
xiàn fú qì
  • amplitude limiter
  1. PIN限幅器PSpice模拟与实验研究

    Experiment study and PSpice simulation of PIN diode limiter

  2. 采用光硬限幅器和RS码的多波长OCDMA性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Multi-wavelength OCDMA Employing Optical Hard-limiters and RS Code

  3. 引入两个光硬件限幅器的全光异步CDMA通信系统高斯近似下系统性能分析

    Performance analysis of all optical asynchronous CDMA communication system with double optical hard limiters under Gauss assumption

  4. 砷化镓PIN管单片限幅器

    GaAs PIN Limiter MMIC

  5. 然后详细介绍PIN管工作特性,以及它在微波开关和限幅器中的工作原理。

    Then the operational characteristic of PIN , and its application in microwave switch and limiter is represented .

  6. 全氟碳化合物新介质SBS相位共轭镜和光限幅器选取原则的研究

    Study on the choosing of new SBS medium perfluoro-compound for phase conjugation mirror and optical limiter

  7. 利用限幅器改善Rayleigh衰落信道中Turbo乘积编码PSAM系统的性能

    Improving performance of Turbo product coded PSAM using clipper in Rayleigh fading channels

  8. 对得到的仿真结果,论文结合已有的PIN限幅器理论模型,通过分析限幅器核心器件&PIN管I区载流子浓度的变化,进行了理论分析。

    The result is clarified through analysis on the variation of the PIN diode 's carrier density in I-region , combined with the existed theoretical model .

  9. 在研究过程中,首先分析PIN二极管的等效电路,这是成功设计的限幅器的关键步骤。

    When begin designing the limiter , the equivalent circuit of PIN diode should be studied first . Because an accurate equivalent circuit is very important in successfully designing the limiter .

  10. PIN限幅器尖峰泄漏特性与脉冲重复频率的关系,即脉冲结束后限幅器的恢复特性;

    A semiconductor device simulator with a numerical model of high degree of accuracy is adopted to analyse the relations between the PIN limiter 's spike leakage parameters and microwave pulses .

  11. 同时,采用光硬限幅器的MWOCDMA系统的归一化吞吐量性能明显提高,特别是归一化吞吐量峰值提高了约一倍。

    At the same time , optical hard-limiter can enhance the normalized throughput of MW OCDMA system . Especially the peak of normalized throughput is doubled .

  12. 结果表明,采用光硬限幅器的MWOCDMA系统BER性能将明显改善,进一步采用RS信道编码后,MWOCDMA系统BER性能将大大改善。

    Analysis results show that , BER of MW OCDMA system is improved by employing optical hard-limiters , and can be further improved by employing RS code additionally .

  13. 提出了一种多波长OCDMA(MWOCDMA)系统的光解码器方案,通过多个光硬限幅器来抑制多用户干扰。

    A scheme of multi-wavelength OCDMA ( MW OCDMA ) decoder is proposed , which employs several optical hard-limiters to reduce multi-access interference ( MAI ) .

  14. 采用微波混合集成电路设计方法,用二只并联PIN二极管芯片和一只检波二极管芯片,在很小的腔体内制作了微波限幅器模块。

    The microwave limiter modules have been designed and fabricated with hybrid integrated circuit in a small size , it has been fabricated with two PIN diode chips and a single detector diode chip .

  15. 最后提出采用放置光硬限幅器减小多址干扰、加入色散补偿光纤(DCF)以减小色散及非线性效应等措施以提高系统性能。

    It is suggested Optical hard limiter and DSF ( dispersion-shifted fiber ) should be used in order to improve the performance of OCDMA system .

  16. 在常规的比例一积分(PI)控制中,若把转速调节器(ASR)与限幅器算法分开,则会因积分饱和使转速超调量过大;

    In the routine proportional-integral control ( PI ), the speed has high overshoot due to integral saturation if speed regulator ( ASR ) and magnitude limiter are parted from each other .

  17. 提出了一种采用多个光硬限幅器和RS信道编码的多波长光码多分址(MWOCDMA)系统,理论分析了其误码率和(BER)和归一化吞吐量性能。

    A scheme of multi-wavelength optical code-division multiple-access ( MW OCDMA ) employing optical hard-limiters and RS code is proposed , and its performances of bit error rate ( BER ) and normalized throughput are analyzed .

  18. T/R模块是实现新型雷达&有源相控阵雷达需求的功能模块,它系统地集成高频开关、限幅器、移相器、LNA及功放等。

    T / R module is a functional module for the new radar , that is active phase control array radar , and T / R nodule system-integrates high frequency switches , phase shifter , LNA and power amplifier , etc.

  19. 分析结果表明:光限幅器技术仅能部分抑制多用户干扰,而多用户检测技术能够有效地消除多用户干扰,多用户检测技术是适用于无线OCDMA系统消除多用户干扰的有效技术。

    Results show that optical hard limiter technology can only suppress MAI partly while MUD can eliminate MAI effectively . MUD technology is proposed as a good scheme to eliminate MAI in wireless OCDMA systems .

  20. 设计的限幅器具有72dB的电压增益,可以对载波为1.5MHz、带宽为1MHz的中频信号进行放大;

    The proposed limiter has 72 dB voltage gain and can amplify the 1.5 MHz intermediate frequency signal with 1 MHz bandwidth .

  21. 由于PIN管具有可控功率大、损耗小以及开关速度快等特性,广泛应用于调制器,移相器,限幅器及微波开关等微波控制电路中。

    Because PIN diode has good characteristics that are high breakdown voltage , large controlled power and fast speed of the switch , it applies to the microwave control circuit such as the Microwave Switch , the Phase Shifter , the Amplitude Limiting and the Modulating , etc.

  22. 分析基于修正素数码的红外脉冲位置调制(PPM)码分多址同步通信系统和引入光硬限幅器的同步通信系统误码性能。

    The performance of infrared wireless synchronous Code Division Multiple Ac-cess ( CDMA ) with Pulse Position Modulation ( PPM ) signaling systems without optical hard limiter and with optical hard limiter using modified prime sequence codes as signature codes is analyzed .

  23. 基于单硬限幅器(OHL)的同步光码分多址(OCDMA)系统不能完全消除信道串扰,引入了双OHL结构来优化系统传输性能。

    As single Optical Hard Limiter ( OHL ) - based synchronous OCDMA system cannot be entirely immune from channel crosstalk , double OHL structure is introduced to optimize the system transmission performance .

  24. 研究了基于布喇格光纤光栅的FFH-OCDMA系统的性能。在系统中放置双硬限幅器,考虑码片异步(即系统下限情况),采用在接收端的散粒噪声服从泊松分布的研究模型。

    The performance of asynchronous FFH-OCDMA system with double hard-limiters based on fiber optical Bragg grating is studied under the assumption of Poisson shot noise model for receiver photo-detector .

  25. 由于在暂稳控制器的设计中通常将可控串联电容补偿器(TCSC)处理为带限幅器的一阶惯性环节,而忽略了电力系统动态行为对TCSC脉冲触发过程影响以及装置动态响应特性的研究。

    The impact of power system dynamics on thyristor pulse firing control and dynamic response characteristic of thyristor controlled series compensator ( TCSC ) has always been omitted because TCSC is usually handled as a first-order lag element used for the design of transient stability controller .

  26. 接收支路的主要参数是很低的噪声系数(典型值是2dB,包括收发开关和限幅器损耗),以及很高精度的幅相控制。

    The main parameters for the reception path is a very low noise figure ( 2dB typical including the duplexer and the limiter losses ), the amplitude / phase control with a very high accuracy .

  27. 变容管微波限幅器分析和实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Waveguide Microwave Limiter with Varactor Diodes

  28. 光限幅器主要用于军事方面。

    Optical limiting devices primarily apply for the military aspect .

  29. 一维非线性光子晶体光限幅器的数值分析

    The Numerical Analysis of One-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Optical Limiter

  30. 国产专业音响压缩限幅器YX-Ⅰ型的研制

    The development of YX - ⅰ professional acoustic compress limiter