技术对花生产量与光合特性的影响

    Effects of Film-mulching Technique on Peanut Yield and Photosynthetic Characters in Sandy and Semi Arid Regions

  10. 地膜覆盖技术在给农业生产带来巨大经济效益的同时,也给土壤造成了严重污染。

    Land - coverage with plastic film has brought great economic benefits to agriculture . But it also has caused serious soil pollution .

  11. 为了抑制蒸发提高土壤水分利用效率,普遍使用地膜覆盖技术种植作物。

    In order to suppress soil evaporation and to improve water use efficiency in agricultural production , plastic mulch technology is generally used .

  12. 经多年的小区试验大田示范表明:这项技术和现行地膜覆盖技术相比,玉米苗期长势良好,产量增加30%以上。

    The test results in several places in many years showed that there was striking increase in maize yield compared with the conventional farming .

  13. 针对黄土台原自然降水特点及农业生产实际情况,在已有研究基础上,以具有显著保水性能的地膜覆盖技术为中心,设计出旱地小麦自然降水高效利用新模式。

    According to the rainfall characteristics and agricultural production reality in the loess tableland , new patterns for winter wheat to make full use of rainfall based on the previous researches were designed .

  14. 在地膜覆盖技术中,一膜两年用穴播谷子无论是同谷子的其它种植模式相比,经济效益最优,适于在甘肃等干旱地区推广。

    Mulching technology , both a film two years with Dibble millet compared with millet planting mode , economic benefits of the best adapted to the arid regions in Gansu and other promotion .

  15. 地膜覆盖技术是农作物节水增产的一项重要措施,能有效改善土壤的水热环境,对农田耕地土壤具有显著的抑蒸保墒作用。

    Technology of film covering is an important measure for crop irrigation , can effectively improve the water and thermal environment of soil , has remarkable effects on moisture keeping and steam inhibiting .

  16. 结果表明,在高海拔冷凉地区采用育苗移栽方法结合地膜覆盖技术种植玉米时必须注意当地晚霜对玉米幼苗的伤害。

    The result showed that the damages to the seedlings of corn by the local late frost must be noticed when maize is planted with the method combinig transplantation with plastic film covers in the cold and high elevation areas .

  17. 旱地小雨资源渗水地膜覆盖利用技术研究

    Study on Small Rain Utilization Technique by Water permeability Plastic Film Covering

  18. 花生专用除草地膜覆盖栽培技术

    Technologies of the herbicidal plastic film covering cultivation for peanut

  19. 大豆地膜覆盖栽培技术

    Technical Regulation in Soybean 's Planted by Covering Plastic Mulch

  20. 核桃幼园地膜覆盖栽培技术初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Use of Film Mulching for Walnut Cultivation

  21. 旱地玉米地膜覆盖施肥技术的研究

    The Techniques of Fertilization to Corn in Rainfed land under the Plastic-Mulching Cultivation

  22. 盐渍地泡桐地膜覆盖造林技术的研究

    Studies on the paulownia 's silviculture covered with plastic film on saline soil

  23. 陕西省玉米小麦地膜覆盖栽培技术的应用与推广

    An Application and Extension of Corn and Wheat Mulch Technology in Shaanxi Province

  24. 地膜覆盖灌水技术在北方地区的应用

    Application of Film Mulch Irrigation Technology in North China

  25. 仿丰产沟渗水地膜覆盖栽培技术研究

    Study on a new plastic film covering technique

  26. 渗水地膜覆盖栽培技术模式

    Planting Technique of Mulching by Water-permeability Plastic Film

  27. 甜菜地膜覆盖栽培技术研究进展

    Techniques Development of Mulching Plastic Film Cultivated Sugarbeet

  28. 高寒半干旱区大白萝卜地膜覆盖栽培技术的研究

    Study on Plastic Sheet-Covered Cultivation Technology of Large White Radish in the Cold and Semiarid Region

  29. 贵州低热地区果菜地膜覆盖栽培技术总结

    A summary of cultivation technique of Fruit-Vegetables covered with plastic film in hotter region of Guizhou Province

  30. 地膜覆盖栽培技术推广以来,在烟草生产中发挥了重要作用。

    Coverage and cultivation technique of plastic film has played an important role in tobacco production since it is popularized .