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xiàn zhì
  • limitation;limit;restrict;constraint;confine;curtail;curtailment;constriction;place restrictions on;stricture;quota system;interdict;astrict
限制 [xiàn zhì]
  • (1) [confine]∶不让超过的界限

  • 堤坝限制了泛滥的洪水

  • (2) [restrict;limit;quota system]∶局限在范围内

  • 限制人们的理解

限制[xiàn zhì]
  1. 由于中国新近发布的在线支付服务新规对有外商投资的在线支付服务提供商有所限制,因此可能将迫使包括腾讯(tencent)、阿里巴巴(alibaba)在内的一些领先因特网企业调整其股权结构。

    New regulations on online payment services could force leading Chinese Internet companies including Tencent and Alibaba to restructure their shareholdings after Beijing said it would place restrictions on payment providers with foreign investors .

  2. 安全要求同时对维护和维修活动提出了限制。

    Safety requirements also place restrictions on maintenance and repair activities .

  3. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。

    The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom .

  4. 他们的参与受一些重要条款的限制。

    Their participation is subject to a number of important provisos .

  5. 他们的建议附带了各种各样的限制条件。

    Their offer was hedged around with all sorts of conditions .

  6. 我限制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。

    I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day .

  7. 欧盟对污染程度作了严格的限制。

    The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution .

  8. 欧盟对污染程度订下了严格的限制。

    The EU has set strict limits on pollution levels .

  9. 那时的电影制作人受到了审查官的限制。

    Film-makers of the time were constricted by the censors .

  10. 他们希望限制政府权力。

    They wish to limit the power of the State .

  11. 英国的酒吧营业时间从前受到很严格的限制。

    Britain 's licensing hours used to be very restricted .

  12. 这项决定将使所有的学校受到各种严格的限制。

    This decision will impose serious constraints on all schools .

  13. 研究工作因经费不足而受限制。

    Research has been constrained by a lack of funds .

  14. 工会不大可能接受任何形式的工资限制。

    The unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint .

  15. 我们必须在时间紧迫、资金紧张的限制下工作。

    We have to work within severe constraints of time and money .

  16. 他很快便因为处处受到限制而感到恼火。

    He soon chafed at the restrictions of his situation .

  17. 他当时开车的速度远远超过了限制。

    He was driving at well over the speed limit .

  18. 凭本车票在七日内可自由乘车不受限制。

    The ticket gives you unlimited travel for seven days .

  19. 资讯发布将严格限制在人们需要知道的范围之内。

    Information will be released strictly on a need-to-know basis .

  20. 你可以无限制使用这些档案。

    You will be allowed unlimited access to the files .

  21. 残疾在身体方面限制了你的生活。

    Disability is a physical limitation on your life .

  22. 那时,妇女过着相当受限制的生活。

    In those days women led fairly restricted lives .

  23. 他开着车,根本不理会速度限制。

    He was driving without regard to speed limits .

  24. 对报道这次审讯的限制已经撤销。

    Reporting restrictions on the trial have been lifted .

  25. 什么时候你都不得超过最高速度限制。

    You should always keep to the speed limit .

  26. 有年幼的孩子往往会限制你的自由。

    Having small children tends to restrict your freedom .

  27. 他们会抵制对他们权力的任何限制。

    They would resist any limitation of their powers .

  28. 所有雇员都可进入内联网中无使用权限制的部分。

    All employees can access the parts of the Intranet that are not ring-fenced .

  29. 较严格的贸易限制会妨碍经济的增长。

    Tighter trade restrictions might cramp economic growth .

  30. 已对囚犯实行活动限制,以免狱中再出现暴力行为。

    Prisoners have been placed on lockdown to prevent further violence at the jail .