
  • 网络Socialist Party;Parti Socialiste
  1. 美国国家社会主义党

    National Socialist Party of America

  2. 索马里革命社会主义党

    Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party

  3. 法国大选中社会主义党人落选。

    The French electorate voted out the socialists .

  4. 最新投票结果显示社会主义党的选票增加2%。

    The latest poll show a socialist gain of2 % .

  5. 也有人担心,一些社会主义党的成员有可能反叛。

    There are also worries that some lawmakers of the Samajwadi party may rebel .

  6. 可是仅仅有社会主义党的支持还不足以让政府获得议会下院545个议席中超过一半的席位。

    But the Samajwadi Party , alone , cannot take the government past the half-way mark in the545 member lower house of parliament .

  7. 西班牙的愤怒者运动使人们对于社会主义党政府更加不满,因此帮助了右翼政党,他们在下个月的大选中肯定能获胜。

    In Spain the indignados have fanned fury with the Socialist government - thus helping the centre-right , which is set to win next month 's election .

  8. 强迫总理对内阁进行重组的反对派社会主义党放弃了中立态度,并表示他们将支持新的内阁。

    Rebel Socialist MPs who forced him to reshuffle his cabinet have started to come off the fence and say that they will endorse the new cabinet .

  9. 印度国大党领导的联合政府已经获得了来自一个地区性政党&印度社会主义党的关键支持,不过它仍然需要更多议员的支持才能确保赢得信任投票。

    The Congress party-led alliance has already secured the vital support of a regional group , the Samajwadi party . But it needs the backing of more lawmakers to ensure that it can win the confidence vote .

  10. 党章草案关于党员义务的规定,比原有条文增加了许多新的内容。社会主义党的6个委员会的席位是在损害保守党的情况下赢得的

    As compared with the relevant articles of the existing Constitution , the draft contains many new provisions concerning the duties of Party members . The Socialists gained six seats on the council at the expense of the Tories

  11. 社会主义反对党领袖GeorgePapandreou说,政府失去了希腊人民的信任,希望进行重新选举。

    Socialist opposition leader George Papandreou said the government has lost the Greek people 's trust and called for snap elections to be held .

  12. 最初当希腊支持欧元区纾困方案的紧缩条件的两大主流政党——新民主党(NewDemocracy)和泛希腊社会主义运动党(Pasok)——赢得足够组成议会多数派的席位消息传出时,市场走高。

    Markets initially rallied on news that New Democracy and Pasok , two mainstream parties that support the austerity conditions of the eurozone 's bailout , gained enough seats to form a parliamentary majority in Athens .

  13. “我认为绝大多数的工人都会支持激进左翼联盟党(Syriza)并给他们投票,工人们不会支持泛希腊社会主义运动党(PASOK)或者新民主党,因为左翼联盟支持工人。”

    Among those on the picket line , is Panayiotis Papanikolaou who has worked in the factory for more than 20 years . " Right now , I think most of the workers will support and vote for Syriza , not PASOK or new Democracy , because Syriza supports the workers . "

  14. 如果委内瑞拉社会主义统一党在大选中获胜,它几乎无力处理这些问题。

    Assuming the PSUV wins the election , it will be ill-equipped to grapple with these problems .

  15. 由于在300个议会席位中泛希腊社会主义运动党仅控制152席,结果看上去凶多吉少。

    The outcome is on a knife edge , with Pasok controlling only 152 seats in the 300-member parliament .

  16. 支持“玻利瓦尔革命”的政党五花八门,在查韦斯的整合下,其中的大部分政党合并组成了“委内瑞拉社会主义统一党”(PSUV)。

    Most of the motley collection of parties that backed the Bolivarian revolution were merged into the Venezuelan United Socialist Party ( PSUV ) .

  17. 一个叫做[公众议题]的市场研究公司最近所作的民调显示,主要的反对党比执政的泛希腊社会主义运动党获得更多的选民支持。

    A recent poll carried out by a market research company called Public Issue showed the main opposition party is beating the ruling Pasok socialist party in voter support .

  18. 三个代表重要思想是新时期党的建设的指导思想,更是社会主义高校党的建设的指导思想。

    The " Three Represents " theory is a guideline for Party construction at the new era and a guiding principle for Party construction in socialist institutions of higher learning .

  19. 1990年,军政府支持的民族团结党(前身为缅甸社会主义纲领党),再次呼吁士兵们支持民族团结党。

    In1990 , the current junta supported the National Unity Party ( formerly the Burmese Socialist Programme Party ), and soldiers were again urged to support the military 's preferred party .

  20. 然而,由少数几位泛希腊社会主义运动党议员领导的倒戈,并未阻止帕潘德里欧赢得内阁的支持&周二晚间,希腊内阁在召开7个小时的紧急会议后,赞同举行公投。

    But a rebellion led by a handful of Pasok members of parliament did not prevent Mr Papandreou from winning cabinet approval for a referendum on Tuesday night after a seven-hour emergency session .

  21. 阿道夫·希特勒成为国家社会主义德意志劳工党的党魁。

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party .

  22. 论全面社会主义建设时期党的知识分子政策

    The Intellectual Policies of the Party During the Full Swing Socialist Construction Period

  23. 社会主义初级阶段党的先进文化建设战略探究

    A Research on " Advanced Culture Construction " Strategy of Chinese Communist Party on Socialist Elementary Stage

  24. 在社会主义社会,党和国家领导制度是关系到党和国家的命运和前途的重大问题。

    In the socialist society , the leading system has an important bearing on the Party and the state 's future and destiny .

  25. 在新时期,坚持群众路线对社会主义建设和党的建设仍然具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    In new period , insisting the mass line still has important theory and practice meanings to the socialist construction and the Party-building .

  26. 这个时候出来一股思潮,它的核心是反对社会主义,反对党的领导。

    At that point an ideological current appeared , the essence of which was opposition to socialism and to leadership by the Communist Party .

  27. 对这些人的政治要求要适当。他们在政治上要爱国,爱社会主义,接受党的领导。

    The political requirements set for these people must be appropriate : they should love the motherland , love socialism and accept the leadership of the party .

  28. 三个代表的思想是对实践标准的新发展,指明了社会主义实践和党的实践的基本目标;

    The thought of the Three Represents is the newest development of the standard of practice , which indicates the basic targets for socialist practice and CPC ' construction .

  29. 我国是一个以马克思主义为指导思想的社会主义国家,党和政府十分重视并始终强调要加强马克思主义理论与思想政治教育。

    Our country is a socialist country with Marxism taken as the guiding ideology , thus the Party and the government attach great importance to the theoretical education of Marxism and have been all the time stressing the necessity to strengthen the theoretical education of Marxism .

  30. 社会主义和谐社会与党的先进性

    Harmonious Society and the Advancement of the Party