
  • Limited Edition;hello kitty;KITTY
  1. 这款限量版古龙水有着“暖阳”的味道,非常适合在渴望出国旅行的日子里使用。

    A limited edition cologne that offers ‘ solar warmth ' – perfect for days spend in lusting over international travel .

  2. 如果LadyGaga要送她的小怪兽们一台限量版iPad,谁不想要?

    If Lady Gaga offers a limited edition iPad to her ' Little Monsters ' , who wouldn 't like to own one ?

  3. 还有足够的时间去暗示自己想要的圣诞礼物!说到礼物,我们有100份限量版香水要赠送。

    There 's plenty of time to drop hints for Christmas presents ! And speaking of presents , we have 100 exclusive fragrance collections to give away .

  4. 这正是哈罗德百货当前推出MadewithLove活动的理念所在。这场历时2个月的促销活动推出了大量限量版时装以及提供个人定制版服务。

    That 's the thinking behind Harrods " current " Made with Love " campaign , a two-month promotion offering limited-edition products and bespoke personalised services .

  5. 为了祝贺DC漫画公司75周年生日,科莱特招募时尚史上最强大阵容根据DC推出的超级英雄形象设计了一个限量版服饰系列。

    To celebrate DC Comic's75th birthday , Colette 's enlisted their best fashion buds to design a collection of limited edition clothing and accessories inspired by super heroes .

  6. 乘客也可以从身着HelloKitty图案围裙的空姐那里购买限量版的免税产品,例如HelloKitty形状的面食。

    Passengers can also purchase limited edition duty-free products , such as Hello Kitty-shaped pasta , from flight attendants wearing Hello Kitty aprons .

  7. 今年4月,香奈儿首次试水电商,在Net-a-Porter上销售其限量版珠宝系列“CocoCrush”。

    Chanel made its e-commerce debut in April with an exclusive jewellery line for Net-a-Porter .

  8. KanyeWest的Yeezy品牌与阿迪达斯合作,以其昂贵的限量版运动鞋而闻名。

    Kanye West 's Yeezy brand , which partners with Adidas , is best known for its expensive , limited-edition sneakers . settle in

  9. Raj给他准备了一个非常棒的限量版暗夜骑士人形玩偶,

    Howard : Well , Raj got him an awesome , limited edition Dark Knight sculpture

  10. 还有一种可能性,是苹果可能回收了少量的限量版AppleWatch。业内一直预计,每块限量版AppleWatch都使用了超过50克的18K金黄金。

    It 's also possible that Apple might have recycled a few Apple Watch editions , which have been estimated to have over 50 grams of 18-karat gold in it .

  11. 今年夏季艺术世界最令人眼热的饰品之一当属杉本博司(HiroshiSugimoto)为法国奢侈品品牌爱马仕(Hermes)设计的限量版丝巾。

    One of the art world 's most coveted accessories this summer is a limited-edition Hermes scarf by Hiroshi Sugimoto .

  12. 这款炸鸡爱好者梦寐以求的科技产品,是和中国生产商华为合作推出的,在这款限量版的华为7Plus的亮红色机身上,同时装饰有这家炸鸡连锁店的Logo和华为的Logo。

    The chicken-lover 's dream piece of tech is a collaboration with Chinese manufacturer Huawei , with both the chicken chain 's logo and Huawei 's logo adorning the bright red casing of the limited edition Huawei 7 Plus .

  13. NBA乐园商店:为家长和孩子们提供了NBA乐园限量版商品以及一系列NBA场上及潮流服饰、鞋子、头饰以及篮球。

    NBA Playzone Store : Offering an exclusive collection of NBA Playzone merchandise , as well as a wide selection of NBA oncourt and lifestyle apparel , footwear , headwear and basketballs for children and adults .

  14. 2009年,Lacoste推出了一系列非常杰出的基于人体工程力学设计的限量版鞋款;

    For Lacoste in2009 they created limited addition footwear resulting in a fluid and ergonomically designed range of shoes that truly standout .

  15. 与此同时,MatchesFashion.com将推出与设计师约瑟夫•奥图扎拉(JosephAl¬tu¬zarra)合推的衬衣:这个限量版五件套系列的横空出世,源于后者设计的礼服衬衣在MatchesFashion.com网店总是供不应求。

    This month meanwhile sees the launch of MatchesFashion . com 's shirting collaboration with Joseph Altuzarra : an exclusive five-piece collection born out of the fact that the designer 's shirt-dresses were forever selling out on the site .

  16. 在推出的诸多协作款中,就包括了带有“丹佛街集市”标识的一款耐克网球鞋以及一款詹巴蒂斯塔瓦莉(GiambattistaValli)的限量版手包。

    Among the items were a Nike tennis sneaker featuring the DSM logo and a Giambattista Valli limited-edition bag .

  17. 科森蒂诺非常看重外观,他之前曾做过各种各样的设计:有服装类的(Chef牛仔裤和MeatFeat袜),有运动器材类的(一款限量版的滑板),还有厨房用品类的(一系列的刀具)。

    Looks are important to Mr. Cosentino , who has done a certain amount of designing : of clothing ( Chef jeans and Meat Feat socks ) , sporting equipment ( a limited-edition skateboard ) and kitchenware ( a line of knives ) .

  18. 该广告称,金色版PS4是限量版,售价为249美元。

    According to the ad , the gold PS4 is a " limited edition " model that will sell for a discounted $ 249 .

  19. 去年,“丹佛街集市”(DSM)用推出一次性时装来庆祝自己的10周年店庆,从而有力证明了自己就是限量版时装的原创者。

    Dover Street Market ( DSM ) proved itself the original master of the innovative exclusive by getting a " who 's who " of fashion to produce one-off items to celebrate the store 's 10th anniversary last year .

  20. 那款限量版手袋在eBay上的价格已经由几百美元飙升至几千美元(艺术家签名款)。它只是涌入市场的艺术家与时装公司的合作产品中的最新一个。

    That limited-edition bag , already priced from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars ( for artist-signed pieces ) on eBay , is but the latest in an outpouring of artist / fashion collaborations to have filtered into the marketplace .

  21. 继木桐之后,去年八月,经常更换瓶身设计的瑞典伏特加品牌“绝对”(Absolut)也请了中国的波普艺术家高来为一种限量版的伏特加设计瓶身。

    More recently , Swedish vodka brand Absolut-a company that frequently changes its bottle design-hired Chinese pop-artist Gao Yu to design a label for a limited-edition bottle last August .

  22. 近来,威尔科克斯与苏格兰品牌Mackintosh合作制作了一款限量版的该品牌经典Dunoon大衣,这件衣服他在严寒天气里穿。

    Mr. Wilcox recently collaborated with Scottish brand Mackintosh to make a limited-edition version of their classic Dunoon coat , which he wears in inclement conditions .

  23. 墨西哥媒体上最近出现报导,现任石油工会理事长CarlosRomeroDeschamps买了一台限量版法拉利跑车送给儿子当作礼物。

    Reports have recently appeared in the Mexican press of a limited-edition Ferrari bought by Carlos Romero Deschamps , the current leader of the oil workers ' union , as a gift for his son .

  24. 如果图像是艺术家原有的限量版的打印然后里士满Printmakers会把它是合格的。

    If the image is an artist 's original limited edition print then Richmond Printmakers would consider it to be eligible .

  25. 在北京和天津,万豪酒店(Marriott)举办了泰坦尼克号主题的募款活动,该活动鼓励来宾在就餐时穿仿古服装并参与物品竞拍,拍品包括限量版的手袋和大卫杜夫(Davidoff)雪茄等。

    In Beijing and Tianjin , the Marriott hotels held Titanic-themed fundraisers that encouraged guests to dress in period clothing as they dined and bid on auction items including limited-edition handbags , Davidoff cigars and more .

  26. 专门售卖性感套装和女士内衣的网站“美国买家”新推出一款名为“DonnaT.Rumpshaker”限量版套装,售价69.95美金,其中包括一件白色无袖翻领衬衫、红色领带、宝蓝色的人造革夹克和一条配套的超短紧身裤。

    Risque online costume and lingerie shop Yandy.com is selling a limited-edition outfit called the " Donna T. Rumpshaker , " for $ 69.95 . That price includes a white sleeveless collared shirt , red tie , royal blue faux blazer and matching " booty shorts . "

  27. 诸位浏览一下Net-A-Porter与波道夫古德曼(BergdorfGoodman)的网店,就会发现数不胜数自我标榜“限量版”的主流时装。但在当前营销环境下,推出新奇款式可以说越来越难。

    Browse the websites of Net-A-Porter or Bergdorf Goodman and you 'll find countless mainline products proudly branded " Exclusively Ours ! " But delivering something novel has become increasingly challenging in the current retail environment .

  28. 只有用狗艺术狗,艺术家韦恩Blazewicz著名的马提尼收集限量版帆布,手饰和制定做好准备。

    Only available on Dog Art Dog , artist Vern Blazewicz 's famous Martini collection limited edition on canvas , hand embellished and ready for framing .

  29. 根据TheNangfang网站的介绍,这次的限量版汉堡是黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡和玫瑰芝士烤鸡腿堡。

    According to The Nangfang the limited edition treats consist of the Black diamond bacon spicy chicken leg burger and the Rose cheese roasted chicken leg burger 。

  30. 该模式如今大行其道,但2004年开业伊始,它实属开天辟地之举,当时上架的货品还有与艾迪斯理曼(HediSlimane)合作推出的限量版家具以及与朗万(Lanvin)合推的纯白色时装。

    Today , its model is the norm but back when it opened in 2004 , with stock that included an exclusive furniture collaboration with Hedi Slimane and a Lanvin collection made entirely in white , the practice was revolutionary .