
Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs .
And to make certain they were seeing what they thought they were seeing , the NASA scientists sought the experience of a half-dozen geological experts who had nothing to do with the space project .
Construction of knowledge model of expert system for interlayer shear zone
Some problems on the establishment of the mine hydrogeology expert system
Many expert geologists have participated in the survey of this area .
A Practical Expert System for the Evaluation of Oil Gas Resources in a Field
Monolithic stability of dam and foundation is a problem that is great concerned by designer and geological expert .
Panzhihua-Xichang area is located in the geochemical provinces or megaprovinces of PGE , its ore-forming potential has been confirmed by many geologists .
Human activity , not nature , was the likely cause of the gaping sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City , a geologist says .
But geology experts caution that the sensitivity of the issue means it may not be published , noting that an earlier one in 2014 was initially classed a state secret .
Because different rock layout structure leads to reflections different in time and amplitude , from the digital data rock layout structure can be deduced , and geophysical experts will check out the possibility and capacitance of oil resource .
According to the category which was made by the specialist in China and abroad , I define the assess stage and scheme design stage as early stage of exploitation in which the aim of reservoir stochastic modeling is .
In1963 , thousands in northern Italy lost their lives in huge flooding caused by the vajont dam . a risk expert considers what this means for china 's Three Gorges project .
The Database Used in the Expert Systems of Drill Design Research
Some initial ideas for the expert system designing of Chinese geological reference classification
An expert system for geophysical mapping & amara
Expert system for decision based on railway geological comprehensive reconnaissance
An expert system model of geologically integrative trap assessments
Abundant geological vestige resources are hidden in mountains and canyons here , hence the name " Natural Geology Museum " by professional geologists .
Cheng Jie , a geological expert from the China University of Geoscience , said : I think it is very unlikely that the sinkholes were caused by human activities .
In order to find out the cause of the above phenomena , Shenzhen Water Affairs Bureau invited many experts in hydrogeology and engineering geology to discuss on the relevant problems .
The integration of GIS and GMS combines terrain and subterranean information to represent the overall geologic phenomena and can provide more visualization information and analysis tools to the geologists .
It is called " the geological museum " by the geological expert because of complicated hydrology geological condition , especially the karst water in the tunnel .
Planar geological map is a complex of results of geological investigation outdoors and geological expert knowledge , which reveals regional information , such as rock , strata and geological structure . It is the most attainable and direct data resource for people to understand regional geology .
However , complicated geological interface is the important part of three dimensional geological modeling ( 3DGM ) and very need for geologic operators because it can provide three-dimensional visual message that can make correct judgement and analysis to geology problems for geologists .