
  • 网络pkk;Workers’ Party;Workers' Party
  1. 由于宪法规定而不能再次参选的卢拉,正把巴西冉冉升起的石油大国形象当作政治武器,以求激发洋洋得意的心态,帮助他的工人党(workersparty)获胜。

    Banned from re-election by the constitution , Mr Lula is using the image of Brazil as a rising oil power as a political weapon , invoking feelings of triumphalism to help his workers party to victory .

  2. 据信,这一地区是库尔德工人党领导层中大多数成员的所在地。

    It is believed the region is the base for most of the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers Party , the PKK .

  3. 这些基地训练营被库尔德工人党游击队用于对土耳其实施突袭行动。

    These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey .

  4. 库尔德工人党(PKK)曾对AK党发起袭击,作为反击,土耳其对库尔德叛军发起重大进攻。

    Last week , in response to a Kurdish PKK attack on its forces , Turkey launched a major offensive against the Kurdish rebels .

  5. 巴西前总统、左翼反对党工人党(Workers'Party)领导人路易斯.伊纳西奥.卢拉.达席尔瓦(LuizInácioLuladaSilva)敦促巴西足球界“在这个对所有巴西人都极度悲痛的时刻”团结在沙佩科恩斯球队的身后。

    Former president Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva , leader of the leftist opposition Workers " party ( PT ) , urged Brazilian football to unite behind Chapecoense " at this moment of extreme sadness for all Brazilians . "

  6. 在东南部地区,该党与伊拉克库尔德领导人达成协议的努力令人鼓舞,这份协议要求后者解除藏身于伊朗-伊拉克边境地区的库尔德工人党(PKK)叛军的武装。

    In the south-east , AK 's efforts to strike a deal with Iraqi Kurdish leaders to disarm rebels from the Kurdistan Workers'Party ( PKK ) holed up on the Iran-Iraq border are encouraging .

  7. 库尔德工人党(PKK)周三发起致命攻击,引起土耳其群情激愤,数千名军人被派遣至伊拉克边境追捕叛军。

    A wave of public anger has swept through much of Turkey after Wednesday 's deadly attack by the PKK , and thousands of troops have been sent to the Iraqi border to pursue the insurgents .

  8. 这是去年以来库尔德工人党发动的最激烈的袭击。

    It is the most serious attack by the PKK since last year .

  9. 今年早些时候,土耳其军人进入伊拉克对库尔德工人党展开长达一个星期的军事行动。

    Earlier this year , Turkish soldiers entered Iraq in a week-long operation .

  10. 对库尔德工人党采取的这些军事行动由于美国的情报资讯而得到了增强。

    Such operations against the PKK have been enhanced by U.S. intelligence information .

  11. 约翰逊参加了在田纳西州的辩论会,并组织了工人党。

    Johnson participated in debates in Tennessee and organized a workers " party .

  12. 工人党的兴起和它的衰亡一样快。

    The rise of the worker 's party was as rapid as its fall .

  13. 二十多年来,土耳其一直在跟库尔德工人党进行战斗。

    The Turkish state has been fighting the PKK for more than 20 years .

  14. 战斗中还有20多名库尔德工人党成员丧生。

    More than 20 members of the PKK were also killed in the fighting .

  15. 1984年以来,库尔德工人党为了争取库尔德人自治一直在跟土耳其当局作战。

    The PKK have been fighting the Turkish state , for Kurdish autonomy since 1984 .

  16. 这并不是库尔德控制的实体,而是库尔德工人党控制的实体。

    Not that this was a Kurdish-controlled entity , but it was a PKK-controlled entity .

  17. 土耳其进入伊拉克的库尔德斯坦清剿库尔德工人党的行动导致局面日益紧张。

    Tensions are growing over Turkey 's raid into Iraqi Kurdistan to root out the PKK .

  18. 我们真的想让库尔德工人党控制我们边境地区的小镇吗?

    Do we want to have the PKK control a little state across from our borders ?

  19. 埃尔多安说,袭击中有两名土耳其军人失踪,库尔德工人党有23人被打死。

    He said two soldiers were missing and23 members of the PKK were killed during the attack .

  20. 卢拉左倾的、持更加怀疑态度的“工人党”已经失去了影响力。

    Lula 's left-leaning Workers'Party ( PT ), which is even more sceptical , has lost influence .

  21. 政府以一系列的空袭打击了库尔德人控制的伊拉克北部的库尔德工人党据点。

    The government has responded with a wave of air strikes against PKK strongholds in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq .

  22. 土耳其退役将军索尔马兹土尔克说,尽管如此,库尔德工人党仍然构成严重威胁。

    Despite such operations , retired Turkish general Haldun Solmazturk says the PKK still remains a serious threat .

  23. 虽然打算对库尔德工人党还以颜色,土耳其官员私下却承认大规模的越境行动是个糟糕的想法。

    Yet despite the chest-thumping , Turkish officials privately concede that a large-scale cross-border operation is a rotten idea .

  24. 星期四,土耳其向伊拉克北部扎普地区13处被怀疑是库尔德工人党的目标发动空袭。

    On Thursday , Turkey carried out air strikes on13 suspected PKK targets in the Zap region of northern Iraq .

  25. 安卡拉指责库尔德工人党把邻近的伊拉克北部做为基地,向土耳其军队发动袭击。

    Ankara accuses the PKK of using neighboring Northern Iraq as a base to launch strikes against its forces in Turkey .

  26. 库尔德工人党一直在靠近土耳其边境的伊拉克北部偏远山区设有基地。

    The PKK has traditionally maintained bases in the remote mountains in the north of Iraq , near the Turkish border .

  27. 土耳其空军正在加强对库尔德工人党反政府分子的打击。一份军方声明说,土耳其空军星期天清晨袭击的目标是库尔德反政府组织在伊拉克北部的12个基地。

    A military statement said 12 Kurdish rebel bases in northern Iraq were targeted by the Turkish air force early Sunday .

  28. 据土耳其媒体报导,这场袭击持续了几个小时,库尔德工人党几十名成员参加了袭击,他们使用了重武器。

    The attack , according to Turkish media reports , lasted several hours and involved scores of PKK rebels using heavy weapons .

  29. 据当地电视台援引保安官员的话说,连环爆炸案带有库尔德分离主义组织库尔德工人党制造的爆炸案的特点。

    According to local TV reports , quoting security officers , the bombings have the hallmark of the Kurdish separatist group the PKK .

  30. 分析人员称,村庄卫队军事组织是与库尔德工人党的战争中土耳其军队的主要支撑力量。

    Analysts say the " Village Guards " militia is the key support element for the Turkish army in its war against the PKK .