
  1. 俄罗斯国防部长表示,这些武器已进入最后测试阶段。

    The Russian defense ministry says the weapons are in their final testing phase .

  2. 在俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖伊万诺夫的护卫下,普京接着登上了“彼得大帝”号巡洋舰,观看位于科拉半岛附近的俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡核潜艇发射导弹,导弹冲出水面,消失在灰色的天空中。

    Then , putin , flanked by Defense Minister Sergei ivanov , stood on board of the Pyotr Veliky cruiser to watch the sineva missile blast out of the water and vanish into the gray sky after being launched by the submerged nuclear submarine Yekaterinburg near the Kola peninsula .

  3. 俄罗斯外长和国防部长与到访的美国国务卿和国防部长在莫斯科举行了被称作“二加二”的会谈。在会谈时,美国将这一系列措施告诉了俄罗斯的高级官员。

    Senior Russian officials were informed of the measures during so-called two plus two talks in Moscow among Russian foreign and defense ministers and their visiting U.S. counterparts .

  4. 不久前,布什总统曾派遣赖斯国务卿和盖茨国防部长前去莫斯科与俄罗斯外长和国防部长讨论导弹防御引起的争论。

    Recently , the president sent Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to Moscow to discuss the missile defense dispute with their Russian counterparts .

  5. 美国方面将于3月17日和18日与俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫、俄罗斯国防部长谢尔久科夫举行会晤,讨论美国在欧洲建立导弹防御设备的计划。

    The March 17 and 18 meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov will address the U.S. plan to build missile-defense facilities in Europe .

  6. 在本周举行的北约和俄罗斯理事会(该机构旨在协调双边关系)会议上,俄罗斯国防部副部长阿纳托利·安东诺夫在相关问题上同样“直言不讳”。

    At this week 's meeting of the NATO-Russia Council , a body meant to improve relations , Russia 's deputy defence minister , Anatoly Antonov , was equally blunt .