
lǒng tǒng
  • general;vague;in general terms;sweeping;ambiguous;at large;indiscriminating;indistinct
笼统 [lǒng tǒng]
  • [at large;in general terms;indiscriminating;vague] 宽泛不具体;不明确;含混

  • 笼统地作出的安排

笼统[lǒng tǒng]
  1. 他的话说得很笼统。

    He spoke in very general terms .

  2. 一个笼统赞扬的例子是告诉孩子"你很聪明。"

    An example of general praise is telling a child , " You 're smart . "

  3. 这一证据过于笼统,不足以证明他的论点。

    The evidence is not detailed enough to sustain his argument .

  4. 他和往常一样,只作了笼统的评论。

    As usual , he confined his comments to generalities .

  5. 他回避了这个非常微妙的问题,只做了个笼统的表述。

    He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities .

  6. “消化不良”是个笼统的术语,可以指各种胃部不适。

    Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress .

  7. 我打算有意含糊笼统地使用这些词语。

    I intend to use these terms in a deliberately non-specific and all-embracing way .

  8. 由于其笼统性,不难料想这种定义会存在问题。

    That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising , given its level of generality .

  9. 报告的结论多半是笼统的概括。

    The report 's conclusion is full of sweeping generalizes .

  10. 这是一家不显眼的商店,招牌上笼统地称作服装店。

    It was an unassuming shop , registered under the vague name of drapery .

  11. 这么说未免太笼统了。

    That statement is rather too sweeping .

  12. 在这种情况下,人们有时笼统地称它们为核染色质。

    In this condition , they are sometimes referred to collectively as the chromatin of the nucleus .

  13. 上个月,《认知日报》报道说,家长和老师应该表达具体而非笼统的表扬。

    Last month , Cognitive Daily reported that parents and teachers should be specific rather than general when they offer praise .

  14. 世界贸易组织(WTO)《反倾销协议》对于反倾销税的计征规则非常笼统。

    The calculate-levy rules of Anti-dumping duty in WTO prescribed in Agreement Anti-dumping has an exceedingly broad frame .

  15. IMF撤消了对财政刺激的笼统呼吁,表示多数发达经济体需要应对公共部门债台高筑的问题。

    The IMF has abandoned its broad-brush calls for fiscal stimulus , saying most advanced economies need to address high public-sector debts .

  16. libor是一个笼统的术语,涵盖不同期限、不同货币的基准利率。

    LIBOR is the umbrella term for benchmark rates denominated in multiple currencies over various time periods .

  17. 笼统地说,我们已经通过ERStudio中生成了XML模式,并将对此模式基础上进行调整以定义消息负载(payload)。

    In a nutshell , we 've generated an XML Schema from ER Studio , and will tinker with that construct types that define the payloads for messages .

  18. 也就是说,前三个部分(Browser,ConnectorandProvider)只要在比较宏观的、笼统的层次上关心业务逻辑,从而其复用性能非常好。

    The former three parts of browser , connector and provider see the problem domain on a more macroscopic and general view , that facilitates the reusing of these modules greatly .

  19. “XML语法分析器”这个叫法太笼统,也许还不太确切,实际上它是一种比较旧的工具,用于检查XML文档是否符合句法以及其结构是否完好(但对于DTD无效)。

    The too generically and perhaps a bit wrongly named'XML Parser'is a somewhat older tool to check the syntacticality and well-formedness of an XML document ( but not to validate against a DTD ) .

  20. VP8预测方案有点奇怪,糟糕的是,在规范中没有涉及这个的英文的解释,只是笼统的C代码。

    The prediction scheme in VP8 is a bit odd & worse , the section of the spec covering this contains no English explanation , just confusingly-written C code .

  21. 传统的角色访问控制模型(RBAC)由于组成元素过于笼统并且其约束规则过于简单,在安全性上存在一定的缺陷。

    The traditional role based access control model ( RBAC ) can not avoid some security flaws , because the components and the constraints of the model are too simple .

  22. 文章针对目前对MIS应用软件的质量评价比较笼统的问题,从MIS系统应用软件开发和维护的规律和特点出发,论述了MIS应用软件的质量度量模型;

    Based on the rules and characteristics of the development and maintain of MIS system application software , The paper analyzes the quality measure model and definites the software characteristics and appraisal rules of MIS application software .

  23. 你并不总是需要找一些关于ESC研究具有巨大潜力或十分邪恶的笼统评论&不要试图把这个问题说成非黑即白。

    You do not always need to get general comments about either the massive potential or great evil of ESC research & try not to present the issue as black and white .

  24. 学前教师的PCK绝大多数都处于第二等级:笼统且有限地理解PCK的构成要素的水平。

    PCK of the preschool teachers can be ranked at the second level , that is , they can generally and limitedly understand the components of PCK .

  25. 得出主要发现如下:1.目前上海市四个教龄段的幼儿教师PCK整体上均处于笼统有限的水平。

    The main contributions are as follows : 1 . PCK of language areas of Shanghai early childhood teachers of four teaching stages is overwhelmingly in general and limited level .

  26. 一些批评家们觉得,Traub的可居住区太过笼统,还包括了被结冰的二氧化碳云层笼罩的行星。

    Some commenters felt that Traub 's ' habitable zones ' were too generous , it included planets shrouded in icy clouds of carbon dioxide .

  27. 每小时平滑指数和24h平滑指数趋势图克服了谷峰比时常与实际情况不符及全天平滑指数反映药物降压情况太笼统的缺点,更准确、具体地评价了抗高血压药物的疗效。

    Smoothness index of each hour and 24h smoothness index chart could overcome those shortcomings that trough-to-peak ratio was opposite to actual results sometimes and smoothness index of the whole day reflected the blood pressure descending state cursorily and appraise medication more exactly and more concretely .

  28. 但请务必理解,我们仅回答笼统的提问。

    But please understand that we can only answer general questions .

  29. 他们可以给你一个比我的笼统概括更清楚的印象。

    They will give you a better impression than my generalities .

  30. 俄语中语言的模糊性与表达上的笼统与含糊

    The Fuzziness and the Expressing Generality and Vagueness in Russian Language