
xiàn dìnɡ yǔ
  • qualifier, determinandum, attributive
  1. 状语作为句中谓语的修饰、限定语,对丰富句子信息有着重要的作用。

    As the modifiers of the predicate , adverbial plays an important part in enriching the information of a sentence .

  2. “最佳”是一个绝对化了的限定语(与有对照的“更好”或者更为温和的“很不错”相对来说)。

    " Best " is an absolute qualifier ( as opposed to the conditional " better " or the more moderate " quite good ") .

  3. 十二生肖中的第八个生肖是羊,而这个字在没有修饰限定语的情况下可指绵羊或山羊任意一种反刍动物。

    Yet the Chinese character for the eighth zodiac animal is Yang , which can refer to either of the two ruminants when used without attributes .

  4. 十二生肖中的第八个生肖是“羊”,而这个字在没有修饰限定语的情况下可指绵羊或山羊任意一种反刍动物。

    Yet the Chinese character for the eighth zodiac animal is " Yang , " which can refer to either of the two ruminants when used without attributes 。

  5. 本文从被省略成分的句法位置入手关注限定叙事语篇中NP省略的情况,根据对五部小说统计后所得的数据,分析NP省略的内部语篇条件。

    This article analyzes the condition and the degree of NP ellipsis in narrative text based on statistical data , including five novels and the textbooks used by primary schoolchildren . Investigation for circumstance of change the source .