
  • 网络Russian Drama;Theatre in Russia
  1. 第二章从二者的本质联系入手,论述19世世纪初俄罗斯戏剧与斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基体系的内在呼应。

    The second chapter expounds the fact from the essential connection that Russia drama from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th has essential demands to Stanislavski system .

  2. 他扮演一个俄罗斯间谍的喜剧戏剧的睡。

    He plays a Russian spy in the comedy drama'Sleepers ' .

  3. 他的艺术风格对俄罗斯二十世纪的戏剧具有着深刻的影响。

    His artistic style has also had a deep impact on contemporary Russian drama .