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lǒng luò
  • draw over;co-opt;control;rope in;wind;twine;lead by the nose;win sb. over by any means;befriend sb. with an ulterior intention;envelop
笼络 [lǒng luò]
  • (1) [wind;twine]∶围绕;缠络

  • 树根笼络

  • (2) [draw over;lead by the nose;rope in;control]∶拉拢;控制

  • 笼络人

  • 不过笼络耳。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • (3) [envelop]∶包罗;统括

  • 笼络万品

笼络[lǒng luò]
  1. 而麒麟游戏的研发团队却笼络了行业内的精英。

    And the group of research and development of kylin game however draw over the elite inside the industry .

  2. 他又是握手,又是拍背,像个政客一样把一屋子的人都笼络了一番。

    He worked the room like a politician , gripping hands , and slapping backs .

  3. 被告笼络了陪审员。

    The defendant packed the jury .

  4. 他建立了新的管理团队,笼络了全球资深的业界人士,许多人曾任职于威瑞森(Verizon)和Orange等公司,在无线革命中发挥过关键作用。

    He put in a new management team of industry veterans from around the world , many of whom had played pivotal roles in the wireless revolution at companies such as Verizon ( VZ ) and orange .

  5. 她藉著玩具笼络她的小孩。

    She sweetened her child with the promise of a toy .

  6. 他想用花言巧语笼络我。

    He wanted to catch me in his springes of words .

  7. 他很会笼络人。

    He is very good at buying people 's support .

  8. 你也许得送些小东西来笼络她。

    You may have to coax her with little gifts .

  9. 别的女人能用她们头发笼络男人!

    Other women can snare men in their hair .

  10. 她一下子装出一副媚态,企图笼络在旁边观看的人。

    She turned on the charm and tried to win over the spectators .

  11. 女孩子们通常能够笼络她们的父亲。

    Girls can usually get round their fathers .

  12. 美国能否改变竞选活动财务规则,或将笼络民心的政治经费和不公平的划分选区的行为减至最低?

    Can the US change campaign finance rules or minimise pork barrelling and gerrymandering ?

  13. 我被优裕的生活所笼络。

    I was seduced by the good life .

  14. 这样的缺陷束缚了奥巴马以切实可信的言语笼络中国的能力。

    Such perceived deficiencies have hobbled his ability to cajole China with any real conviction .

  15. 而把中国更稳固地笼络在多边体系里,则符合全世界的利益。

    The world has an interest in tethering China more firmly to the multilateral system .

  16. 如果想要他批给我们合约,得要花点钱笼络。

    They 'll have to be sweetened if we want them to award us the contract .

  17. 于是党开始笼络知识分子、专业人士和企业家,为他们提供各种实惠和政治地位。

    It courted the intelligentsia , professionals and entrepreneurs , showering them with perks and political status .

  18. 他开始了对耶路撒冷圣殿(古代世界的奇迹之一)的重建,以此来笼络犹太人。

    He began the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple , one of the'Wonders of the Ancient World'to win over the Jews .

  19. 我看到出现了一批我既不能利用礼品、荣誉、官职,也不能用地位笼络的人。

    I see there is a people risen that I cannot win either with gifts , honors , offices , or places .

  20. 在小而同质的国家,应该会更少地为收买不满的少数民族,在一些笼络民心的项目上浪费钱财。

    Small , homogenous countries should also be less tempted to waste money on pork-barrel projects , designed to buy off discontented minorities .

  21. 自由意志是你最宝贵的财富,我们不是为了笼络做任何事情比你有什么其他的选择你。

    Freewill is your most valuable asset , and we come not to cajole you into doing anything other than what is your choice .

  22. 下一个是被殖民者的矛盾心理,它也与笼络,有复杂的关系。

    Then there is the ambivalence of the colonized , and that , too , has to be understood as a complex relation to co-optation .

  23. 由于冠军联赛的吸引,加之俱乐部实施的笼络球迷的活动,佛罗伦萨票务销售工作,收获增幅达到10%。

    Access to the Champions League and a campaign to get families back in the stadium have led to a10pct increase in sales for Fiorentina .

  24. 新闻集团深谙政治上偏保守的电视节目在美国的市场,凭借福克斯新闻笼络一批核心观众,创造了一个稳定的收入。

    News Corp was shrewd in understanding the market for conservative political TV in America : the core audience of Fox News creates a stable cashflow .

  25. 职场上很危险的局面,就是老板用理想笼络人,想让人不拿钱白干活。

    Dangerous workplace situation , the boss with a vision to win over people , want to let people do not spend money on white work .

  26. 我们已经成功地说服让欧盟研究经费只流向科研工作做得最好的地方,而不考虑地理或“笼络民心的政治拨款”压力。

    We have successfully argued for EU research money only to flow to where the best science is done , regardless of geography or pork barrel pressures .

  27. 乡镇中小型企业人才大量的流失使其急需加快高效的人才合作团队创建来笼络住人才。

    As to the the brain drain , It 's necessary for the enterprises of township to establish their highly efficient talents work teams to retain their talents .

  28. 清朝大张旗鼓地给明代崇祯帝、惠帝上尊谥及给大批明代臣民以专谥、通谥,是将谥法作为一种政治手段,笼络汉族地主阶级之心。

    The Qing dynasty applied it in a big way to the overthrown Ming emperors such as Emperor Chongzhen and Emperor Hui , who were given honorable titles .

  29. 孙权立国后,出于维护统治的需要,虽对江东大族施以笼络,但政治观念的冲突与斗争不断激化。

    After establishing the state , even though they ingratiate with them in order to maintain their ruling state , their conflict and struggle in political concepts become intense .

  30. 笔者认为,该政策是以战略利益为前提,以分而治之为目的,同时加之军事之威慑,政治之笼络,经济之牵制。

    The author considers that , with military menace , political advantages and economical limitation , the policies should be based on strategical benefit and aims at separate management .