
  • 网络quota allocation
  1. 国际上博士生规模与名额分配机制的案例研究

    Case Study on International Experience of the Scale and Quota Allocation of PhD Students

  2. 高考招生平等的制度实现&以高招名额分配中的地方保护主义倾向为视角

    To Achieve the Equality of College Admission by Systems & from the perspective of regional protectionism in quota allocation

  3. Jefferson方法是关于名额分配问题的一个重要方法.本文主要研究Jefferson方法的分配区域及合理性。

    Jefferson 's method is one of most important methods on apportionment problem . The paper researches the apportionment region and rationality of Jefferson 's method .

  4. 针对名额分配问题中的Huntington法,提出了在人口比例不变的情况下名额连续分配的一种改进应用方案。

    This paper offers an advised practical plan against Huntington mode , on which the distribution of the number of deputies is continuous when the deputy proportion remains unchanged .

  5. 开发出了几个典型的开放题,如有关名额分配问题的开放题以及有关空间利用率问题的开放题。最后,对于中学数学开放题评价,我们给出了一些结论。

    We have developed several representative open-ended problems .

  6. 名额分配问题的0-1整数规划模型

    Study 0-1 Programming Model on Quota of People-allocation

  7. 选举模型中名额分配方法浅谈

    A primary discussion on the method of distributing the quota of people for the electoral model

  8. 雅斯查·蒙克指出了哈佛将13%的录取名额分配于招收体育生。

    Yascha Mounk points out that Harvard allots 13 percent of its admission slots to recruited athletes .

  9. 政府会告诉每所大学能招多少学生,学校再将名额分配给各系。

    The government tells each university how many students it can enrol and the university allocates places to each department .

  10. 全国人大代表数不超过3000人,代表名额分配由全国人大常委会决定。

    The number of deputies to the NPC is limited within 3,000 , and the distribution of the NPC deputies is decided by the NPC Standing Committee .

  11. 现在,有90所大学已经将5%的招生名额分配给了那些特长学生的独立招生,他们每年将招收超过2万名学生。

    Currently , 90 universities have allocated 5 percent of their enrollment slots to independent admissions designed for students with special talents . They admit more than 20000 students every year .

  12. 分区定额政策在第二级考试(省试、会试)中的演变过程,使我们看到了分区定额政策产生的必然性,并且看到了会试中的名额分配与高考中的名额分配的巨大联系。

    Fixed partition policy in the second-level examinations in the evolution , so that we can see that the partition of the inevitability of a fixed policy , and will try and see the places in the distribution and allocation of test places in the great Contact .

  13. Huntington法在代表名额连续分配问题中的应用

    The Application of Huntington Mode in the Continuous Distribution of the Number of Deputies

  14. 代表名额连续分配问题

    The continuous distribution of the number of deputies

  15. 董事名额的分配由合营各方参照出资比例协商确定。

    The apportionment of the number of directors shall be determined through consultation between the parties to the venture , taking into account the ratio of their respective investments in the joint venture .

  16. 合营企业董事会的组成、董事名额的分配以及总经理、副总经理及其他高级管理人员的职责、权限和聘用办法;

    The composition of the joint venture 's board of directors , the number of directors to be appointed by each party to the venture , the respective responsibilities and powers of its president , vice-president and other senior managerial personnel , and the procedures for employing such personnel ;

  17. 在决定暂停销售居屋后,房屋委员会额外提供12000个贷款名额,平均分配给绿表及白表申请人。

    After the imposition of the moratorium on sales of HOS flats , the HKHA provided additional quota of12000 HPLS to be shared equally between Green Form and White Form applicants .