
  • 网络Scilly Isles;Isle of Scilly;Scilly;the Isles of Scilly
  1. 本周,在锡利群岛发现了一群棕色的长耳蝙蝠。

    Brown long-eared bats were discovered breeding on the Isles of Scilly this week .

  2. 据官方记载,历史上最长的战争是荷兰与锡利群岛之间的战争,从1651年持续到1986年,但没有一例人员伤亡。

    Officially , the longest war in history was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly , which lasted from 1651 to 1986 . There were no casualties .

  3. 岛警曾在无人问津的锡利群岛上工作过的前“岛警”夸耀说,这是“全英国、甚至全世界最让人羡慕的警察工作”,导致前来应聘这一职位的求职者爆满。

    An advert for a job on the very quiet Scilly Isles peaked the interest of many a bobby after the previous holder of the post boasted it was " one of the most enviable policing post in the UK or even the world . "