
  • 网络final determination;Final Order
  1. 这起争端的最终裁定将于今年夏天公布。

    A final ruling on the case will come this summer .

  2. 比赛期间,裁判享有最终裁定权。

    During game play , the referee 's decisions are final .

  3. 他计划最早于本周做出最终裁定。

    He is due to deliver a final ruling as early as this week .

  4. 案件裁决所作出的最终裁定意见,包括补充意见、不同意见和裁决令;

    ( A ) final opinions , including concurring and dissenting opinions , as well as orders , made in the adjudication of cases ;

  5. 在两大科技巨头的战争中,陪审团最终裁定三星赔偿苹果10.5亿美元。

    The jury ordered Samsung to pay Apple $ 1.05 billion in the latest skirmish of a global legal battle between the two tech giants .

  6. 该部分详细介绍了五谷道场申请破产重整的原因、重整计划草案的表决过程及法院的最终裁定。

    This part introduces the reason of applying for bankruptcy and reconstruction , the procedure of voting the draft of reconstruction plan and the final ruling of the court in detail .

  7. 周一,最高法院对涉及少数族裔教育政策一案作出判决,但回避了对众所周知的平权法案作出最终裁定。

    On Monday the court released a decision on education policy for minorities . But , the high court chose not to give a final ruling on the policy known as affirmative action .

  8. 然而在2009年12月17日,欧盟对中国玻纤产品发起了反倾销调查,并最终裁定对从中国出口到欧盟的玻纤产品征收临时反倾销关税。

    But on December 17 , 2009 , the European Union initiated an anti-dumping investigation into Chinese fibreglass , which eventually led to a provisional anti-dumping duty on glass fibre products exported from China to the EU .

  9. 各地法庭最终都裁定,微软非法垄断个人电脑操作系统。

    Various tribunals ultimately found that Microsoft illegally monopolized the major market for PC operating systems .

  10. 由七位男士五位女士组成的陪审团花了两天时间审议最终达成一致裁定。

    A panel of seven men and five women took two days of deliberation to reach a verdict .

  11. 最终审理和裁定案件的委员会的成员对总律师或提起诉讼的决定没有任何控制权。

    The Board members who ultimately hear and decide these cases have no control over the General Counsel or the decision to prosecute .

  12. 最终法院上周裁定政府可以立法减薪,各高官都肯定松一口气。

    Senior officials must have heaved a sigh of collective relief after the Court of Final Appeal ruled last week that the government could cut civil servants'salaries by legislation .

  13. 这三人都接受了审讯,最终陪审团裁定,对前市长30项指控中24项罪名成立,裁定弗格森犯有敲诈、勒索和贿赂罪,而伯纳德·基尔帕特里克则只被判了一项与税务有关的罪名。

    All three were on trial and the jury found the former mayor guilty of 24 of the 30 counts against him , convicted Ferguson of racketeering , extortion and bribery , but found Bernard Kilpatrick guilty of only one tax charge .

  14. 成千上万的观众投票角逐,最终结果由评委裁定。

    Thousands competed for viewer votes and eventually a jury selection .

  15. 然后,规范刑事审判指定管辖指定程序,应由控方启动指定管辖程序,而且只能指定次数以一次为限,最终由法院以裁定书的形式来指定。

    Then standardize the procedure of the designated jurisdiction in criminal trial . The procedure should bi started by the prosecution and the jurisdiction can designate only by the court in the form of award finally .

  16. 如果最终在法律上裁定鹅肝生产是虐待,或不人道行为,或两者兼有,那么正式判定这一点会强化一种看法,即当前大多数工业养殖动物(以及相关产品)的生产所使用的手段,也都是这样。

    If it 's ultimately and legally determined that foie gras production is cruel , inhumane or both , labeling it so would strengthen the argument that so are the current means of production for most industrially raised animals ( and their products ) .