
  • 网络limiting amino acid;limiting AA;limiting amino acid,LAA
  1. 化学评分(CS)为42,第1限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸;必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)为83,优于植物蛋白。

    The chemical score of first limiting amino acid methionine is 42 , and essential amino acid index is 83 , it is better than that of plant protein .

  2. 第1限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸,氨基酸分(AAS)为0.97,化学分(CS)为0.55,必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)为91.53,均较酪蛋白高。

    Its first limiting amino acid was methionine plus cystine . The amino acid score ( AAS ), chemical score ( CS ) and the essential amino acid index ( EAAI ) were 0.97,0.55 , and 91.53 , respectively , all of which were higher than those of casein .

  3. 稻麦中FAO模式必需氨基酸与限制氨基酸比值的研究

    Study on the Rate of [ FAO ] Pattern of Essential Amino Acids and limiting Amino Acids in Rice and Wheat

  4. RC用于判定限制氨基酸和计算限制氨基酸的强化量,SRC用于评价蛋白质营养价值。

    RC can be used to judge limit amino acid and to calculate the amount that shall be added to a fortified food . SRC can be used to evaluate nutritional quality of protein .

  5. 山羊奶粉蛋白质的主要限制氨基酸是含硫氨基酸,氨基酸分(AS)和化学分(CS)分别为0.91和0.52,其氨基酸模式与牛奶粉蛋白质相近,稍优于酪蛋白,远优于大豆蛋白;

    The content of crude protein in the powdered goat 's milk is 26.01 % and the protein 's limitting amino acid is sulphur containing amino acids with the AAS and CS being 0.91 and 0.52 respectively , similar to those of cow 's milk protein .

  6. 从氨基酸组成来看,蛋氨酸是柚子的第一限制氨基酸。

    Methionine is the first limiting amino acid regarding to essential amino acid .

  7. 松乳菇的第一限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸;

    The first limit amino acid is met .

  8. 小麦面粉中的限制氨基酸是赖氨酸。

    The limiting amino acid is lysine .

  9. 大竹蛏软体部分限制氨基酸为缬氨酸,必需氨基酸指数为49.88。

    The limited amino acids were VAL , the EAAI was 49.88 in soft part .

  10. 第一限制氨基酸均为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸,其含量鲜牛奶为208mg/gN,豆浆为190mg/gN;

    The first-limited amino acids are methionine and cystine in two milk , their contents being 208mg / gN in fresh milk and 190 mg / gN in soybean milk .

  11. 氨基酸分析结果表明,第一限制氨基酸为色氨酸,氨基酸评分为92分,蛋白质营养价;

    The first limiting amino acid is Trp and the amino acid score is 92 ; The protein nutrient value is high . The Dasyatis akajei meat is rich in minerals .

  12. 蛋白质营养价高,第一限制氨基酸为色氨酸,氨基酸价为88;

    The protein nutrient value is high and the amino acid score is 88 ( the first limiting amino acid , Trp ; FAO / WHO suggested level in 1973 ) . The C.

  13. 植物蛋白第一限制氨基酸&赖氨酸的含量为0.82%左右,占氨基酸总量的8%左右。

    Plant albumen one restriction amino acid & content of lysine ( LYS ), there is about in 0.82 % , it account for the total amounts the 8 % about for amino acid .

  14. 蛋白质营养价高,氨基酸价为82,第一限制氨基酸是含硫氨基酸(1973年FAO/WHO标准);

    The protein nutrient value is high because of the score of amino acid being 82 and the first limiting amino acid being sulfur-containing amino acid ( Met and Cys ) as compared with the FAO / WHO suggested level ( 1973 ) .

  15. 两种低聚肽的第一限制氨基酸均为色氨酸,除色氨酸外其他必需氨基酸含量都高于WHO/FAO推荐值,能充分满足人体需要。

    Tryptophan is the first limiting amino acid in these two oligopeptides . Except the tryptophan , the content of other essential amino acids are higher than the value recommended by WHO / FAO , which can fully meet the needs of the human body .

  16. Met在自然鸽乳中的含量很低,有可能是鸽乳的第一限制性氨基酸。

    Met is the first limit amino acid of crop milk as possible because the content of Met in crop milk is very low .

  17. 根据AAS,黑龙江茴鱼的第一限制性氨基酸为缬氨酸,第二限制性氨基酸为色氨酸;

    According to the AAS , the first limiting amino acid was valine and the second one was tryptophan .

  18. 测定结果表明,庭园野生蔬菜维生素C含量超过一般栽培蔬菜,必需氨基酸和限制性氨基酸含量都比较高,是一类既有营养又有保健作用的食物资源。

    The result of analysis show that the wild vegetables grows in the home-garden have both vegetative function and effect of health care because of content of their Vc richer than common cultivated vegetable species and the high content of essential amino acid .

  19. 赖氨酸为限制性氨基酸,瘤胃保护性赖氨酸的适宜投饲量为15g/d。

    As limited amino acid the optimal dosage of RP-Lys may be 15 g / d.

  20. 实验结果表明:牛乳粉和小麦粉混合后其限制性氨基酸得到了互补,提高了营养价值,PER值明显高于单一小麦粉或单一牛乳粉及酪蛋白。

    The compositions of amino acid of the feed were determined at the same time . The experimental results indicate that its amino acid were supplemented after milk powder mixed with wheat flour , the PER is higher remarkably than the PER of wheat flour or milk powder .

  21. 内蒙古白绒山羊的限制性氨基酸研究

    Study on Limiting Amino Acids in Inner Mongolian White Cashmere Goats

  22. 蛋氨酸是芸豆蛋白质的限制性氨基酸。

    Methionine is the restricted amino acid of kidney bean protein .

  23. 日粮对奶牛限制性氨基酸的影响和调控途径

    Effect and Regulation of Diet on Limiting Amino Acids of Dairy Cattle

  24. 它的第一限制性氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸。

    Its first limiting amino acid was methionine plus cystine .

  25. 限制性氨基酸对生长山羊血清胰岛素和总蛋白的影响

    Effects of Limiting amino Acids on Serum Insulin and TP of growing goat

  26. 赖氨酸为限制性氨基酸的杂交骨髓瘤细胞生长动力学模型

    A Simple Kinetic Model for Myeloma Cell Growth with Lysine as a Limiting Substrate

  27. 饲喂玉米型日粮的生长绵羊限制性氨基酸研究

    A study on limiting amino acids for growing sheep fed a corn based diet

  28. 第一限制性氨基酸为含硫氨基酸(Met+Cys)。

    The first limiting amino acid was sulfur containing amino acid , met and cys .

  29. 用十二指肠灌注法研究蛋氨酸和赖氨酸在泌乳奶牛限制性氨基酸中的顺序

    Used the Abomasum Infusion to Study the Lys and Met Order in Limiting AA of Dairy Cows

  30. 相反的,三维结构可以兼容一个(相对)较大但是有限制的氨基酸序列集合。

    Conversely , the three-dimensional structure is compatible with a large , but limited set of amino acid sequences .