
lóng tou
  • halter;headstall
笼头 [lóng tóu]
  • [halter;headstall] 牲口用的通常带有可以系上绳索的鼻羁和脖套,用绳子或皮革做成

笼头[lóng tou]
  1. 马的挽具;包括马笼头、马嚼子可以让骑者或赶马的人控制。

    Headgear for a horse ; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control .

  2. 安放在马头周围,用来限制或引导动物的一种马具,包括笼头、马勒、缰绳。

    A harness , consisting of a headstall , bit , and reins , fitted about a horse 's head and used to restrain or guide the animal .

  3. 埃玛下了马,拉着马笼头。

    Emma dismounted and took her horse 's bridle .

  4. 她下了马,拉着马笼头。

    She dismounted and took the horse 's bridle .

  5. 格雷斯搬起一只没装满水的罐子,使劲把另一个罐子推到水笼头下面。

    Grace picks up a jug that 's partially filled , shoves another one under the tap .

  6. 第二部分详细讨论了一个用于控制电子笼头织带机的PC/104嵌入式Linux电控箱系统设计;

    Next , a PC / 104 embedded linux controller is discussed in detail , which is designed for electronic jacquard halter in ribbon loom .

  7. 绝对不要用笼头链来栓马。

    A horse should NEVER be tied with a chain .

  8. 笼头是马具的一部分。

    Bridle is one part of a horse 's harness .

  9. 我们的浴室里有一个滴水的笼头。

    We 've got a dripping tap in the bathroom .

  10. 把水笼头关掉&水在白白地浪费掉了。

    Turn the tap off the water is wasting .

  11. 把链子放在笼头鼻革的上方。

    Lay the chain over the top of the noseband of the halter .

  12. 波利给她喜爱的马装上马鞍和笼头。

    Polly saddled and bridled her favourite horse .

  13. 那头骡子仰着头,皮笼头上的红缨,像是秋雨里一朵艳红的鸡冠花。

    Leather halter on Hongying , such as in a rain of red cockscomb .

  14. 别忘了你的马鞍和马笼头。

    Don 't forget-font saddles and bridles !

  15. 换上长电极马笼头。

    Change to a long electrode bridle .

  16. 柄笼头菌属的一新变种

    A New Variety of the Genus Simblum

  17. 给马笼头打些硅脂。

    Fill in the bridle with silicone .

  18. 结合国内外同类产品特点和国内现有材料,研制出了国产可释放马笼头。

    The Releasable Wireline Cable Head was designed by combining the similar products'characteristics and existing materials .

  19. 本设计创新性地将传统马笼头与旋转短节合二为一。

    This design has innovatively taken as a whole the traditional bridle and the rotatable subs .

  20. 马挣脱了笼头。

    The horse slipped its bridle .

  21. 思嘉莉特将手放在马笼头上,心里怀着一种郁闷的感情。

    Scarlett stood with her hand on the horse 's bridle , a dull feeling at her heart .

  22. 无论你用哪种方法,在安装链子的时候用牵引索和笼头控制住马匹。

    To perform either , hold the horse with halter and lead rope while the chain is attached .

  23. 一些笼头链能够被永久的装在牵引索上,就像图中环绕着不同笼头链的那根。

    A chain can be permanently attached to the lead rope , as with the rope that encircles this group .

  24. 缝在笼头边上的一块皮革护眼片,它用来阻止马向两边看。

    A leather eye-patch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side .

  25. 他骑一匹强壮的花斑马,鬃毛和尾巴飘扬摇晃,马镫和马笼头都是镶银的。

    He rode upon a strong dappled horse with flowing mane and tail and his stirrups and bridle were inlaid with silver .

  26. 一个坏脾气的人永远训练不出好脾气的马。他带我进了我的圆栏,卸下了我的马鞍和笼头。

    A bad-tempered man will never make a good-tempered horse.He led me into my box and took off my saddle and bridle .

  27. 大部分的笼头链是能够分开使用的,这样的话,它们就能在需要的时候配合不同的牵引索使用。

    Most chains are designed to be used separately so they can be used when needed with a variety of lead ropes .

  28. 有人解下了我的笼头和轭具,另一个声音说:他死了,再也站不起来了。

    Someone loosened my bridle and collar , and another voice said , He 's dead , he 'll never get up again .

  29. 确保马笼头和马勒的使用不会对面颊造成压力以及任何方式引起痛苦。

    Make sure that the use of any halter or bridle is not causing pressure on cheeks or inducing pain in any way .

  30. 快速的把它扣在笼头一侧的颊环上,而不是位于喉部的笼头环。

    Fasten the snap to the near cheek ring on the side of the halter , not the halter ring at the throat of the halter .