
  • 网络photoconductor;photoconductors;photo conductor;OPC
  1. 光电导体就位后,这个缝隙被封闭。

    The gap is sealed after the photoconductor is in place .

  2. 广谱响应有机光电导体的性能研究

    Photoconductivity Studies of Broad-spectrum Response Organic Photoconductor

  3. 用飞秒激光触发GaAs光电导体产生THz电磁波的研究

    Investigation on Terahertz Generation with GaAs Photoconductor Triggered by Femo-Second Laser Pulse

  4. 光电导体中瞬态空间电荷电场对光电导开关及THz光电导偶极天线的影响

    Influence of Space-charge Field in Photoconductor to Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches and THz Photoconductor Antenna

  5. InClPc/TiOPc复合单层光电导体中的电荷转移现象

    Charge transfer in InClPc / TiOPc organic composite single layered photoreceptors

  6. 鼓还包括光电导体电源和提升卷轴。

    The drum also contains the photoconductor supply and takeup spools .

  7. 机能分离型有机光电导体及其进展

    Function Separate Photoreceptor and Their Recent Developments

  8. 同时研究了单层有机光电导体产业化的关键生产设备设计的主要参数与制造技术的要点。

    The design and fabrication of coating machine for industrialization of single-layered organic photoconductor were studied .

  9. 结果表明在触发光功率较大的条件下,光电导体内存在多个电荷畴。

    And the result of simulate indicates that several charge domains could exist in photoconductor at the same time .

  10. 光电导体内的电场是偏置电场、光电导体内光生载流子的空间瞬态分布所形成的空间电荷电场等叠加形成的合电场。

    The field in large-aperture photoconductors is mainly composed of bias field , space-charge field formed by transient distributing of carriers .

  11. 在兼顾功率容量和带宽两方面,用光电导体结合超短脉冲激光技术形成的超快光电导开关产生超短电磁脉冲有很大优势。

    As far as the power and band width of the electromagnetic pulses are concerned , the generation of electronic pulses by photoconductive switches is more effective .

  12. 本论文旨在开发新一类高性能的有机单层光电导体,探索其凝聚态结构与光电导性能之间的关系,丰富有机半导体理论体系。

    In the thesis , we aim to design a new kind of single-layered photoconductor with high performance , to study the relationship between aggregate state structure and photoconductivity , and to enrich organic semiconductive theory system .

  13. 半导体光电导开关是利用超快脉冲激光器与光电导体相结合形成的一类新型器件,具有开关速度快、触发抖动小、耐高压能力强等优点。

    A Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch ( PCSS ) is a new kind of devices that are composed of photoconductive semiconductor and the ultra fast pulse laser . It has advantages in response speed , jitter free triggering , high voltage-resistant .

  14. 在纳米光电器件,超导体,机电制动器,电化学电容器,纳米线,纳米复合材料等方面应用很广泛。

    It has wide range of applications in nano-optoelectronic devices , superconductors , electrical and mechanical brakes , electrochemical capacitors , nanowires and nano-composite materials .

  15. 光电导开关产生超短电磁脉冲是将光电导体和超短激光脉冲技术相结合的崭新技术。

    It is a new technology that combine the photoconductive switch with the ultra-short pulse laser to generate the ultrashort electromagnetic pulse .