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míng jiā
  • famous expert;the Logicians;the School of Logicians;influential family
名家 [míng jiā]
  • (1) [the School of Logicians]∶先秦时期以辩论名实问题为中心的一个思想派别,重视名(概念)和实(事)的关系的研究。代表人物有邓析子、尹文子、惠子、公孙龙子

  • (2) [famous expert]∶在某种学术或技能方面有特殊贡献的著名人物

  • (3) [influencial family]∶名门

名家[míng jiā]
  1. 中国逻辑史专家对中国古代逻辑思想的研究主要集中于名家、儒家和墨家,却忽视了对道家,特别是对道家创始人老子的逻辑思想的挖掘。

    Experts at Chinese logic history have focused their study of ancient Chinese logic thoughts on the school of logicians , the Confucianists and the Monist School , ignoring the study of the Taoist School , especially its creaton-Laozi .

  2. 霍兰永远不敢说自己是位钢琴名家。

    Holland would never dare cast himself as a virtuoso pianist .

  3. 这是一幅名家的手笔,一幅价值连城的作品,我的恩人!

    A painting by a master , a picture of great value , my benefactor !

  4. 课程综览不同时空,见诸古今名家的历史著作,例如E。

    The course surveys a range of places and times , such as those represented in works like E.

  5. 1例可疑;余11名家系成员属DM家系中正常人。

    Results 25 patients with DM , another 11 persons for normal ones and a patient for suspicious were diagnosed .

  6. 作品题目必须附有英文以便于由PSA的名家及星标的积分名单登记。

    The title of work must be in English with or without Chinese to facilitate PSA " Who 's Who " and " Star-Rating " distinction counting .

  7. 方法:1研究对象为中国山西阳泉的一个累及四代家庭成员的SPD家系,受试对象为包括先证者在内的10名家系成员。

    Method : 1 Family members from a four-generation-SPD pedigree in Pingyang , Hebei Province were defined as subjects with a total of 10 members including the propositus in the pedigree enrolled .

  8. 这个卖家据信可能是位名叫G·弗农先生的人,他通过住在明尼阿波利斯的艺术品商人汉密尔顿先生推销他的商品;在亚马逊上又与历史悠久的名家真迹企业EdBedrickAutographs合作。

    The seller is thought to be a Mr G Vernon , who is advertising his product via Mr Hamilton , an art dealer who lives in Minneapolis , and on Amazon with Ed Bedrick Autographs , a long-standing autographs business .

  9. 这张照片中的是一名家住kunene河附近村庄的一名少女。

    In this picture , an adolescent is inside her hut in a village near Kunene river .

  10. 方法提取患者及14名家系成员、7名健康对照的外周血基因组DNA,PCR分段扩增TRβ基因的第7~10外显子,产物纯化后直接进行DNA测序检测突变。

    Methods The genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of the patient , 14 family members and 7 healthy subjects . The exons 7-10 of TR β gene were amplified by PCR . The products of PCR were purified and sequenced directly to detect the gene mutation .

  11. 方法提取16名家系成员外周血基因组DNA,对RET原癌基因第11外显子进行聚合酶链反应(PCR),PCR产物进行直接基因测序。

    Methods Sixteen family members were recruited to this study . Peripheral blood was collected and total genomic DNA was prepared for polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) . PCR products of exon 11 of the RET proto-oncogene were purified and a direct gene sequence analysis was performed .

  12. 11名家系成员中除2名正常外,余9例CTG拷贝数均超过正常范围,此9例据此诊断为DM。

    The numbers of CTG repeats in 9 of 11 family members were higher than the normal value , these 9 persons were diagnosed as DM depending on the expansion of CTG repeat , and remaining 2 cases were normal ones .

  13. 中国游客为了省钱还住远离市区的酒店里。“中国游客选择来巴黎旅游,是为了体验其独特魅力、购买名家设计产品,了解这个因哲学家和大革命而著名的国家”,“IDTravelPro”旅行社老板说道。

    Bargain-seeking Chinese tour operators werealso booking hotels in Paris'northern suburbs . " Chinese tourists are attracted to Paris by the glamour , by thedesire to buy designer brands , by an image of France as acountry of philosophers and revolution , " said Shi , who runs his own travel agency , ID Travel Pro .

  14. 除了夏洛尔的私人用品、速写和笔记外,这场特展还加入了一些受他启发或者与他毕生之作相关的艺术家的创作,既有德拉克罗瓦(Delacroix)这样的古典法国油画家,也有安塞姆·基弗(AnselmKiefer)这样的现代国际名家。

    In addition to Ch é reau 's personal effects , sketches and notes , the show intersperses creations by artists who inspired him or relate to his oeuvre , from classic French painters like Delacroix to contemporary international figures like Anselm Kiefer .

  15. 幼儿教育名家思想给多元智能教育的启示

    Inspirations of Multiple-intelligences-inspired Education from Thoughts of Famous Early Childhood Eductors

  16. master:专家,名家,大师至少我是跟大师学的。

    Blair : Well , I learned from the master . -

  17. 而晚上超过300名家长来学习土耳其语。

    At night more than 300 parents come to learn Turkish .

  18. 名牌套装,选料考究,名家的选择。

    Brand-name suit of choice materials , the choice of experts .

  19. 坐拥名家设计家园的美梦如今已能付诸实现。

    Owning a designer dream home can now become a reality .

  20. 名家,名匠有特殊高超技艺的艺术家表演者。

    An artist or a performer of great and exemplary skill .

  21. 艺术名家在艺术上造诣很深的人。

    A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts .

  22. 百年学术名家留给我们的精神财富

    The Psychic Wealth That the Outstanding Scholars of the Century Gave Us

  23. 并经由历代政府的扶植、推崇以及诸朝名家先贤的继承和发扬,最终发展成为半岛上妇孺皆知的思想。

    Fostered by every dynasty government , praised , inherit and develop .

  24. 彼得把他的名家刻在树皮上。

    Peter scratched out his name on the bark of the tree .

  25. 这篇短篇小说出自一名家之手。

    This short story was written by a famous writer .

  26. 曾受上海多位名家传授。

    He had been taught by many famous in shanghai .

  27. 他博览名家作品,形成了自己的写作风格。

    He formed his style by reading ( of ) good writers .

  28. 那位艺术家的作品显示出是名家的手法。

    The artist 's work showed a master 's hand .

  29. 试论名家的政治法律思想

    On Political and Law Thought of the School of Names

  30. “海晏河清”当代名家色粉画及雕塑作品展,上海;

    Sea And River Pastel And Sculpture Exhibition by Contemporary Artists Shanghai ;