
  • 网络ERP;EOP;earth rotation parameter
  1. 同时采用4个台站的国际超导重力仪长期连续重力观测资料和国际地球自转服务中心提供的同步地球自转参数,研究了极移引起的地球重力场变化特征。

    The changing character of the Earth 's gravity field is studied in this paper by using simultaneously long-term continuous gravity observations recorded with international SG at 4 stations and the ERP from IERS .

  2. 大气对地球自转参数(ERP)的高频激发

    High frequency excitation of earth rotation parameters ( erp ) from atmosphere

  3. GPS在测定地球自转参数等方面的应用

    The Applications of GPS to Geodesy and Geodynamics

  4. VLBI单基线解算地球自转参数的秩亏性证明

    The Demonstration Of Rank Deficiency For One VLBI Baseline Estimation Earth Orientation Parameters

  5. 从基本原理出发,通过具体公式的推导,对恒星光学干涉仪应用于测量恒星位置和地球自转参数(ERP)进行了分析。

    From basic principles and derivation of the formulae it is analyzed to using the stellar interferometer to determine stellar positions and earth rotation parameters ( ERP ) .

  6. 根据IAU重新归算地球自转参数的要求,对上海天文台光电等高仪自1974年以来的观测资料作了重新整理,并录成机器可读的形式。

    In response to the demanding of The IAU Working Group " Earth Rotation in the HIPPARCOS Reference Frame " , the observational data of Shanghai Photoelectric Astrolabe since 1974 have been reorganized , and also transferred in machine readable form .

  7. 关于地球自转参数观测方程的讨论

    On discussion of observational equations for the earth rotation parameter solution

  8. 用两种方法推算星表系统差及其对地球自转参数的影响

    The influence of two methods for determining systematic differences on earth rotation parameters

  9. 用激光测月法测定地球自转参数的精度估计

    Estimates of the internal precision of earth rotation parameters determined by lunar laser ranging

  10. 用经典时纬观测确定地球自转参数的几个问题

    On the solutions of the earth 's rotation parameters from classical observations for time and latitude

  11. 地球自转参数预测

    Predictions of the earth rotation parameters

  12. 国际地球自转参数服务的新组织

    New Organization of IERS

  13. 本文评述了联线干涉仪用于测量地球自转参数现在和将来所能达到的精度及将来发展的前景。

    In this paper the Connected Element Interferometer using for determination of the earth rotation parameters and its accuracy and prospects are surveyed .

  14. 地球自转参数预报对于天文学和测地学的理论研究和实际应用具有重要意义。

    The Earth rotation parameters ( ERP ) prediction is of great significance for the theoretical study and practical application of astronomy and geodesy .

  15. 在地球自转参数的预报中,日长变化的预报是难点。日长变化包含了复杂的非线性因素,已有的科学研究包括对它的线性预报和非线性预报。

    For the earth rotation parameters , the most difficult to forecast is the length of day ( LOD ), which contains complex nonlinear factors .

  16. 根据重新归算1962&1982年地球自转参数研究工作中的有关数据,对大西洋两侧北美、欧亚两大板块间的经度变化率和板块间的相对运动进行了测定。

    From the datae obtained in the new determination of the Earth Rotation Parameters for the years 1962-1982 , the longitude difference rate of change and the relative motion between the North American and Eurasian Plates are studied .

  17. 地球自转和潮汐参数对地幔滞弹性的约束

    Constraints of the earth rotation and tidal parameters on mantle anelasticity

  18. 利用中国古代中心食记录得到的地球自转速率变化参数

    The Parameter of Variation in the Rotational Speed of the Earth from Ancient Central Eclipses Records of China