
lónɡ xínɡ jié ɡòu
  • cage structure;cage-like structure;clathrate structure
  1. 气体水合物是一类笼形结构的冰状晶体,它具有含气量大(160~180V/V)的特点。

    Natural Gas Hydrate is a kind of ice like clathrate crystalline . It includes plentiful of gas ( 160 180V / V ) .

  2. 笼形结构&能够捕获气体的象冰一样的晶格结构的存在,可以很容易地解释我们在这颗卫星上看到的现象。

    The presence of clathrates , ice-like lattice structures that can trap gases , could just as easily explain what we see on the moon .

  3. 结果表明,此活性炭的孔结构均匀性好,是一种不含石墨微晶的笼形准分子筛结构,其碳原子为SP~2杂化。

    The results showed that the pore structure of these activated carbons is uniform with a characteristic cage-like semi-molecular sieve structure without microcrystals of graphite . The carbon atoms in these activated carbons are in an SP3 hybrid state .

  4. 介绍了新干燥设备&竖式笼形粉碎干燥机的结构、特点、性能,以及该干燥机对白炭黑等膏糊状物料的干燥试验结果。

    The new drying equipment & the cage pulverizing-dryer is introduced . Its structrure , feature and performance are described .