
shè huì huà fú wù
  • socialized services
  1. 第二部分,运用制度经济学的概念,分析农业社会化服务产生、发展和运行的内部机理;

    The second analyses the operational mechanism of agricultural socialized services .

  2. 关于提高地质调查成果社会化服务能力的思考

    Thoughts on strengthening the function of geological survey achievements in socialized services

  3. 城市综合功能GIS的应用模式为:办公自动化、科研和社会化服务。

    The application mode of Urban Comprehensive Function GIS will serve the office automation , scientific research and socialization of services .

  4. Yahoo似乎正与主要的社会化服务商进行内容合作,而非与其竞争。

    Yahoo seems content in partnering with the major social services , rather than compete with them .

  5. 应用ISO9001、14001质量体系管理的医院后勤社会化服务

    Socialization of logistics service after applying ISO9001 / 14001 quality standard system in hospital

  6. 基于SIG的地质资料社会化服务的构建与思考

    Construction of social service provided by geological data based on SIG and related thoughts

  7. 第三章,从多中心治理的视角对Q镇三华李生产的社会化服务体系进行分析,指出政府、市场、社会三方主体的功能与限度。

    The third chapter analyzes the local system socialized service from the view polycentric governing and points out the function and limitation of the subjects of the society , the market and the government .

  8. 空间数据库技术作为地理信息系统的核心技术,为水文地质信息的全方位共享和多领域的社会化服务提供了有效的途径,而空间数据质量的规范性将直接影响着新一代GIS的发展。

    The technology of spatial database , the core technology of the Geography Information System ( GIS ), provides an effectual way for sharing the hydrogeological information with community and society , and the quality of spatial data will affect the development of spatial database .

  9. 金华市农机社会化服务探究

    A Brief Analysis for the Socialite-service of Agri-machinery in Jinhua City

  10. 网络环境下档案馆社会化服务模式研究

    Study on Modes of Socialization of Archives Service under Internet Circumstance

  11. 建立医疗设备维修社会化服务体系的构想

    The proposition to establish socialized service system for medical instrument maintenance

  12. 农村社会化服务体系述评

    A review on the service system of socialization in the countryside

  13. 基于社会化服务的政务信息资源分类研究

    Research on the Social Service-based Classification of Government Affairs Information Resources

  14. 强化政府服务功能和社会化服务体系建设。

    Strengthen the governmental service function and service socialization system construction .

  15. 有关农业产业化与农业社会化服务体系问题探讨

    An approach to agricultural industrialization and service system of agricultural socialization

  16. 辽阳市农机社会化服务组织发展研究

    Study on the Development of Agricultural Machinery Service Organizations in Liaoyang

  17. 公共图书馆的公益性和社会化服务探究

    Research on the Public Interest and Service of the Public Library

  18. 建立健全农业社会化服务体系。

    We should establish and improve a commercialized rural service system .

  19. 农村社会化服务组织的中间层组织与厂商理论分析

    Intermediaries and the Firm Theory Analysis of Rural Socialized Service Organizations

  20. 农村社会化服务组织的合作机制研究

    Study on the Cooperation Mechanism of the Rural Social Service Organization

  21. 论江苏省农机社会化服务体系建设

    Discussion on the Construction of Agricultural Machinery Socialized Service System in Jiangsu

  22. 加大农业社会化服务的政策支持和引导力度;

    Strengthen the policy support and guide dynamics of agricultural socialization service ;

  23. 物业小区管理的专制特征与社会化服务之路

    Dictatorial Characteristic of Residential Estate Management and the Road of Socialized Service

  24. 农村干部管理水平低,社会化服务体系不健全。

    Pool management level of rural cadres and imperfect social service system .

  25. 大学主导型农业社会化服务的供求差异分析

    Analysis on Difference between Supply and Demand in University-leading Agricultural Socialization Service

  26. 某院后勤社会化服务的顾客满意度研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction of Socializing Logistics Service Quality in a Hospital

  27. 试论高校图书馆社会化服务的有限开放

    On the limited opening service of university libraries to society

  28. 这种供给模式能够有效促进其农业社会化服务的发展,利于在短期内见到成效。

    This supply model can effectively promote their agricultural social service development .

  29. 档案工作社会化服务浅见

    My Point of View on the Service Socialization of the Archives Work

  30. 帮助和组织搞好甘蔗生产的社会化服务;

    Organize and help to establish the social service for sugarcane production ;