
  • 网络tissue damage;tissue injury
  1. C组出现3例甘露醇血管外渗致组织损伤。

    Three patients occurred tissue damage caused by mannitol extravasation in group C.

  2. CT横断扫描共显示关节腔内骨折碎片54块,X线平片仅显示关节腔内骨折碎片32块,并清楚显示软组织损伤情况。

    CT scans show the osseous fragment in joint that could not be detected at plain film . The soft - tissue damage was also revealed .

  3. 结论烫伤组织损伤与脂质过氧化反应有一定的关系,而金属硫蛋白有一定保护作用

    Conclusion MT may be attenuating lipid peroxidation of burned tissue .

  4. 同样需要注意的是,这些骨损伤和软组织损伤在女孩和成年女性中比在男孩和成年男性中更加常见,部分是由于女性跑者的“三症候群”——热量消耗、骨质疏松及激素和月经变化。

    Also note that in many cases , these bone and soft tissue injuries are more common in girls and women than in boys and men , due in part to the female athlete “ triad ” of calorie depletion1 , bone loss and hormonal2 and menstrual changes . Women also have a larger angle between the hips3 and ankles .

  5. 头颈部放疗后软组织损伤的CT表现

    CT findings of soft tissue injury following head and neck radiation

  6. 17一p一雌二醇可减轻大鼠肝脏缺血再灌注后肝组织损伤,加快肝脏缺血再灌注损伤后肝脏功能的恢复。

    ( 2 ) 17-beta-estradiol significantly protects liver from ischemia reperfusion injury and accelerate comeback of liver function after liver ischemia reperfusion injury .

  7. ~(80)Coγ线照射后狗骨髓组织损伤与再生的评价

    Evaluation of damage and regeneration of bone marrow after ~ 60co γ - ray radiation at various doses in dogs

  8. 软组织损伤,如脊髓损伤,韧带断裂最好的评价手段是MRI。

    The soft tissue lesions , such as cord injuries or ligament ruptures , are best displayed by MRI examination .

  9. 结论:在日常工作的扫描参数基础上,适当调整扫描范围与参数即可在短时间内获得准确反映肢体枪击伤后组织损伤情况的MR图像。

    Conclusion : Accurate images about the damage of limb gunshot wound can be yielded in a short time by adjusting the routine parameters and the scanning field properly .

  10. 细胞因子参与了AP的病理发展过程,并且是组织损伤的重要因素。

    Cytokines are involved in the pathological progression of acute pancreatitis and are important factors for tissue injury .

  11. 结果光镜下,SI组肺组织损伤程度轻于ALI组和LV组。

    Results Injury degree of lung tissues in SI group was lighter than those of ALI and LV groups under microscope .

  12. 结果59眼中,CT扫描有阳性改变47眼(797%)。其中眼眶骨折22眼,眶内软组织损伤16眼,眼球损伤16眼。

    Results There were positive CT results in 47 cases ( 79 7 % ), including 22 cases of orbital fracture , 16 cases of soft tissue injury , 16 cases of eyeball injury .

  13. 结论FDP可预防、治疗慢性心肌缺血坏死所致的缺血性脑组织损伤。

    Conclusions : FDP has a certain protective effect on brain tissue damage induced by isoproterenol .

  14. 急性肺损伤(acutelunginjury,ALI)是各种肺内外因素引起的急性弥漫性肺组织损伤,其主要特点是肺部过度炎症反应和肺血管通透性增加。

    Acute lung injury ( ALI ), the acute and diffuse injuries to lung tissues caused by various factors , is mainly characterized by inflammatory over-reaction and increased permeability of alveolar-capillary membranes .

  15. 光镜及电镜病理观察,PQ组较对照组肺组织损伤程度明显加重,AT组肺组织损伤程度减轻。

    The degree of lung tissue injury was severe in PQ group and relieved in AT group .

  16. 目前COX有两个亚型,即COX-1和COX-2,其中COX-2是一种诱导酶,在组织损伤、炎症等情况下表达增强。

    It has two isoforms , COX-1 and COX-2.COX-2 is a induced enzyme that is highly expressed in inflammation and tissue damage .

  17. 结果:(1)I/R组病理学观察可见较明显的肺损伤病理改变,而NAC组肺组织损伤程度较I/R组明显减轻。

    Results : ( 1 ) There were remarkable pathological manifestations of pulmonary injury in I / R group .

  18. 结论脑肿瘤手术后早期NSE浓度升高可能与手术对肿瘤周围正常脑组织损伤及手术后反应有关,其动态变化与脑组织的修复有关。

    CONCLUSION The increase of NSE early in post operation is related with the the injury and repair of normal brain tissue .

  19. rhIL-11对中子照射所致免疫组织损伤具有一定治疗作用。

    RhIL-11 has some therapeutic effect on immune tissue injury induced by neutron irradiation .

  20. 目的探讨1,6二磷酸果糖(FDP)对缺血性脑组织损伤的保护机制。

    Objective To explore the protective mechanism of fructose 1 , 6 diphosphate ( FDP ) on ischemic brain injury .

  21. 超声聚焦(HIFU)由换能器发射的超声波组成,该高强度聚焦超声波主要通过热效应及其他机理引起组织损伤。

    High_intensity focused ultrasound ( HIFU ) consists of focused ultrasound waves emitted from a transducer that are potential of inducing tissue damage .

  22. 结论TNFα显著诱导内皮细胞[Ca2+]i升高,可能是TNFα介导休克和组织损伤的重要机制之一。

    Conclusion TNF α markedly induces elevation of [ Ca 2 + ] I in single endothelial cell , it may be an important mechanism of TNF α - induced shock and tissue injury .

  23. 结论血清CK可作为评价全身软组织损伤严重程度的一项重要指标,对判断伤情及预后有重要意义。

    Conclusion Serum CK value has important significance for determining condition and prognosis of trauma because it can be regarded as an index to evaluate severity of soft tissue trauma .

  24. 结论脑出血患者血浆内NSE、S-100蛋白含量的变化可以反映脑组织损伤和脑组织水肿的情况;

    Conclusion The levels of NSE and S-100 protein may reflex the conditions of brain tissue damage and brain edema in patients with cerebral hemorrhage .

  25. Reye氏综合征引起肝、脑组织损伤机制的研究

    Mechanisms of liver and brain damnification in Reye 's syndrome

  26. 结论早期HBO治疗可通过升高保护性神经肽CGRP和降低β-EP机制,减少缺血脑组织损伤;

    Conclusion The findings demonstrate that early HBO therapy may reduce ischemia tissue damage by mechanism of increasing level of CGRP and decreasing level of β - EP .

  27. 目的:通过观察内毒素休克大鼠脑皮质中LPO含量、SOD活力和κBαmRNA表达及人参二醇组皂苷(PDS)对其的影响,探讨内毒素引起脑组织损伤的分子机制。

    Objective To explore the molecular mechanism of brain tissue injury induced by endotoxin through observation of LPO content , SOD activity , and ⅰκ B α mRNA expression of cortex in endotoxic shock rats .

  28. 结果23例桡骨远端骨折均同时存在腕部软组织损伤和TFC损伤。

    Results Distal radius fractures with injuries of the adjacent soft tissues and TFC were present in all 23 cases .

  29. CPB可导致早期中性粒细胞引爆及晚期中性粒细胞激活后功能失控,而使CPB术后病人早期发生由中性粒细胞介导的组织损伤,随后发生相应的炎症并发症。

    CPB may lead to leukocyte priming in early phase or late leukocyte dysfunction after activation , and leukocyte mediated tissue injury in early stage or late inflammatory complications correspondingly .

  30. 31例小儿IgA肾病报道结果表明:免疫球蛋白沉积类型与临床表现及组织损伤程度有一定关系。

    The results of the study on 31 cases of IgA nephropathy in children indicated that the clinical manifestation and the extent of histologic injuries are related to the immunoglobulin deposition types .