
xī jiànɡ
  • tinsmith
锡匠 [xī jiàng]
  • (1) [tinman]∶从事马口铁加工的工人

  • (2) [pewterer]∶制造锡的器皿或容器的工人

  1. 锡匠做锡器皿或做锡器皿生意的人;

    One that makes or deals in tinware ; a tinsmith .

  2. 那出自锡匠的妻子安东尼娅·霍肯

    That 's Antonia Hocken , the tinsmith 's wife .

  3. 有一回,我问一个铁匠,为什么不同时兼做锡匠,他对我说:“样样都搞的工匠结果将一无所成。”

    A blacksmith once said to me , when * Asked why her was not both blacksmith and whitesmith ," the Smith that will meddle with all things may go shoe the gosling . "