
shè huì fú lì shǔ
  • Social Welfare Department
  1. 沙田第一城老人居屋〔社会福利署〕

    Sha Tin City One Sheltered Housing [ Social Welfare Department ]

  2. 暴力及执法伤亡赔偿组〔社会福利署〕

    Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Section [ Social Welfare Department ]

  3. 沙田老人中心〔社会福利署〕

    Shatin Social Centre for the Elderly [ Social Welfare Department ]

  4. 交通意外伤亡援助组〔社会福利署〕

    Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Section [ Social Welfare Department ]

  5. 信息系统及科技科〔社会福利署〕

    Information System and Technology Branch [ Social Welfare Department ]

  6. 双向信息处理系统〔社会福利署电话热线〕

    Interactive Voice Processing System [ Social Welfare Department hotline ]

  7. 社会福利署助理署长(青年及康复服务)

    Assistant Director ( Training and Rehabilitation ) [ Social Welfare Department ]

  8. 湾仔春园街老人居屋〔社会福利署〕

    Spring Garden Lane Sheltered Housing [ Social Welfare Department ]

  9. 幼儿服务资源中心〔社会福利署〕

    Child Care Services Resource Centre [ Social Welfare Department ]

  10. 中央辅助医疗服务课〔社会福利署〕

    Central Para-medical Support Service Unit [ Social Welfare Department ]

  11. 保护儿童特别调查组〔社会福利署〕

    Child protection special investigation team [ Social Welfare Department ]

  12. 他说社会福利署会要问我家里一些事

    He tells me Social Services is asking questions about my family .

  13. 康复及高龄事务处〔社会福利署〕

    Rehabilitation and Elderly Office [ Social Welfare Department ]

  14. 社会福利署负责社区矫正项目的执行。

    The Social Welfare Department is responsible for their correction in the community .

  15. 社区老人科评估小组〔社会福利署〕

    Community Geriatric Assessment Team [ Social Welfare Department ]

  16. 老人院舍服务编配系统办事处〔社会福利署〕

    Residential Care Services Delivery System for the Elderly Office [ Social Welfare Department ]

  17. 社会福利署副署长(服务)

    Deputy Director of Social Welfare ( Services )

  18. 由于调查期间社会福利署及非政府机构推行的露宿者服务均较少在深宵进行外展

    In the period of survey , there was not any late night service provided by SWD

  19. 受社会福利署署长监护的儿童

    Ward of Director of Social Welfare

  20. 社会福利署热线服务

    Social Welfare Department Hotline Service

  21. 社会福利署署长法团

    Director of Social Welfare Incorporated

  22. 社会福利署署长可指明根据本条例备存的纪录的表格。

    The director of social welfare may specify the form of records to be kept under this ordinance .

  23. 社区建设的政策由民政事务局制定,并主要由民政事务总署及社会福利署负责推行。

    The Home Affairs Bureau has policy responsibility for the programme and the Home Affairs Department and SWD are principally responsible for its implementation .

  24. 其实该两名受养人均是从社会福利署收取综合社会保障援助,而他们的生活费全部由该援助金支付。

    In fact , the two dependants had received comprehensive social security assistance from the social welfare department and their maintenance fees were fully covered by the assistance .

  25. 卫生福利局局长和社会福利署署长分别负责制定和推行社会福利政策。

    The responsibility for formulating and carrying out government policies on social welfare rests with the Secretary for health and welfare and the director of social welfare , respectively .

  26. 近年社会福利署推行不少关于福利政策和计划的新措施,引起社会上颇大的争论和福利界同工的关注与不安。

    In recent years , the Social Welfare Department has introduced various new measures related to social welfare reform , raising concerns and debates within and outside the social welfare sector .

  27. 社会福利署与各非政府机构保持紧密合作;这些机构接受政府资助,提供大部分的福利服务。

    The Social Welfare Department ( SWD ) maintains a close working partnership with non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) which , with subventions provided by the Government , are the main providers of social welfare services .

  28. 所有收容所及任何依据本规例备存在收容所内的登记册,须在任何合理时间,公开让社会福利署署长或任何获其书面授权的人士检查。

    All places of refuge and any register kept therein pursuant to these Regulations shall be open to inspection at any reasonable hour by the director of social welfare or by any person so authorized by him in writing .

  29. 任何人未获社会福利署署长的批准而与被羁留在收容所的任何儿童或少年通讯,即属犯罪,可处罚款$1000或监禁3个月。

    Any person who without the authority of the director of social welfare communicates with any child or juvenile while detained in a place of refuge shall be guilty of an offence : penalty : a fine of $ 1000or imprisonment for3 months .

  30. 凡设于某地方的法庭获社会福利署署长通知,表示已备有执行于该地方所作出的社会服务令的设施,该法庭即可行使作出社会服务令的权力。

    The power to make community service orders may be exercised by any court sitting at a particular place where that court is notified by the director of social welfare that facilities for the administration of community service order are available in respect of orders made at that place .