
jiāng sheng
  • rein;jerk line;halter;bridle
缰绳 [jiāng shéng]
  • [halter] 牵马或其他牲畜用的绳子

缰绳[jiāng sheng]
  1. 他挣脱缰绳,向母驴直跑。

    Breaketh his rein , and to her straight goes he .

  2. 只要缰绳稍稍一拉,这匹马就有反应。

    The horse responds to the slightest pull on the rein .

  3. 马脖子上套过缰绳的地方皮都给磨掉了。

    The horse 's neck was rubbed raw where the rope had been .

  4. 她轻轻地拉着缰绳。

    She pulled gently on the reins .

  5. 格利克夫人勒住缰绳在十字路口停了下来。

    Mrs Glick reined in the horse and stopped at the crossroads .

  6. 艾伦抓住缰绳,小马开始慢跑起来。

    Alan took the reins and the small horse started trotting

  7. 牡马四蹄腾空跳起,想挣脱紧紧缚住它的缰绳。

    The stallion bucked as he fought against the reins holding him tightly in .

  8. 他帮她上马,之后挥动了缰绳。

    He helped her up before flicking the reins

  9. 马儿欢蹦乱跳,他不得不紧勒缰绳。

    His horse was feeling frisky , and he had to hold the reins tightly .

  10. 那几匹马觉得缰绳放松了,便都低下头去嚼那柔嫩的春草。

    The horses , feeling slack reins , stretched down their necks to crop the tender spring grass .

  11. 本文研究了九种新合成含吡啶氮杂缰绳醚~1H、~(13)cNMR谱。

    The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of 9 firstly synthesized lariat Ethers containing pyridine were recorded .

  12. 含吡啶氮杂缰绳醚的NMR研究

    NMR study of lariat ethers containing pyridine

  13. 即使性子最烈的野马也能驯得服从缰绳的指挥。

    Even the wildest horse can be broken to the rein .

  14. 他重新抓起缰绳,戴上帽子。

    He gathered the reins again and put on his hat .

  15. “那么缰绳有什么用处呢?”沙斯塔问道。

    " What are they for , then ?" asked Shasta .

  16. 缰绳轻轻一动,这匹马就有反应。

    The horse answers to the slightest pull on the rein .

  17. 只要缰绳轻轻一拉,马就做出反应。

    The horse answered to the slightest pull on the rein .

  18. 在他的缰绳上也有银铃。

    He has silver bells on the bridle of his horse .

  19. 骑马的人拉紧缰绳,马停住了。

    The rider pulled on the reins , and the horse stopped .

  20. 他轻轻一抖缰绳,马儿就起步了。

    He jogged the reins and the horse started up .

  21. 她抖了抖缰绳,马又继续往前走了。

    She flapped the reins and urged the horse forward .

  22. 无头骑士的缰绳可以在达拉然使用。

    The Horseman 's Reins should again function in Dalaran .

  23. 要想把马训得好,缰绳靴刺少不了。

    It is the bridle and spur that makes a good horse .

  24. 他把缰绳索一松,第二次向山下冲去。

    He loosened rein , and away they went a second time .

  25. 不要将松开的缰绳挂在马身上。

    Never leave a halter on a horse that is turned loose .

  26. 他笑笑,将手中的缰绳在马背上抖了抖。

    He laughed and slapped the reins against the horse 's back .

  27. 为马准备的简单的有连接点的嚼子;没有缰绳。

    A simple jointed bit for a horse ; without a curb .

  28. 我们最好放松缰绳任凭马奔跑。

    We 'd better give the horse a free rein .

  29. 他放下缰绳,猛地拉住车闸。

    He dropped the reins and heaved on the brake .

  30. 控制马头向左或向右的缰绳。

    A rein to direct the horse 's head left or right .
