
  • 网络industrial museum;Westphalian Industrial Museum;Technical Museum;NMSI
  1. 建筑模型的设定使用到的是创建BOX功能以及Loft(放样)方法;赋予模型材质设计界面则用到的是Mate-rIalEditor(材质编辑器)来良好的实现小型工业博物馆内界面整旧如新的改造。

    Set of architectural model is used to create a BOX and Loft ( loft ) method ; gives interface you are using a Mate-rIal model material design Editor ( material editor ) to implement small industrial Museum good interface " transform old into new " transformation .

  2. 第二部分,分别介绍四座工业博物馆的现状,馆内的藏品和陈列。

    The second part , introduces the status quo of four industrial museum , the collection features .

  3. 目前Baby的复制品正在曼彻斯特的科学与工业博物馆(MuseumofScienceandIndustry)展出,让我们在此送上迟来的生日祝福吧。

    A working replica of Baby is on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester .

  4. 参观一下海斯工业博物馆里昔的汽车吧。

    See the automobiles of yesteryear at the Hayes Museum of industry .

  5. 芝加哥科学工业博物馆。

    The Chicago Museum of Science and Industry .

  6. 这架飞机计划在明年莱特兄弟所做的人类首飞100周年之际在芝加哥科学与工业博物馆旁升空。

    This replica is scheduled to fly at Chicago 's Museum of Science and Industry next year on the100th anniversary of the Wrights'first flight .

  7. 第二代属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果。

    The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization .