
  • 网络Restriction of imports;import restrictions
  1. 日本农业主对限制进口表示坚决支持。

    Japanese farmers give adamant support for import restrictions .

  2. 作为第一步,技术产品如果具有受他国政府控制的不可接受的风险,美国和欧盟可制订限制进口的方案。

    As a first step , the US and the EU could plan import restrictions on technology posing an unacceptable risk of control by other states .

  3. 中国将压缩《中国禁止进口限制进口技术目录》,为技术要素跨境自由流动创造良好环境。

    China will shorten its catalog of technologies prohibited or restricted from import to create a favorable environment for the free flow of technologies across borders .

  4. 保障措施是WTO框架下与反倾销、反补贴并列的三大贸易救济措施,它针对公平贸易,限制进口、保护国内产业。

    Safeguards is one of three trade relief measures including anti-dumping and countervailing , which points at fair trade , restricts imports and protects domestic industry .

  5. 本文通过论述中日贸易战的起始与解决,援引WTO《保障措施条款》,认为日本发动对中国三种农产品的紧急限制进口措施是违背WTO规则的。

    The article reviews the business conflict between China and Japan and concludes that the instant restrictions on our import are in breach of WTO Rules .

  6. 世界银行(worldbank)的研究显示,虽然限制进口的企图激增,但实际导致提高关税的情况却少得多,只影响到全球贸易中有限的一部分。

    A sharply rising number of attempts to block imports has led to a much smaller increase in actual tariffs and affected only a limited share of global trade , according to World Bank research .

  7. 上个月,由美国、欧盟和加拿大引起的申诉,有关北京限制进口汽车零件的不正当税收政策,WTO会议小组做了规范规定。

    Last month , in a case brought by the United States , the EU and Canada , a WTO panel ruled that Beijing improperly used tax policy to restrict imports of auto parts .

  8. 美国工会正试图限制进口中国轮胎,此举将迫使巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)明确选择立场,即支持自由贸易还是支持工会。

    Us unions are trying to restrict Chinese tyre imports , a move that will force Barack Obama to take a firm free trade or pro - labour position .

  9. 加强进口水果的有害生物风险分析(PRA)工作,使限制进口水果的检验检疫措施建立在科学合理的基础之上;

    To strengthen pest risk analysis ( PRA ) of entry fruit to provide scientific evidences for restricting measures of entry fruit .

  10. 技本性贸易壁垒(TBT)是乌拉圭回合以来农产品国际贸易中限制进口的主要措施。绿色食品与我国农产品国际贸易问题研究

    TBT is the important treatment used to limit import in international agricultural trade by many countries . Studies on Green Food and the Agricultural Products International Trade of China

  11. 发达国家凭借自身发达的经济及先进的技术水平,从而在制定、采用及实施技术法规、标准及合格评定程序限制进口方面占据主导地位,它们所实施的TBT给发展中国家出口造成很大影响。

    Developed countries play a core role in formulating , adopting and applying technical regulations , standards and procedures for assessment of conformity because of their strong economy and advanced technique , TBT that applied by them affects the exports of developing countries .

  12. 非关税壁垒:政府为限制进口而采取的关税以外的措施。

    Non-tariff barrier : Government measures other than tariffs to restrict imports .

  13. (指关税)通过限制进口来保护本国利益。

    ( of tariff ) protective of national interests by restricting imports .

  14. 政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税

    In a move to restrict imports , the government raised customs duties

  15. 国家对限制进口的货物实行进口许可证管理。

    The state implements the administration of import license for import limited goods .

  16. 江苏省限制进口类固体废物现状分析及管理对策

    Situation Analysis and Management Measures of Restricted Solid Wastes Imparted in Jiangsu Province

  17. 第二,进口许可(特别是非自动进口许可)作为货物贸易管理政策,往往具有限制进口的作用;

    B. import licensing ( esp. non-automatic import licensing ) functions as restricting import ;

  18. 由于限制进口的保护主义壁垒,在1846年以前,英国实际上是自给自足的。

    Until 1846 Britain was virtually self-sufficient , thanks to protectionist barriers that restricted imports .

  19. 要求限制进口表明这个国家目前在经济上出了问题。

    Calls for import control are a symptom of the country 's present economic problem .

  20. 依我的意见,过于严格的规章正是另一种方式限制进口。

    In my opinion , overly strict regulations are just another way of restricting imports .

  21. 反倾销税通过提高进口价格限制进口,对国内进口竞争产业发挥保护作用。

    They limit imports by increasing import prices , thus offer protection to import competing industries .

  22. 国外限制进口的包装

    Packages Limited Import to Foreign Countries

  23. 新贸易保护是20世纪80年代初兴起的新式的贸易保护方式,其目的仍是鼓励出口,限制进口。

    The new protectionism rises in 1980s and its purpose is still protect export and limit import .

  24. 贸易保护或者保护性关税是一个国家限制进口,从而保护其国内产业不受影响而采取的措施。

    Protective trade or protective tariffs are a nation 's efforts to prevent its own people from trading .

  25. 对限制进口或者出口的货物,实行配额或者许可证管理;

    Goods whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to quota and / or licensing control .

  26. 为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益,需要限制进口或者出口的;

    Where the import or export shall be restricted in order to safeguard the national security or public interest ;

  27. 地方商务主管部门是限制进口技术的审查机关;

    The local competent authorities of commerce are in charge of the examination of the technology restricted from import ;

  28. 在这一重要国际背景下,各国钢铁业寻求贸易保护的呼声高涨,导致各国积极采取贸易措施,以限制进口。

    Under this international background , many countries were keen on taking measures to protect their domestic steel industry .

  29. 一般认为,鼓励出口和限制进口是符合每个国家的自身利益的。

    It was felt that each nation 's self-interest was served by encouraging its exports and discouraging its imports .

  30. 为建立或者加快建立国内特定产业,需要限制进口的;

    Where the import shall be restricted in order to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic industry ;